Are all sulfate free shampoos color safe?


New Member
Hi ladies, not sure if this has been discussed yet but does anyone know if all sulfate free shampoos are considered color safe?

I purchased sebastian cellophane today and the store clerk told me that after I rinse it, I have to shampoo my hair with a color safe shampoo.

I really want to avoid purchasing yet another shampoo just because it says "color safe."

Hopefully some of you can help me. Thanks in advance!
I got the clear. I've never tried a color but last time my stylist used clear, my hair was so shiny and smooth.

:yep:the clear was on my list :lol:please post pics when you have done it i know its just clear but i still want to see:drunk:
I'm going to say no, just because the sulfate shampoo I'm using now is drying to my hair (unfortunately, it's one of the only shampoos my scalp loves so, I'm trying to make it work).
Loreal's Everpure Line is color safe. But then again, they have low sulfates I (sufracants).

All shampoos have surfactants. Sulfates are a type of surfactant. Soap is a surfactant. Just like an apple is a type of fruit. All apples are fruit but all fruits are not apples. The same is true for sulfates and surfactants. All sulfates are surfactants but all surfactants are not sulfates.
Bump! I'm about to color my hair jet black on Friday. I use either Dr. Bronner's Castile soap or Chagrin Valley shampoo bar.