Are all oils created equal?


New Member
Now, I know what the purpose of a oil is. To seal and protect against moisture loss. But I wonder if some oils are better for hair than others? Do some oils promote healthy hair?? I know some oils make our hair softer than others but are there some oils that we should avoid OR even run to?

Are there some oils that have properties that are helpful/beneficial to us preserving and protecting our hair? Or are they created equal?

All opinions and comments are welcome.
I read a study online that said coconut oil was the best at perserving hair protein. :yep: But I use amla and kemi or a mix of the two most of the time. They are the only two oils that have resulted in a noticable improvement in my hair.
sareca said:
I read a study online that said coconut oil was the best at perserving hair protein. :yep: But I use amla and kemi or a mix of the two most of the time. They are the only two oils that have resulted in a noticable improvement in my hair.
I notice that Kemi Oyl is the only oil that improves my hair, too. Ooh, I wish I knew the ingrdients in kemi oyl!!!:mad: I even bought some 100% pure jojoba oil, but it still didnt compare to my kemi oyl. So Im just gonna stick with it, because I looove how it makes my hair feel.
sareca said:
I read a study online that said coconut oil was the best at perserving hair protein. :yep: But I use amla and kemi or a mix of the two most of the time. They are the only two oils that have resulted in a noticable improvement in my hair.

That's very interesting and good to know. :yep:


Have I told you how wonderful your hair looks in your siggy? :up:
Unrefined hemp seed oil is hands down, the BEST oil I have evry used, for my face and my hair. It's dark green has a "green" and "earthy" kind of smell, very rich.
sareca said:
I read a study online that said coconut oil was the best at perserving hair protein. :yep: But I use amla and kemi or a mix of the two most of the time. They are the only two oils that have resulted in a noticable improvement in my hair.

And to think I just threw away a bottle of Kemi Oil. I have tons of coconut oil and I really lilke it for sealing! Glad to see you post saying your research said it was good also!
camellia said:
Unrefined hemp seed oil is hands down, the BEST oil I have evry used, for my face and my hair. It's dark green has a "green" and "earthy" kind of smell, very rich.

HoneyDew speaks highly of the Hemp Seed Oil also. I just couldnt find it to give it a try.
Castor oil make a noticeable difference in my hair. It makes it soft and shiny. I also agree that it depends on an individual's hair type
shunta said:
I notice that Kemi Oyl is the only oil that improves my hair, too. Ooh, I wish I knew the ingrdients in kemi oyl!!!:mad: I even bought some 100% pure jojoba oil, but it still didnt compare to my kemi oyl. So Im just gonna stick with it, because I looove how it makes my hair feel.

Yes!!! I am in love with Kemi Oyl. No other can compare except Keracare's oils and that's mostly for when I want lighter hair.

And thanks Supergirl. I'm just trying to be like you when I grow up;) !
sareca said:
I read a study online that said coconut oil was the best at perserving hair protein. :yep: But I use amla and kemi or a mix of the two most of the time. They are the only two oils that have resulted in a noticable improvement in my hair.

Do you use Dabur Amla??
I used it and didn't really care for it.
I have some coconut oil, but I can hardly use it because it dries hard and it makes it impossible for me to get it out of the bottle:confused: .

This is the one i got (above). Any suggestions?
MizaniMami said:
Do you use Dabur Amla??
I used it and didn't really care for it.
I have some coconut oil, but I can hardly use it because it dries hard and it makes it impossible for me to get it out of the bottle:confused: .

This is the one i got (above). Any suggestions?

Microwave for 30 seconds or leave it outside on a warm day for an hour.
Do you guys put oils on your scalps, as well?

I have been putting my emu oil on my scalp a few times a week so that Ican use it up, but I am not sure of the benefits this may have.
I read somewhere that Castor Oil thickens your hair. Does anyone use it and know if this is true?
HoneyDew said:
Do you guys put oils on your scalps, as well?

I have been putting my emu oil on my scalp a few times a week so that Ican use it up, but I am not sure of the benefits this may have.
No, I dont put it on my scalp. I just distribute it evenly throughout my hair.;)
Queenie said:
Microwave for 30 seconds or leave it outside on a warm day for an hour.


Honeydew, I don't put anything pn my scalp. When I was using a spray oil it happened to get on my scalp. Nothing good or bad happened. Then again I wasn't using it long enough to see.
Queenie said:
Microwave for 30 seconds or leave it outside on a warm day for an hour.


Honeydew, I don't put anything on my scalp. When I was using a spray oil it would get on my scalp. Didn't do anything helpful or hurtful. But then again I didn't use it long enough to tell!
MizaniMami said:
Do you use Dabur Amla??
I used it and didn't really care for it.
I have some coconut oil, but I can hardly use it because it dries hard and it makes it impossible for me to get it out of the bottle:confused: .

This is the one i got (above). Any suggestions?

Yep, I use Dabur. But my husband keeps singing that song "... give it to me, give me that sweet, that nasty, that funky stuff..." *rolls eyes* I can't remember who sings it, but he hates that song and the smell of Dabur. I don't mind it. But to keep peace in my house I'm switching to an unscented amla or I might try to make my own.
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sareca said:
Yep, I use Dabur. But my husband keeps singing that song "... give it to me, give me that sweet, that nasty, that funky stuff..." *rolls eyes* I can't remember who sings it, but he hates that song and the smell of Dabur. I don't mind it. But to keep peace in my house I'm switching to an unscented amla or I might try to make my own.

It's by JZ lmao! Your husband is a fool!:lachen:

I put some on SO's chin hair/beard a while back and the next morning he woke up like "(:confused: <--His face) I don't like the way that stuff you put on my chin smells" I was DYING!
MizaniMami said:
It's by JZ lmao! Your husband is a fool!:lachen:
:lol: I keep tellin' him that. To make it worse, he sings it all gangsta when we both know he's more like Carlton from Fresh Prince. :lachen:

MizaniMami said:
I put some on SO's chin hair/beard a while back and the next morning he woke up like "(:confused: <--His face) I don't like the way that stuff you put on my chin smells" I was DYING!

Brwahahahah! :lachen: No you didn't! I can totally imagine his face! It's one thing to know it... ahem.. smells different before you put it on and another to just have it up on you stankin'. Wait! I can't breathe, I can't breathe...:lachen::lachen:
I am loving castor oil right now. I have only been using for a week or so, but my hair is super soft and shiny with it. I also use a spray oil that lists coconut oil as the first ingredient. It gives me great shine, but it also leaves my hair a little bit greasy.
Yep, I use Dabur. But my husband keeps singing that song "... give it to me, give me that sweet, that nasty, that funky stuff..." *rolls eyes* I can't remember who sings it, but he hates that song and the smell of Dabur. I don't mind it. But to keep peace in my house I'm switching to an unscented amla or I might try to make my own.

:lachen::lachen:Rick James (RIP). Iuse Amla oil for the first time and my husband just could not stand it. I even used a while bottle of peppermint oil trying to hide the scent:nono: didn't work. So I off to find one that we both can tolerate:grin:.
My favorite oil for everyday use is vatika oil. I just found amla oil in my area yesterday and yes, it smells like the back end of a horse, but I used it as an overnight treatment anyway because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. OH.MY.GAWD. This stuff is amazing (sung like spongebob for extra emphasis). My hair felt so soft this morning. I will be using this as a weekly treatment from here on out.

Sooo, my fave oils are amla, vatika, kemi oyl (but I never let the kemi oyl touch my scalp), and jojoba. I've tried quite a few others and they're trash, or at least they make my hair feel like trash.
Sooo glad I opened this thread, thanks ladies. I luv amla,vatika and "Lite Drops" I think thats the name it smells like bubblegum.