April Fool's Club: Breakage/Shedding (Counter Attack)


Well-Known Member
I know it's not just me, but those of you that are in the April Fool Stretch, what are you doing to counter the breaking and shedding. My counter attack is combing every 2-3 days after a conditioned wash. I am not going to wash with shampoo only every 2 weeks to clarify. So, far so good. Tonight I used a protein conditioner (Suave) and extra virgin olive oil wait for 20 mins then washed out and styled. I was able to get the comb through my thick 4a/b hair. I had shedding for the past 2 days, but I wore my hair out. I realize that wearing my hair out past a certain point is not a good idea, if I am trying to grow. I will do that once I reach my bra-strap goal.
My breakage has been in check so far. My key is deep conditioning weekly (sometimes 2x per week) and bunning it up until the next wash. I did a protein treatment Saturday with Elasta BCS. I'm also finding out a lot about my products. Kenra MC and AO Honeysuckle Rose made my NG so soft. These two will be stretching staples.
I know exaaaaaaaaaaactly what you're going thru, hottopic:look: !!

Since February, I've been doing my CW every week and wearing my hair up in a bun. I try to avoid manipulation by keeping the bun in all week until it's time to CW. When I do redo my bun, I scoop out a lil concoction I made which is a mix of unrefined shea butter, vitamin E, Avocado oil, Monoi Oil and olive oil, and run that thru my hair before brushing it into a bun.

My hair is breaking, but not too crazy. I'm going to get my hair braided next week...and planning to keep that in for a month (trying to stretch til May, which is my 6 months post relaxer).
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Ewww. My hair is thanking me for this stretch...The best thing to do at this point is protective style....