April 24,25,26..what Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

Yesterday, I washed and steamed with one of my Naturelle Grow's dc. I then did my usual twist out and added a bit of monoi oil for shine. I think I may have used a wee bit too much b/c my hair is kinda greasy today and looks flatter. But for work, it kinda works, my hair is less voluminous and big. But damnnn, I'm going to the dentist later and getting my brows done... their chairs gonna be kinda greasy when I get up.
Its pay week so I'm thinking about getting my hair done. My scalp sure needs some loving. But I have an event to attend next weekend and I want my hair to look it's best so I may do a little something on my own this week. I'm thinking

-prepoo with Power to the Prepoo for an hour
-shampoo with my beloved (aka Bobeam Cocoa Rhassoul)
-mix up my dye for the back part of my hair and apply it with a little Stellar Strands mixed in
-DC the rest of my hair with ORS hair masque
-braid/twist with bekura honey latte and wear my half wig til next week

I want to cowash a bit this week too