Apparently I'm "kinda natural" (vent)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to vent to my mom so bad but she loves her stylist so I only complained about the shampoo girl at the salon. My mom loves her stylist who we will call... James. James' salon is a 30 min drive but my mom goes to him when she finds time. She absolutely raves about him and has been trying to get me to see him for about a year now. I finally went today for 2 reasons: 1) she scheduled an 7am appointment so we wouldn't be in there all day 2) I wanted to make her happy that I at least "tried him."

But overall this was my worst salon experience.

I only went for a shampoo and style. While at the shampoo bowl he complimented my hair's condition and asked if I was going natural. I said no, I'm texlaxed. He said "ohhh" and continued to wash my hair. While washing my hair he gave me a shower! and even got shampoo and water on my face! Of course he apologized and dried my face but it was not a splash of water. it was like getting wiped out by a wave in the ocean. :ohwell: When he finished he put conditioner in my hair and combed my hair starting at the roots... I cringed. Then he put the plastic cap on my head and put me under the dryer to deep condition. after 5 minutes I realized half of my hair wasn't even under in the plastic cap and it's not like I have a lot of hair... So I tucked my hair in the cap and watched him shampoo THREE OTHER WOMEN-not including my mom.

After DCing for 45 minutes the shampoo girl called me over and washed the DC out. She asked if I was natural too-- I honestly don't understand how texlaxed can be confused with being natural but anyways... When she finished she combed my hair. She was SO ROUGH with that comb. and ALSO combed my hair starting at my roots. My poor curls :nono: then she mumbled that I need to sit under the dryer for 5 minutes... I had to turn on my own dryer which I thought was unprofessional.

When I finally sat in James chair he took me back to the shampoo bowl and shampooed my hair AGAIN! I asked what's wrong and he said there was still product in my hair, I'm guessing the shampoo girl did a bad job. And I am almost POSITIVE this man did not use conditioner after shampooing. he sent me back to his chair and started blow drying... no heat protectant, no nothing. I looked on his desk area to see if there was any I could ask him to use and there was nothing! One of his clients complimented how pretty and thick my hair is... James' response was, "yeah, she's kinda natural." :rolleyes: Although the blow dryer was way too hot, this man got my hair silky, smooth and straight. No wonder my mom likes him. But I will NEVER EVER step foot in that salon again. It took him 2 1/2 hours to finish me and my mom was done 1 1/2 after me... We were there from 7am until 11am!

My mom is going to yell at me in a bit, because after I post this I am putting leave-in conditioner in my hair. Then putting my hair up in a bun. :yep:

My poor hair has suffered too much today. :sad:
sorry that you had that experience...:( but glad you're hair survived!

one of my pet peeves is being in a salon all day. i refuse. i think it's so unprofessional! and, i'll leave the other million things wrong with this experience alone.
Oh gosh... I cringed when reading this
Do you think you got all that abuse just because your hair was texlaxed (or natural, as they thought)? My God that's horrible.

I stopped going to salons months ago, but if there ever is a next time for you (I hope not!) I think you should bring your own conditioner, your own brush to detangle, and please don't let them intimidate you.

BTW, regardless of whether your mom gets mad or not I would also deep condition and slap on a bun the second I got home
Sounds like my experience with the dominicans .. except they shampooed me like .. 4 extra times.:wallbash:

They may not have known what texlaxed meant, and just saw the curls and kept assuming it was just a specific natural or something :lachen:

Sorry this happened!
OH hell no, that's why I only let the one person who's been doing my hair for...six years now I think touch me. Other people are too rough and don't know what they're doing
Oh gosh... I cringed when reading this
Do you think you got all that abuse just because your hair was texlaxed (or natural, as they thought)? My God that's horrible.

Good point. They must not be used to anything that is not relaxer straight. I do see a stylist but only for touch ups, trims & sew-ins. I never realized how gentle she is with my hair until today. My stylist treats my hair like it's silk compared to James.
Wow, that was a bad experience, but I'm glad you and your hair survived it!

I'm also texlaxed, and I had to laugh at "kinda natural." :lachen:
When non-hairboard-people ask about my underprocessed hair, they don't understand "texlaxed," and some have trouble with "texturized," so I may have to use this new term next time. :lachen:
awww...poor'll get better...treat your hair to a new product to make up for the abuse....
See this is why a lot of of are in PJ recovery now lool...including me :giggle: Girl I'm sorry that you didn't liek the stylist. Most stylists just don't knw howt o handle our hair. They handle it soooo roughly. That's why a stylist will not style my's been over a year since such!
I'm so sorry this happened. Every time I go to a salon, I'm disappointed. So this just happened today? I'm so sorry.
Are you more ticked off that he said you were "kinda natural" or the fact that he was rough with your hair?

I guess I'm not quite understanding your vent about the "kinda natural :rolleyes:" You put it in your title, so obviously it really bothered you. But I think the other stuff that was done to your hair was a bigger deal than the "kinda natural" statement, IMO.

I do understand your dislike for the way he treated your hair, and it sucks that you went through that. Next time, maybe you could bring your own heat protectant just in case and have the stylist use it if they don't have any :yep:.
Are you more ticked off that he said you were "kinda natural" or the fact that he was rough with your hair?

I guess I'm not quite understanding your vent about the "kinda natural :rolleyes:" You put it in your title, so obviously it really bothered you. But I think the other stuff that was done to your hair was a bigger deal than the "kinda natural" statement, IMO.

No, I agree with you. The way my hair was handle bothered me much more. I have just never met a stylist who referred to texlaxed as a form of natural. I ignored the statement. I think that shows he is uneducated as a stylist, especially since he does not have heat protectant at his booth. Looking back, I wished I had asked him "do you have a heat protectant you can put on my hair before blow drying and flat ironing?" If there is a next time... which there will mostly NOT be, I will ask whether or not I see it.
My opinion may be unpopular but, I think you should have spoken up in the salon about how they were treating your hair (ex. rough treatment, no conditioner, no heat protectant, etc.). I agree that the next time you shampoo your hair you should definitely pamper it, and I'm sorry you got bad salon treatment. But I think you would look ungrateful to your mom by washing it out now.

You seemed as though you liked how it came out. You didn't get it cut or get any chemicals put in it so it doesn't sound like anything happened that messed your hair up. I would personally at least wear the style for a few days (of course adding a little moisture and oil to keep it in good condition).
My opinion may be unpopular but, I think you should have spoken up in the salon about how they were treating your hair (ex. rough treatment, no conditioner, no heat protectant, etc.). I agree that the next time you shampoo your hair you should definitely pamper it, and I'm sorry you got bad salon treatment. But I think you would look ungrateful to your mom by washing it out now.

You seemed as though you liked how it came out. You didn't get it cut or get any chemicals put in it so it doesn't sound like anything happened that messed your hair up. I would personally at least wear the style for a few days (of course adding a little moisture and oil to keep it in good condition).

Thanks for saying this. But no I did not wash it out. I just added some leave in conditioner and a little moisturizer and put it in a bun. I'll wear my hair down tomorrow to show off how silky it is and pretend all the mishaps did not happen.
I wanted to vent to my mom so bad but she loves her stylist so I only complained about the shampoo girl at the salon. My mom loves her stylist who we will call... James. James' salon is a 30 min drive but my mom goes to him when she finds time. She absolutely raves about him and has been trying to get me to see him for about a year now. I finally went today for 2 reasons: 1) she scheduled an 7am appointment so we wouldn't be in there all day 2) I wanted to make her happy that I at least "tried him."

But overall this was my worst salon experience.

I only went for a shampoo and style. While at the shampoo bowl he complimented my hair's condition and asked if I was going natural. I said no, I'm texlaxed. He said "ohhh" and continued to wash my hair. While washing my hair he gave me a shower! and even got shampoo and water on my face! Of course he apologized and dried my face but it was not a splash of water. it was like getting wiped out by a wave in the ocean. :ohwell: When he finished he put conditioner in my hair and combed my hair starting at the roots... I cringed. Then he put the plastic cap on my head and put me under the dryer to deep condition. after 5 minutes I realized half of my hair wasn't even under in the plastic cap and it's not like I have a lot of hair... So I tucked my hair in the cap and watched him shampoo THREE OTHER WOMEN-not including my mom.

After DCing for 45 minutes the shampoo girl called me over and washed the DC out. She asked if I was natural too-- I honestly don't understand how texlaxed can be confused with being natural but anyways... When she finished she combed my hair. She was SO ROUGH with that comb. and ALSO combed my hair starting at my roots. My poor curls :nono: then she mumbled that I need to sit under the dryer for 5 minutes... I had to turn on my own dryer which I thought was unprofessional.

When I finally sat in James chair he took me back to the shampoo bowl and shampooed my hair AGAIN! I asked what's wrong and he said there was still product in my hair, I'm guessing the shampoo girl did a bad job. And I am almost POSITIVE this man did not use conditioner after shampooing. he sent me back to his chair and started blow drying... no heat protectant, no nothing. I looked on his desk area to see if there was any I could ask him to use and there was nothing! One of his clients complimented how pretty and thick my hair is... James' response was, "yeah, she's kinda natural." :rolleyes: Although the blow dryer was way too hot, this man got my hair silky, smooth and straight. No wonder my mom likes him. But I will NEVER EVER step foot in that salon again. It took him 2 1/2 hours to finish me and my mom was done 1 1/2 after me... We were there from 7am until 11am!

My mom is going to yell at me in a bit, because after I post this I am putting leave-in conditioner in my hair. Then putting my hair up in a bun. :yep:

My poor hair has suffered too much today. :sad:

wow, i'm so sorry to hear all of this. this almost exactly happened to me about 6 weeks ago at a hair stylist in my home country that i used to go by before i moved abroad. half of my top at the back was soaked and she scraped and grated my scalp when shampooing. blow dried my hair with some foam product in it and fried it. then passed a flat iron over it.

i went home and dc'd my hair and thru it back in a bun :perplexed. i was sooooooo upset.

...but my hair has survived thus far and so shall yours too. these are experiences that happen.. :yep: