APHOGEE HAIR DISASTER (long but pls listen)


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I had a very serious hair disaster yesterday when using the Aphogee product line. Please take a moment to listen so you can give some advice so I can get this hair back on track, thank you...

I did a hot oil pre- treatment, used the Aphogee shampoo in my 6 plaited sections, applied the Aphogee treatment as directed, went under the dryer till it was hard, no manipulation, rinsed very well and then applied their balancing moisturiser, rinsed and then applied Arosci leave in.

I began to detnagle with the big tooth comb, it usually takes 5 mins max but this time there was one section where the comb would squeak and would not go through
. So i thought, ok, maybe another rinse will do the trick. That didnt work so I decided, well it must need more moiture, I applied Motions Moisture Plus for about 20 mins with a cap and a towel, rinsed and tried to detangle again, but my hair at the roots was matted together everywhere
. Ok, so I thought it must be the Arosci, not good for detangling, Motions Leave in ALWAYS works, still nothing

In the end I had to get out the blowdyer
which I havent used in about 1 year and definately dont miss. It was the only way I could think of to separate the matting. It took about 2 hours to get through all the matted sections and resultsd in loads of broken hairs and little knots
. It was mega dry and just looked abused with broken hairs sticking up

I applied some kemi oil and then saturated it jojoba oil and did two large cainrows which Im not touching for 2 weeks and am going to spray with Fantasia PM Treatment everyday.

My main problem is that I am due to relax next week (10 weeks) but was sckeptical because of what my hair had been through yesterday. When ever I relax I normally rollerset which involves using the thin tooth comb which I dont think my hair can handle right now. However if I wait till 12 weeks, my 4a/b new growth will be uncontrollable so it will probably do more harm than good when it comes to washing and separting it to put the relaxer in.

I think I will relax in the next two weeks but airdry instead and have these two cainrows for a while until my hair becomes a bit healthier.

Thank you for listening, hardcore protein is just not for me, please let me know if you feel that the steps I have decided are beneficial, god bless.
i think you would of had better luck if you detangled with a wide tooth comb while the deep coditioners were still in your hair
That doesnt work for me, my hair has been matted before in the past and once that happens, no amount of conditioner and combing it through works.
I'm sorry this happened to you lonei. Please don't freak out, you will get it under control. Be patient. I don't really know what to suggest other then rinsing again and not using anything containing protein right now.
Lonei...I'm really sorry to hear this.
I really dislike the Aphoghee line for this reason. It just works TOO well, IMO. Over the next few weeks the thing to do is douse the hair with moisture again....until the hair softens up. Do it. You'll see...it wors.

I wouldn't give up on hardcore protein so quickly either. Have you tried Nexxus Emergencee? Elasta QP Breakage Control? Aphoghee is a "special" product. It sucks.
Try using something that's easier to use and apply.
I am also sorry this happened to you. ITA with Tracy, Aphoghee is a "special" product and I only use it in dire emergencies, that may occur once a year. I haven't used it in a couple of years.

Did you say that you used it while your hair was braided? I think I missed that part. If you have some Creme of Nature poo, try that. I know it's a poo, but it's really good at softening hair, then follow with a super moisturizing conditioner, like kera care's Humecto.
Thank you ladies.

Tracy, I think I will use a lot of moisture for now
Kitchen tician, I took out the braids before i applied the treatment.
Lonei, I found that the aphogee re-moisturinzing conditioner that they recommended after the treatment is woefully inadequate for my hair -- it is too watery and definitely NOT moisuturizing enough -- I never use it but rather follow the treatment with somthing thicker -- my beloved humectress with plastic cap for at least 30 minutes. How long did you leave the moisturizing conditioner on?

So sorry for the bad experience but sounds like your plan to leave hair alone in braids is the best solution before relaxing . . . .

BTW, I haven't used aphogee in years, I just stick to nexxus emergencee whenever I do hardcore protein because it is far far superior and well worth the extra cost -- it doesn't dry as hard as aphogee and somehow just leaves hair super silky without the "dryness". I always follow emergencee with humectress for 30 minutes as well . . .
I agree with Neroli about their bal mois not being moisturizing enuf.
When i use the aphogee, i make sure i mix the balancing moisturizer AND my keracare humecto 2gether. Sometimes i add my hollywood beauty olive oil cholesterol (b/c i love the scent and shine it gives

The one time i didn't do this was the last time, i HEARD every strand squeak and my hair felt like straw. I was so angry at myself.
I would also wash w/ CON or KeraCare hydrating shampoo. Follow w/ a deep conditioner.
I use Aphogeee, too, but it's rare. I've switched to Affirm 5 in 1, which is a strong protein on my hair. But I don't have the problems with matting or tangling with Affirm that I had w/ Aphogee.
I'm so sorry this happened Lonei
. I think your plan to remain in the cainrows is most wise, just make sure to keep them hydrated. If waiting and risking unmanagable new growth will cause more harm than good, I'd go ahead and touch-up. I agree w/all the advice given
(esp w/the use of Emergencee
). It'll all be better soon, your hair is healthy, so it can successfully manage a little mishap. You'll be back before you know it.
Lonlei, I feel your pain, girl *hugs*
I had a similar incident when I took my kinky twist out. I had small matted knots at the beginning of every single kinky twist. I couldn't find anything to detangle it which caused almost two handfulls of breakage. I'm defintely no professional, I'm only trying to suggest something that might help -- from my own experiences. After my hair had experienced so much damage and breakage I should have let it REST before proceeding to another prolonged hair style. The problem was, we had a family reunion to go to the next day and I HAD to get it done. I wish I had a wig
Anyway, I got a sew-in with curly weave which my scalp was too tender for because of the incident. I left the sew-in in for a month and had barely any new growth (which is rare for me) when I took it out. I really suggest you give your hair a break before you proceed with chemicals. If dealing with your new growth is the only thing keeping you from letting it rest, try this post. It's the lime and coconut recipe for making your new growth manageable and soft so stretching will be a lot easier. I think letting your hair recuperate and following up with a deep moisturizing conditioner in about a week or two might help it get back on track. As far as the protein, I'm really not crazy about it, especially since I'm transitioning. However, relaxed hair might need it more than natural hair. If you want something that'll strenghten your locs, try natural alternatives like Nuetral Henna (that doesn't color the hair) and Lotus Powder Plus. Again, I'm not trying to give you any professional type information by any means
You know your hair best
God Bless and I'll be praying for you!

Oh yeah, you might wanna do strand test before you try out a new product. This has saved me a lot of unneeded hair set backs
I’m sorry about your Aphogee experience. When I use this product I rinse for a very long time to make sure it’s all rinsed out. I skip the balancing moisturizer because it really didn’t do anything for me at all and always grab the humecto and let that marinate for 30 minutes. Works like a charm.

Maybe you can try Emergencee next time?

Question for others: Has anyone every used a strong protein treatment on just the ends of their hair (the last couple of inches on down)? I was thinking that since the ends are the oldest it may need more protein than the rest of the length??
Lonei, I am so sorry this happened to you. I am sure with some TLC, your hair will bounce back. I did my first aphogee last sunday and realized that it is not for me for some of the reasons you cited, minus the matting issue. My hiar was dry and squeaky and breaking MORE after using it and I followed up with a moisturizer! I was truly stomped. I just chalked it up to my not having skills, but I think it is more of the case that the product is not suited for me. It is clearly hard core stuff! On to emergencee for me! Good luck and don't fret. You've been given some great advice!
I add my condolences too Lonei . I also had simililar results with Aphogee and thought that it was me but have realized that Aphogee is a "special" product not for me

ITA with the others about the follow up moisturizing treatment of theirs as well. It definitely wasn't moisturizing enough. I should of stuck with my Sebastian Penetrait. That is also a very good protien treatment. One of the ways I combated the dryness after the Aphogee mishap was to use Lekair Cholesterol Strengthening and Conditioning Crème for 40-60 minutes or something similar like KeraCare Humecto Crème Conditioner, and wear a plastic cap and towel over the hair. This will neutralize the heavy protein treatment and add balance moisture back into the hair.
I'm sorry to hear about this too

I don't really know when you should relax, but I agree that you should really focus right now on moisturizing the hair (via CO washes) and just be very gentle. Good idea to put your hair up for a couple weeks and just let it be.

For future referenene, though, here are a couple things re protein treatments:
1. Consistently using a mild/moderate protein is much easier and effective that using the hardcore ones once in a while. It's also less dangerous because they don't make you hair as hard (although you should still follow with a moisturizing conditioner). My favorite is Aubrey's Organics GPB, and I use it about once a month.

2. If you do use a hardcore protein, make sure that you only use it rarely (or as needed), like maybe once every 6-8 weeks. You also may want to consider using ones that don't make your hair so hard. The only hardcore protein I've used is Dudley's DRC and it works like a charm

3. Before you apply any protein, you should make sure that your hair is thoroughly detangled.
After I shampoo (first with a clarifier, then with a more moisturizing one), I take the time to detangle my hair (sometimes with the help of a detangler like Rusk Invisible). Only after my hair is detangled do I apply the protein. Otherwise, protein (which makes the hair hard) will just make the knots of your hard and therefore MUCH more difficult to detangle. This is especially true for naturals, but it's probably true for relaxed heads with lots of new growth too.

HTH - good luck, girl
Thank you ladies so much for all your support and advice. God bless you all. Its happened now so I kinda have the mentality that you shouldnt cry over spilt milk, I will just be working very hard in future, hairs a growing organ, it will grow back...
Im sorry this happend to you. All these ladies have given you great advice. I was just about to use Aphogee as well and Im so glad I read this first.
I'm sorry that this happened. I think everyone should take this as a coution when using appoghee and emergencee. those products can help alot when used correctly but it only takes a little to make them do more damage. I know that a lot think that they have damaged hair but sometimes it is not damage it is just dry and a deep conditioner may help. those app and emerg. are not for weekely or even biweekly use. once a month and that depends on how damaged your hair is. Read the bottle I know that emerg. says for depretly damaged hair. It does not tell you that it needs to be followed up with a moisturizing conditioner because it is a professional product and they want you to have to use a pro. Sooo with all that said ladies use the heavy duty products with caution.

I think you should just this time go to a professional that you trust or know someone who uses them and tell them EVERYTHING that you have been doing to your hair so they know what to do to help and prevent more damage but please don't go to the dominacan salon for this one. You need someone who is going to undersatnd EVERYTHING that you say. Good luck sweetie and keep us posted.
I think that youshould have deep conditioned with a really moisturizing deep conditioner after... the balancing moisturizer and a leave in isn't enough.
The few times I have used Aphogee I hve followed it with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Conditioner, Humucto or Elasta QP Intense Conditioner. I never use Aphogee's recommended condtioner, not moisturizing enough for me. In the next couple days drench your hair with moisture, especially your ends and you will be back on track in no time.
i feel your pain. i had a similar experience where my hair was so knotted and tangled i had to comb it through in knots.
Hmmm.... well the next time why don't you start using Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor. It is much lighter and gives immediate results!!
I don't know, but it sounds to me like you need to clarify. Try a clarifying shampoo/ conditioner or do an ACV rinse. That is how my hair acts when it's time to clarify.

God bless
Redpoetess1 said:
Hmmm.... well the next time why don't you start using Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor. It is much lighter and gives immediate results!!

[/ QUOTE ]

And it smells like coconuts *yummy*.

But I am sorry about your experience. I speed up my drying time with a blowdryer and I don't let it dry completely, and I still have to mega moisturize afterwards. Since I've bought the product I've used it for times in 9 months. I am really scared of that stuff pulling my hair out. You have to be soooo careful using that stuff.

Your hair probably hates "pee pee Aphogee" and might need a tamer protein reconstructor. I hope that your retouch goes well.
Gaea said:
I think that youshould have deep conditioned with a really moisturizing deep conditioner after... the balancing moisturizer and a leave in isn't enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

I allways re wash my hair one more time with a moisturizer shampoo before I use a good deep moisturizer conditioner for ca. 20 minutes.

OMG!! Thank you for sharing I will never buy Aphogee ever.

I would use some Aveda Dry remedy in the dark bleu bottles that has been working and I've been using Brilliant shine mixed with Aubrey Organics Honey suckle rose as leave in. And that has brought moisture into my hair.

Do not re touch, let your hair recover, be patient--

Hi ladies, I had a very serious hair disaster yesterday when using the Aphogee product line. Please take a moment to listen so you can give some advice so I can get this hair back on track, thank you...

I did a hot oil pre- treatment, used the Aphogee shampoo in my 6 plaited sections, applied the Aphogee treatment as directed, went under the dryer till it was hard, no manipulation, rinsed very well and then applied their balancing moisturiser, rinsed and then applied Arosci leave in.

I began to detnagle with the big tooth comb, it usually takes 5 mins max but this time there was one section where the comb would squeak and would not go through
. So i thought, ok, maybe another rinse will do the trick. That didnt work so I decided, well it must need more moiture, I applied Motions Moisture Plus for about 20 mins with a cap and a towel, rinsed and tried to detangle again, but my hair at the roots was matted together everywhere
. Ok, so I thought it must be the Arosci, not good for detangling, Motions Leave in ALWAYS works, still nothing

In the end I had to get out the blowdyer
which I havent used in about 1 year and definately dont miss. It was the only way I could think of to separate the matting. It took about 2 hours to get through all the matted sections and resultsd in loads of broken hairs and little knots
. It was mega dry and just looked abused with broken hairs sticking up

I applied some kemi oil and then saturated it jojoba oil and did two large cainrows which Im not touching for 2 weeks and am going to spray with Fantasia PM Treatment everyday.

My main problem is that I am due to relax next week (10 weeks) but was sckeptical because of what my hair had been through yesterday. When ever I relax I normally rollerset which involves using the thin tooth comb which I dont think my hair can handle right now. However if I wait till 12 weeks, my 4a/b new growth will be uncontrollable so it will probably do more harm than good when it comes to washing and separting it to put the relaxer in.

I think I will relax in the next two weeks but airdry instead and have these two cainrows for a while until my hair becomes a bit healthier.

Thank you for listening, hardcore protein is just not for me, please let me know if you feel that the steps I have decided are beneficial, god bless.
I also used the 2-step treatment but the difference is that I do not go under the dryer during the first step, the product gets hard by itself normally and then I rinse successfully....
My hait is way shorter than you though so it's easier to detangle ;-)