Aphogee broke my hair

I have found that the Aphogee moisturizer was useless. I usually whip up my own mositurizer (ORS replenishing plus some EO's and a little castor oil and honey) and my hair feels like BUTTA BABY!

Make your own decision about what's best, but if you should decide to use Aphogee again, try a more moisturizing follow up and DEEEEEEEEEEP condition with heat for quite a while or overnight without heat.

Aphogee cured my breakage issues.
The conditioner recc. by them is crap! It will never moisturize your hair I don't care how much you slather it on. Kenra, Keracare are better choices.
I used to have this problem as well, before I found this site. When I do Aphogee hard core, after rinsing it out I actually shampoo my hair wih a moisturizing shampoo and follow up with Kenra MC for no less than an hour. Like everyone else said the Aphogee moisturizer is total crap. I would just focus on moisture, moisture for the next week or two and your hair should be just fine.:yep:
if you don't rinse the hell out of that stuff and THEN follow with a moisturizing condsih for an hour U WILL get breakage
Back with my personal experience.

I prepooed my hair with conditioner, then chelated my hair, and then used the Curlaway for about 24 hours (which is drying).

After rinsing it, I Aphogeed for about an hour... letting it air dry... then rinsing it thouroughly.

I coated my hair with VS So Sexy Nourishing AND Pantene Breakage Defense... left it in for about 18 hours ( I had to work and I was lazy)... and rinsed it out yesterday evening and covered my hair with Profectiv breakFree.

Other times I would have thought I over moisturized... but my hair is very moist and supple, and I'll straighten it today.

I immediately had NO breakage. I usually get tiny little curly Q pieces in the shower, but I didn't even have THAT.

I think you should retry it... along those similar lines and see what happens (minus the heavy processing times).
You know, I never get breakage from this protein treatment from the devil. My hair just loses its softness. I like my hair to feel a certain way and this product takes that away.

I remember getting PISSED at a stylist once that insisted that I needed this treatment. For weeks after I left her shop my hair felt harder. I thought she had done something and NEVER went back to her again. I did not realize it was the Aphogee.

Then I came to this site and everyone made it seem like this was the best treatment for hair. I used it - again the hardness. Still I was too absent minded to put two and two together. It took several uses to realize that this stuff just is not the answer for everyone. Yes - I deep condition afterwards. Yes - I moisturize. Heck I am a chronic over-moisturizer most of the time. This product simply is not for every hair situation and I think some of us have to find other options for protein treatments - milder ones.
You know, I never get breakage from this protein treatment from the devil. My hair just loses its softness. I like my hair to feel a certain way and this product takes that away.

I remember getting PISSED at a stylist once that insisted that I needed this treatment. For weeks after I left her shop my hair felt harder. I thought she had done something and NEVER went back to her again. I did not realize it was the Aphogee.

Then I came to this site and everyone made it seem like this was the best treatment for hair. I used it - again the hardness. Still I was too absent minded to put two and two together. It took several uses to realize that this stuff just is not the answer for everyone. Yes - I deep condition afterwards. Yes - I moisturize. Heck I am a chronic over-moisturizer most of the time. This product simply is not for every hair situation and I think some of us have to find other options for protein treatments - milder ones.

I so agree with the bolded....a lot people use Aphogee when it is not needed because they don't know the difference between moisture and protein balance.....Also Aphogee treatments should only be used for extreme damage...
This one protein treatment raved about on the board that I will never use.
I heard to many horible hair stories about Aphogee causing major breakage and people have to cut their hair because of the damage.
I will never stray from Dudley DRC 28,EXPENSIVE but worth every penny and no hard hair.
My hair likes Aphogee protein treatment... not the smell though:nono:!

I just rinsed it out thoroughly after it hardened under the dryer and I use a very moisturizing conditioner afterwards and that did the trick for me.
I will never forget when I was in college and I did a bad dye job :wallbash: and the stylist suggested that I use Aphogee. It made my hair so darn hard that no matter how much moisture was applied it still felt hard and brittle :nono:. I never used that stuff again, I now use Motions CPR when I need to do a protein treatment, it is a milder form of protein.
My hair loves, loves, loves Aphogee, both hard and soft treatments. Maybe because my hair is texlaxed with lye. There was a really great thread here once about the differences, summing it up to say lye heads need more protein and no-lye heads need more moisture than protein. I would be interested in finding out if anyone with lye relaxed hair has a problem using Aphogee?
My hair loves, loves, loves Aphogee, both hard and soft treatments. Maybe because my hair is texlaxed with lye. There was a really great thread here once about the differences, summing it up to say lye heads need more protein and no-lye heads need more moisture than protein. I would be interested in finding out if anyone with lye relaxed hair has a problem using Aphogee?

Silk Elements Lye. Once I conquered my fear of the 2 step Aphogee I began using it three to four days after every touchup. I use the Aphogee Rebalancing Moisturizer afterward for a few short minutes then use at least three deep moisturizers, sometimes mixed together-{any thick cholesterol type,ELASTA QP-11,CAPILLO MILK/HONEY},sometimes one after the other. APHOGEE day can last hours. Rinse time is serious.
I know I'm late with this but I guess I'm one of few that loves Aphogee. It definetely stops my hair from breaking. I agree with the other satisfied users. The Balancing Moisturizer is not enough. After rinsing, I deep condition. If I'm under the dryer, I'll keep it in for 1 to 2 hours. Sometimes, I DC overnight and rinse in the morning.
Apoghee can be a little rough. I've got to rinse for 10 minutes straight to get good results. However, lately, I only put a tablespoon in my mane and tail DC when I do a protein treatment.
Can anyone recommend milder protein treatments.

I texlaxed with affirm lye after a 12 month transition attempt at the beg of the month, reconstructed and DCed w/ Humecto and Silicon mix.

I noticed breakage so I did a 10 min treatment of the Dom Emergencia and then DC'd. On top of that, I'd use leaveins with protein etc b/c I continued to see the breakage(I'm a newbie doing WAY too much with all this info)

Anyways, have since learned that it's protein overload and my hair STILL isn't totally back to normal though Ive been told it sometimes takes a few weeks. It's getting there though.

I'm assuming that even though I'm texlaxed...my hair just doesn't need that much protein...oddly enough though like 8 months into my stretch I did a protein treatment w/ the Emergencia and it worked great.

W/ all tha being said, can anyone suggest milder protein options that I can use more often...I just don't want to end up protein deficient at some point b/c I'm scared of it now after this breakage fiasco.

I'm trying to make APL...can't afford NO MO' setbacks!!