Aphogee 2 Minute Question


Well-Known Member
Did you guys see the results of Aphogee 2 min over time or immediately? My very fine hair loves the 2 min but I still get a very small amount of combing breakage. I am afraid of the 2 step but would like to use a protein occasionally. Weekly treatments are just more work. I would like to omit a step in my routine but if it is not worth the risk.....:look:

:confused: Maybe i need something a little stronger. Could I mix the 2 min with a filler?
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are u using heat with it?
2 min doesn't really do anything for me when I just use it as a rinse out. I get muuuuuch better results with heat for 15-20mins
My hair seems to be weird when it comes to protein. It hated ORS and started to get stiff right after applying. Maybe it is different when mixed together.
Would it be wrong to mix the 2 step with another conditioner or DC? If not would I still let it harden or would I use I with heat:look: This is so confusing.....
Would it be wrong to mix the 2 step with another conditioner or DC? If not would I still let it harden or would I use I with heat:look: This is so confusing.....

I use the 2-step by itself. You harden it by sitting under the dryer with no cap for around 30 minutes. I then follow with a creme rinse for 5 minutes, and then a super moisturizing DC for 15-30, depending on my mood. I wouldn't mix it with anything else.

I use the 2-step 4 times a year, and if I'm still getting breakage after, I know I need a trim. Most times it stops the breakage completely. As for the 2 minute, my hair doesn't consider it a strong enough protein to have to follow up with anything else, so I use it under heat and move on with life :yep:.
When I first started out and my hair had severe breakage from overprocessing self-relaxers and heat damage, I saw results using the 2 minute as directed within the first wash. After about 1 month of weekly use my breakage pretty much halted. I kept using it until I didn't need to anymore.

I used it after shampooing and before deep conditioning. I just left it on long enough to do a little shower business.
Thanks for the info everyone. I have nothing but good things to say about the 2 min. I guess I will walk away from the 2 step and continue my weekly 2 min.:yep:
My hair loves the 2 minute aphogee reconstructor, but I do leave it on for about 5 minutes with a conditioning cap. I see results right away.

I have never used the 2 step.
I use the 2-step mixed into other conditioners. I can't get past the sticky, dripping mess it makes and helmet hard hair so I mix it and put a cap on over it. It does not harden when mixed and I feel safer about not causing more damage.

It's my intention to use the 2-minute weekly.
MissCrawford I haven't used heat with either treatment so far, just a plastic cap and 1+ hour on my head. I would use either with my electric heat cap in the future.

I used the 2-step treatment 2 weeks ago. About half of the total conditioner mix was 2-step. In the past I had used 1 or 2 cap-fulls (max) to the conditioner for protein, but this time I was really considering doing a full-on unadulterated 2-step treatment (recently relaxed) but I just couldn't, so I used a lot more of the Aphogee. The cap kept my hair moist.

Yesterday I washed, 2-min, indigo treatment, cheap cond, a black cellophane, wash and another cheap conditioner. My hair is super soft without DCing.

Girl I hope your answer is in there ^ :lol:
So people are using the 2minute conditioner longer? I usuall apply in shower wit a cap and call it a day...
Yes. Thank you. I'm thinking about 1/2 cup of conditioner for the 2 caps of the 2 step. I'm natural and my hair can get real crazy sometimes. I'm usually protein sensitive but not with the 2 min. Gonna start slow. A liiiiitle nervous though:yep: