ApHogee 2 min went into the Graveyard


New Member
I've realized (while tracking my hair progress from Jan 07) that I had to mini chops because my hair has breakage once I get past shoulder length....I never had this problem until I stopped using UBH Deep Conditioner and used ApHogee 2-min. I didn't realize this until I went through my old photos and said...what happened to my hair then thats different now. My product photos showed the ApHogee...im so upset w/ myself...my hair has been telling me the ApHogee is no good and I didn't listen. I'm sorry hair.

If I would have realized this back then...I could be at full BSL. See LHCF, thats what I get for jumpin on a high liked product.

So I tossed the ApHogee and back to the UBH : i get 0% breakage from this: why did I ever stop using this..... best advice a LHCF lady gave that I now understand

If it ain't broke...don't fix it.
My regimen was fine, no need for me to change it....lesson learned.
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Hard lesson to learn as we read and see the amazing results from this product and that product. I've learned{still have not curbed totally the tiny urge to try new stuff:wallbash:} that many of the products I already had were just fine. So right...IF IT 'AINT BROKEN....
I totally agree with you. I had this same problem with breakage when I used the Aphogee 2 Step treatment. So I will just stick with what works and stop trying new products on my hair.
this is a good lesson to learn. no need to fix what's working in your regimen. i happen to love aphogee 2 min, but still a good lesson :)