Anything better than Phytospecific's beauty styling cream? need daily moisturizer


Well-Known Member
My mom has asked me for recs. I recommended Phytospecific's Universal Beauty styling cream because it's more natural than some other options, but before she buys a hair cream for $24 I'd like to exhaust all other options, if not then I'll just borrow some of the product from her the next time we hang out together :grin:

- Lightweight - Nothing that will leave the hair clumped together or weighty. She's trying to maintain the Dominican blowout bounciness.
- Fairly natural, or close to
- Moisturizing
I recommend the Phyto 7 or Phtyo 9 leave in as a wonderful moisturizer. It's lighter than the Phytospecific beauty styling cream, and, in my opinion, more moisturizing. Polly's sells a big tube that lasts for months for a reasonable price (5 oz for $45) when you consider the cost of the small one (1.7 oz for $22).
I recommend Frederica Fekkai glossing cream. I apply a little to my ends day and night and my hair keeps body and bounce. When I roller set, I apply it the ends of each individual curl. It cost about $20.
I recommend Frederica Fekkai glossing cream. I apply a little to my ends day and night and my hair keeps body and bounce. When I roller set, I apply it the ends of each individual curl. It cost about $20.

Do or have you used the Fekkai Protein conditioner as well? What do you think of it?
For products I don't have to order I like Aveda's Universal Styling Cream. A 5 oz tube is $16. She can go into an aveda store and try some of it. It does have 'cones in it, but it is never heavy for me.

Otherwise, I order my moisturizers. I like Sunrise Products Hair souffle and Qhemet's Olice cream. Both of those are natural and a little goes a long way.