Anyone with red hair (dye, highlight, etc): Post pic please


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm getting my hair colored tomorrow at the Aveda Institute in Chicago. I know that I want a reddish color, but still have not found the shade that I want yet and I'm getting nervous. If you have colored or highlighted your hair can you please post a pic or link to it? I'm running out of time and I need ideas.

I've had red rinses during my transition I hope this helps a little (sorry for the big pictures --- I didn't feel like cropping them)...

Here's how the color looked on my hair after I did a strawset....



Here's how the color looked when my hair was pressed...


I've never permenantly colored my hair red, but the rinses attached well to my hair because it had been previously colored. I used the Adore line rinse in Mahogany (strawset hair) and in the straight hair picture I used
Motion's Color Restore in Mahogany mixed with KISS Express Color in Sienna Brown.

I hope this helps.
Was the self coloring process difficult? I'm soooo tempted but I don't wanna mess up my head.

I'm thinking maybe I should spend the $$$ and protect my scalp and pay a "professional" before I end up with green hair and bald spots HAHA.
Thanks for posting. In the picture it looks more like a copper red (by the way, your straw set turned out beautiful). I like the way the color is deposited throughout your hair, I want mine to look like that but I'm thinking about getting a bright red. :) Oh gosh, I'm nervous about tomorrow.:eek: But I'm excited too.,

lovelymissyoli said:
I've had red rinses during my transition I hope this helps a little (sorry for the big pictures --- I didn't feel like cropping them)...

Here's how the color looked on my hair after I did a strawset....



Here's how the color looked when my hair was pressed...


I've never permenantly colored my hair red, but the rinses attached well to my hair because it had been previously colored. I used the Adore line rinse in Mahogany (strawset hair) and in the straight hair picture I used
Motion's Color Restore in Mahogany mixed with KISS Express Color in Sienna Brown.

I hope this helps.
lovelymissyoli said:
I've had red rinses during my transition I hope this helps a little (sorry for the big pictures --- I didn't feel like cropping them)...

Hey, I just read the name... Thanks for posting these pics here too.;) Yeah, I'm freaking out about tomorrow. In the other pictures on your in its natural state, the color look brighter. Is it the same color?
rai said:
Hey, I just read the name... Thanks for posting these pics here too.;) Yeah, I'm freaking out about tomorrow. In the other pictures on your in its natural state, the color look brighter. Is it the same color?

The color that is in my hair now is a mix of blonde and a copper brown. I don't think red would "pop" on my hair so I went for a more noticeable color.
lovelymissyoli said:
I've had red rinses during my transition I hope this helps a little (sorry for the big pictures --- I didn't feel like cropping them)...

Here's how the color looked on my hair after I did a strawset....



Here's how the color looked when my hair was pressed...


I've never permenantly colored my hair red, but the rinses attached well to my hair because it had been previously colored. I used the Adore line rinse in Mahogany (strawset hair) and in the straight hair picture I used
Motion's Color Restore in Mahogany mixed with KISS Express Color in Sienna Brown.

I hope this helps.

I LOVE your color!