Anyone with really thick hair do rollersets?


I love the idea of rollersetting my hair, but I have lot of hair and am afraid it would just take forever to dry
My hair is very, very dense (have had several hairdressers say it's the "thickest they've ever seen") and it's fairly long (a few inches from bra strap). I went to a dominican salon in Harlem once and they refused to rollerset, saying it would take too long
Instead, 2 girls blew my hair out, one on each side at the same time!

Can it be done? How long can I expect to wait on my hair to dry? Any tips for me?
my hair is much thicker than yours probably and i do rollersets weekly. in fact i just did one and im 14 weeks post relaxer. girl it can be done! a lot of rollersetting threads are running around here right now!
happy rollersetting!
My hair is also pretty thick (thick is good!)and it takes forever for my hair to airdry. After washing, I time my rollersetting about 2 - 3 hours before going to bed so it's almost dry when I wake up. I position my rollers towards the back of my head so I can sleep on my sides. Then in the morning, I can wrap it so it finishes drying faster or leave the rollers in for little bit longer. One method you may want to look into is the ponytail rollerset. I think hair dries a little bit faster this way. Here is one link:
I agree with you, KB. Your hair is really, really, really thick! It's a blessing!

It CAN be done, remember to take time rollersetting your hair and dampening hair that has become dry before you had a chance to rollerset it.
It will take a while to dry, most likely overnight.
If you're like me and it takes too long, try the ponytail rollerset method Isis mentioned. Those threads offer great advice on doing quicker, dryer rollersets.

My hair is waist length and it's very thick. It may take a long time to dry, but it does dry. However, I don't get it roller set very often.
Hey--I have super thick hair too--and it does take a long time for my hair to dry. What I do is rollerset my hair at night, sit under the dryer for 30 minutes and then go to bed. By the next morning, I'm completely dry.
Trust me KB, it can be done. My hair is a few inches away from bs too and it is pretty thick. I would have never guess i'd be able to rs my own hair but i do it at least once every 2 weeks. I follow the method attached to this link (i even drew out a diagram to make it easier for the newbies like myself). A lot of the ladies also gave some really good advice.;o=&fpart=1
I rollerset my hair many times when I was perming and since I have been transitioning,I still rollerset my hair. I have a soft bonnet dryer,which is a timesaver. Check out my album password lovely

There's a picture of my resulting rollerset. The new growth is very obvious from the permed hair.