
New Member
okay so i did my second bkt early last june and have about 8 inches of new growth, but my BKT'd hair is still semi-curly/wavy and frizz-free. there is a definite difference. i didn't have such a long break after my first BKT and i'm wondering does anyone else have such permanent results? i'm debating doing it again because now i'm missing my curly hair...i feel like i'm transistioning from relaxed to natural :sad:
are you sure its not heat damage? I did a bkt in december and some of my strands on the right side and back is wavy and frizz free...the rest of my hair reverted fine.
i don't think it's heat damage because my i actually straightened my hair LESS with the BKT than I usually do (2-4 times a month, with the BKT I did it maybe once/mo and alternated rollerset, flexi rods). my has hair always reverted and i've been using heat since i can remember...i just google searched and read that BKT does become permanent in some people depending on their hair type and porosity. my hair does have more curl now, but it's no where near my natural curl pattern and the hair on the left side of my head (which is naturally more wavy/frizzy than curly) has some parts that don't curl at all.
Hi ladies! I'm a new member to the site, but have been a lurker for a looooong time. : )

I started with Coppolla Keratin last March, and have had it done 4 times since. The last time was this past week. I do it myself, although I initially had it done as part of a training video for the line to use in training stylists in Peru. Random.

Anyway, I am so careful with my care in terms of cleansing and conditioning - and at this point, I can tell you the longest 4 inches of my hair are still stick straight and do not frizz. I wash my hair about 3 times a week and only use two shampoos - L'Oreal EverPure Smoothing and "Shampoo One" (knock of of Wen) from Sally's for Color treated hair.

I do view this as a permanent state of my hair because I haven't used anything that would break it down. And that's where I'm at with it! I do makeup for a living, primarily for print and video - and find it impossible to look good on set when my Keratin wears off. I don't have the energy to make myself look pretty too, so think Keratin is my holy grail for looking put together... lol
I have about six inches of ends (from the first BKT) on the right side that don't revert at all, and the rest is just kinda wavy except for the new growth...i should add that the right side of my hair has always naturally had a MUCH looser curl than the hair on the left, so the hair on that side may have been more likely to loose its curl than the left side, which still curls nicely, just with no frizz. A few weeks ago i went to a stylist who specializes in natural hair care and she said the BKT can strip your curl pattern, depending on your texture and porosity. if your strand are fine and very porous (like mine), the treatment is more prone to have permanent results. I just did my third BKT (yes, i'm addicted), but i didn't follow the instructions...I used a Nexxus leave in conditioner before applying the treatment, and a still use shampoos with sodium. I'm now MUCH happier, because I've retained my natural curl pattern, the only diff is my hair doesn't frizz. This is my new method, but it may not work for everybody. Now I'm just working on growing out these stright ends :perplexed