Anyone using the full MT line? what was your result?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious does anyone in here use the full Megatek line? Meaning the shampoo, conditioner and the rebuilder?

If so, what was your result? How quickly did you see result?

How do you use it?

I only have the cell re builder that I apply on my temples its mixed with some oils.
I have the MT, Premier cream rinse, and rehydrator but haven't used them yet :ohwell:. Thinking I may start on Sunday, but this is a good question. Lemme go check those other threads, seems like a few people are/were using quite a few products from the line.
bumping. i saw another rebuilder that looked like it was in a grease jar rather than the blue and black bottle and was confused on what was better...... Plus they have all these sprays and things...
I have the MT, Premier cream rinse, and rehydrator but haven't used them yet :ohwell:. Thinking I may start on Sunday, but this is a good question. Lemme go check those other threads, seems like a few people are/were using quite a few products from the line.

I read on e-opnion someone who actually uses the Premier shampoo , cell rebuilder and avocado mist. But didnt get much more information as to the growth factor
I was thinking of trying these. But I wanna get the gallon sizes. I don't know if they have it in the poo but I def want it in the cell rebuilder. Where is the cheapest place to get it and does it come with a pump? Also is it worth to buy in bulk?
I think EmJazzy uses the full line, and a couple of other ladies too. I don't use shampoo, so I just use the MT and the Premier Rinse, and I love the combo. I'm plotting on getting them both in gallon size from, since they are the only place I've found that sells both.

Depending on where you order the gallon size from, they may or may not send you a pump - you'll have to check with them. There are quite a few places that sell the gallon size - if you do a google for mega-tek gallon, most of em will come up.

The gallon size - assuming you get a good price for it - is cheaper than buying a gallons worth of 16 oz bottles.
i love kv vet. they are cheaper then the MT web page. I am really considering this. I want to try the products before I buy a whole gallon though. I KNOW I want a gallon of MT. I wonder if they have samples? I emailed them about it. I just found it while browsing the site.
i use the shampoo to clarify,it supposedly looks and smells just like the ovation shampoo.
i plan on using it monthly.

i spray my hair daily with the rehydrant

i use the detangle with the detangler when needed, i also rake out my braid knots with it.

i use megatek on my scalp 3=4 times a week.

what have i noticed so far? thicker, stronger,longer/ fuller hair :grin:
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I use the Rebuilder, Cream Rinse and Rehydrant Spray. All work well together except that I may have an allergic reaction to the spray. I don't use the shampoo because is has sulfates in it. But using the Rebuilder and Cream Rinse is perfect together.
I use the Rebuilder, Rehydrant Spray, and Avocado Mist.
I was using the shampoo and the cream rinse.
The cream rinse has a very strong smell but it leaves hair really soft. I just have other stuff that I would prefer to use. The Shampoo is not my cup of tea. It works more like a clarifier on my hair, I did not like the results. I have been meaning to post it n the Trade/Giveaway board but I keep forgetting to.