Anyone using Bone Combs?

Frostipuff said:
I ordered my bone comb from hairsense this past weekend
and received it today (Wed). I love, love this comb! It just
glides through my hair...

I ordered mine this weekend and me no have it yet....:(
What's up with that?
Esh...that is what happened to me! lol. They made me do it.

Deltagyrl...I ordered on Sat. I hope to get mind soon. I know she said she didnt ship because of the holiday Monday but would ship out on Tuesday.
*I think it was Sat night when I ordered.*
So. I got my bone comb (that was made in Hong Kong) from Hair Sense today and it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I also thought that it wouldn't have a seam. It looks like it does to me..

I dunno..... If this comb doesn't glide through my hair like a hot knife through butter I'mma be pi$$ed!:mad:
delta_gyrl said:
So. I got my bone comb (that was made in Hong Kong) from Hair Sense today and it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I also thought that it wouldn't have a seam. It looks like it does to me..

I dunno..... If this comb doesn't glide through my hair like a hot knife through butter I'mma be pi$$ed!:mad:

Wow. I got mine and I am thinking the same thing! We will see though.

*She also send me a black comb. Even though it's still a bone comb I didnt want it in black. I want it to stand out from the other black combs that are so common. I would hate someone to pick up and mine and keep going!* Okay, I am finished being petty about the color.:lol:
Letitia said:
Wow. I got mine and I am thinking the same thing! We will see though.

*She also send me a black comb. Even though it's still a bone comb I didnt want it in black. I want it to stand out from the other black combs that are so common. I would hate someone to pick up and mine and keep going!* Okay, I am finished being petty about the color.:lol:

Am I imagining the seam??? Let me know how it goes. I'm washing this weekend so I'll be back w/ my verdict.
FYI - hairsense is also a retailer on ebay and you can get some of the bone combs much cheaper there.;)
I ordered mine a couple of days ago. After reading all these posts I had to get them (3 combs :grin: ). I'm in tears every time I comb my hair because I snap, crackle and pop so many hairs out of my head. I only comb it in the shower with conditioner or after I've conditioned and am ready to plat or twist my hair. I can't wait to get them in my hot little hands.