Anyone try Paul Mitchell Slick Works


New Member
to tame their new growth? Once my hair starts to get that nice little wave pattern at the roots, I use Paul Mitcheel Slick Works to keep it down and seal in moisture. Something about this product helps my new growth stay moisturized, and it takes away that nappy appearance. It does have mineral oil in it (the forbidden ingredient)
. Paul Mitchell Wax Works works wonders too. This stuff is the bomb!! It is a little pricy but well worth the cash$$$.
Another product that I have found to be great for new growth is Aveda Slick Works hair stick(I think thats what its called). I also used the Paul Mitchell but found it to be a bit drying(maybe from the mineral oils?). Aveda is a little more natural and so far I've liked the results!
Oh my God. I just bought some of the Paul Mitchell Slick Works this morning!!!! What a coincidence. I am having a bad hair day and I asked the salesgirl what I could use to tame my frizzies WITHOUT me having to blow dry my hair. I have been having alot of shedding lately so I am trying to avoid all heat. Anyway, she pointed me in the direction of this stuff. I want to use it while my hair is damp so I will use it for the first time tomorrow. I hope it works because it was pretty expensive.
I use the slick works and I like also doesn't get hard like gel so that's another reason i like it
Buffyangelfan2, the Paul Mitchel Straight works wonders to. I am pretty heavy handed, so I had to learn not to use so much for better results. I put it on before I french braid my hair. When I use to much, everthing gets all twisted up. It is awesome.
Enjoy your wonderful product.
Buffyangelfan2, the Paul Mitchel Straight works wonders to. I am pretty heavy handed, so I had to learn not to use so much for better results. I put it on before I french braid my hair. When I use to much, everthing gets all twisted up. It is awesome.
Enjoy your wonderful product.