Anyone still cross wrapping??


Well-Known Member
I have nl hair and when I wear my hair down I have to manipulate one side way too much and if I could just cross wrap that would probably help aloooootttt! I know there was some tutorial but the girl had longer hair. Is there any out there for nl hair???
MEEEEE!!! I sure do. When I wear my roller wrap on the first day I do the traditional wrap, then every day after I do about 4-6 big pin curls at the crown and back of my head, then I cross wrap the rest so it falls even.**SIG**
MEEEEE!!! I sure do. When I wear my roller wrap on the first day I do the traditional wrap, then every day after I do about 4-6 big pin curls at the crown and back of my head, then I cross wrap the rest so it falls even.**SIG**

thanks hunny! YOUR DA BESTEEEESSTTT!!! hopefully this saves me time and hair =)
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I was anti cross-wrapping for a long time, but that was because it didn't work for me until my hair was below shoulder-length. My hair wasn't long enough to really "cross" before then. I now cross wrap when I'm stretching and my roots have gotten puffy. It's easier than forcing my hair into a regular wrap, but I like regular wrapping better overall.

I'm undecided on the whole "weaker hair on one side" thing. There's definitely evidence that it happens, though.