Anyone regret getting their hair relaxed?

Yes, in a way. I'm almost 3 months post and seriously am considering transitioning. My newgrowth? I can't keep my hand out of it. I went natural in my last two years of H.S when "natural weaves" and afro phony ponys were new and gaining popularity. I used to wear my hair big and puffed and get the "Is that all yours?" comments. It was so long and pretty and I ALWAYS, ALWAYS got compliments.

Fast forward to my sister getting married and everyone downing me. "You're the maid of honor! You can't wear your hair like THAT." and "Braids? No. You need a straight look." I felt so guilted into looking perfect, I got my hair done. And IT DIDN'T TAKE since it burned sooo badly, I had it washed out early! AND THEN, the woman RE-RELAXED MY HAIR LESS THAN 4 days later!

Thank GOD it didn't break off, and yes, my hair thrived and grew! I can't complain about my relaxed hair...however, I wish I made that decision TO relax for me when I was ready instead of feeling forced into it. :(
Nope, no regrets. :)

I've been natural 2x already. When I decided to relax this last time, I thought long and hard a/b it, since I'd been rocking my natural hair for 4 yrs. I've transitioned and BC'd so it's no big deal to me. I just wanted straight hair, and relaxing (for me) was the easiest way to achieve that long term.

If I ever decide to go natural again (probably once I reach my relaxed hair goal) I'll probably go ahead and transition long-term rather than BC.

ETA: Every day is a learning experience for me and my hair, relaxed or natural, esp. as a DIY'er...
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I do.

In September I relaxed nearly two years worth of natural hair (APL) and now I'm transitioning again. It makes me sick, thinking of the amount of hair I have to cut off and grow back.
If one KNOWS how to care for their hair, there's no need for the chemicals...

You're preaching my mantra. Just imagine, if the same amount time spent procuring, in salons, etc. in getting relaxers were spent in learning how to work with our natural hair. . . . I really, really do not think we would be feeling compelled to "relax" and we could simply "relax" and enjoy our god-given hair.
Yes!!! :cry: I got the first relaxer when I was like 8 or 9, it was TOO early!!!! :nono: If I'd never got a relaxer, my hair would be so wavey and healthy! *Sighs* I am soooo tired to get relaxer every 10 weeks, I am too lazy to do it! :lachen:I'd wish that I would just wash and go without worry about relaxer break off my hair! :ohwell:
I do. Yesterday and went to to the dominican and got a rollerset a blowout. My hair came out fresh relaxer straight and very bouncy. When I got home the first thing everyone asked me was wether I got a relaxer. Then my mom said, look at how nice your hair looks without the relaxer! You would have hated me if I didn't relax your hair when you wanted me to...:nono: I just keep thinking to myself, had I not relaxed my hair, I would have so much natural hair right now. Not the measly six inches that I have currently...:cry:
I do! I was transitioning or stretching for 3 months, my hair looked great! My edges grew in and everything, then I relaxed.:wallbash: It did not even take! It can out the same texture as it did before I relaxed, I was sooo upset. So now I am transitioning.:yep: Luckly, my hair is already short, so I don't have to to worry about BCing 6 inches or something like that. All I have to do is a clip, and the relaxed ends are gone!:lachen:
No, not really was a learning experience and served its purpose. Now I know I will have hair styling options while relaxer free using twists, braids,blowouts,flat ironing. I regret not understanding the beauty of my natural hair sooner.
I wish my mother had given me the option of whether or not relax. I got my first perm somewhere around 7? My natural hair was nice! She fell into the pressure from family members who said it'd be easier to relax than to hot comb (I was too tender headed for braids on a regular basis). At this point I'm just sticking with it.
No way!:nono: I love my relaxed hair, especially since it's texlaxed now...I have so many styling options. I'm a DIYer, so touchups are easy...I couldn't deal with going to the salon every 8-9 weeks.
I do...not that I had a choice in the matter. I do a lot more different things with my hair than I did when I was relaxed. Plus it would've saved me a lot of trouble when I was running races not to worry about my hair reverting. I guess it was a learning experience though like another poster said.
I do, but I never had a choice. I was like 3/4 when I got my first relaxer. My hair has never been too long, it hit my shoulders once and the broke right off then continued to go down hill from there, though my mom did her best to take care of it.

I met my best friend who was natural when I moved to Las Vegas, she never wore her hair out, it was always braided or pressed/flat-ironed but ... she was the first person I met who didn't have a perm. They were just a regular part of my life. She was the first person to inspire me to do it but I would always get scared after not being able to deal with my hair when I would "transition" < -- it lasted like ... a month and a half, then I'd beg my mom to give me a relaxer. When I got to Howard last fall I decided I wasn't getting anymore relaxers, I got inspired by all the carefree natural heads on campus and after getting the BC in December I've never looked back. I love, love, love my hair and often wonder what it would've been like if I'd never got a relaxer.
I regret relaxing bone strait. I am transitioning to texlaxed hair and I will not allow my stylist to put another relaxer in my hair, ever.:nono:
I relaxed last tuesday after being natural for 4 months. I however regret July of 07 I was sl and went in and had the stylist to shave the back and cut me to about 2 inches. I was frustrated bx my hair did not seem to be growing so I thought. Nov 07 I found this site Feb- 08 went nautral and now here I am.

I love my relaxed hair but I hate my nl. I am ready to see some new growth.
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I would rather have natural hair - but I know its alot of work and I can barely handle an inch or two of new growth. I don't think I deserve a whole head of natural. Other times I wouldnt want to be natural because I see how much work it takes for some naturals to get their hair straight when they wait it straight. I guess if i had like 3a/3b or 3c hair I wouldnt care, because they seem like the hair types that can get their hair the straightest compared to my 4b hair. *shrugs*
well the only thing I regret is not waiting until I was older, so I could see and understand my natural hair, I first started to get a press and then I started getting the relaxer and been relaxed until aug 2004 when I bc and went into the Navy....I was natural for over six months and I didn't have much knowledge on my natural hair nor did I have time to learn anything, being on a ship is very time consuming..I'm not saying relaxers are easier, but I don't have the time to give my natural hair the attention that it deserves.....but I must confess I like my relaxed hair now, but I just don't know nothing about my natural hair......
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Nope. I was relaxed off and on when I was a kid, mostly off, so I know all about my natural hair. I prefer relaxed.
I don't know
if I regret it..but
I hated the breakage I had from the perm
*First perm was at age 9*
It's been a long
run..but I
am ready to care for
my natural hair.

I kinda do. I got my 1st relaxer right before I went to college thinkin it was gonna help me take care of my hair if I couldn't get home to get it done. I wish I would've left it alone...
I got my hair relaxed when I was very young, so yes, I regret my mom relaxing it.
I'm starting to regret getting a relaxer. I got my first relaxer my senior year of high school because everyone else had it and it seemed like it was going to be easier for me to take care of my hair. Now my hair isn't as thick as it used to be. I'm kinda scared to transition cause its been so long since i had natural hair but i think now i know how to take better care of it. I'm really thinking of transitioning back i just don't know how.
Nope. I was natural for 7 years before I relaxed last year. Best thing I ever did for my hair and my time!
I regret my mums friend relaxing my hair at the age of 6, I screamed throughout the whole time it wasn't a nice experiance.
I found this board and reached APL-BSL with my relaxed hair but it was so lifeless and the extra time and care I had to put in just to ensure my hair didn't snap off was exhausting. I BC 1 month ago now I have a healthly twa.
I don't regret relaxing my hair... I know I had a few setbacks, I know I had to go natural for over a year because of that... I know I had problem areas most probably due to relaxers BUT I enjoyed my hair as well. I am transitioning to Natural hair now because I've really enjoyed my relaxed hair but I don't want the setbacks anymore.... I know being natural is not a walk in the park but that's where I want to go now.