Anyone Pre-poo w/ Coconut Milk??


New Member
If so how often are you using it??? I ask because I did it with tonights wash for the first time and LOVE THE RESULTS!!! I used nearly an entire can of coconut milk...put two tablespoons of honey in it...mixed it up...popped in microwave until warm and then put it on my dry hair...I really massaged it in to the roots and scalp too. Then I covered with a cap and left it on for an hour. I wanted to sit under the Pibbs but was too busy at the time so just went about doing what I needed to do with the plastic cap on.

It was a drippy mess:yep: but I stuck it Just kept a towel around my neck. I shampooed with Avedas DR poo (washed twice to get all the coconut and honey out) and also used the DR conditioner..just put in and rinsed out. I then DC'd with Alter Egos Coconut Mask Conditioner (under Pibbs for 45 min).

Rollerset...under dryer....took rollers is shiny, soft, beautiful, no tangles, no breakage at all..NG looks great and is more 'relaxed'. My husband even commented W/O my having to prompt him. He just passed me when I had removed the rollers in the bath and he said--'wow, your hair looks beautiful and it's really grown (he only see's it down wear updos most days) and he came to touch it. I'd used larger rollers so it was 'straighter' than my usual 'curly' look when I first take my rollers he could see my length better.

No pictures because I'm hiding until December but I will be glad to post pics then. I'm taking some and will add to my fotki but won't show until December.

I'd like to know if the coconut milk treatment is something you can do weekly or is it something you do once a month. How do you use it? Thanks!
I love this too. It's part of my pre-poo mixture. :lick: I've had amazing results using it on other people's hair, my hair doesn't love it as much, but it still works very well. Here's my recipe:

mix 1 part cocount milk (about 1/2 can) (has to be a good thick brand, like imperial dragon)
and 1 part WRTC con
add about 2 tblspn EVOO and
about 2 tblspn honey

I mix it and microwave it for a few seconds to ensure it's well blended, then refrigerate if i'm not going to use right away or any that's left over after use.
I am so totally into experimenting - where do you get your coconut milk? Can it be purchased at Trder Joe's or Wild Oats, someplace like that?
I am so totally into experimenting - where do you get your coconut milk? Can it be purchased at Trder Joe's or Wild Oats, someplace like that?

You can buy it at a regular grocery store. In the spanish section there's the goya coconut milk, in the asian section you'll find thai coconut milk. Depending on the store they may carry one or two other brands. The walmart near me carries about 3 brands.

Since I'm natural I use it as a pre-poo detangling treatment-

coconut milk
lime juice
cholesterol conditioner

I found this receipe on one of the boards. I blend it in the magic bullet. leave it in the fridge overnight, then apply the next day. Rinse it out after 4-5 hrs... and then I poo and dc. It has made my hair much easier to manage and detangle with my fingers.
Thanks ladies! I don't want to add too much to the milk because it seems as if the milk is working great on it's own. I actually found the simple recipe on a 'white' long hair site when I was doing a search on putting coconut milk on the hair. Several of the ladies there said to use the coconut milk only and some said to only add honey to the mixture. I've also heard about adding lime on an Indian hair/beauty site:yep:. I initially got the idea from others who mentioned it on this board though. Either way..I am so happy I tried it and will keep using it. I don't experiement too much on my hair and usually stick with the same products but I will try some things once in a while if they sound 'healthy' and don't involve too many Simple is best for me and my hair.

Thanks again for all of your input! Coconut milk is a keeper!
I love this too. It's part of my pre-poo mixture. :lick: I've had amazing results using it on other people's hair, my hair doesn't love it as much, but it still works very well. Here's my recipe:

mix 1 part cocount milk (about 1/2 can) (has to be a good thick brand, like imperial dragon)
and 1 part WRTC con
add about 2 tblspn EVOO and
about 2 tblspn honey

I mix it and microwave it for a few seconds to ensure it's well blended, then refrigerate if i'm not going to use right away or any that's left over after use.

I do the same recipe, but I don't really measure ingredients and I use Coconut Cream instead of the milk. Coconut Cream has less water (30%) content than the milk (45%). I also added a bit of avocado conditioner to the mix as well. I did this last weekend and my hair was so soft afterward. I'll be doing again probably tonight or tomorrow.
If so how often are you using it??? I ask because I did it with tonights wash for the first time and LOVE THE RESULTS!!! I used nearly an entire can of coconut milk...put two tablespoons of honey in it...mixed it up...popped in microwave until warm and then put it on my dry hair...I really massaged it in to the roots and scalp too. Then I covered with a cap and left it on for an hour. I wanted to sit under the Pibbs but was too busy at the time so just went about doing what I needed to do with the plastic cap on.

It was a drippy mess:yep: but I stuck it Just kept a towel around my neck. I shampooed with Avedas DR poo (washed twice to get all the coconut and honey out) and also used the DR conditioner..just put in and rinsed out. I then DC'd with Alter Egos Coconut Mask Conditioner (under Pibbs for 45 min).

I'd like to know if the coconut milk treatment is something you can do weekly or is it something you do once a month. How do you use it? Thanks!

Love using coconut milk! I have never put honey in it, though. I'll have to try that. Sounds yummy :lick:! Maybe I'll do this tonight. And I am dying to try that Alter Ego Coconut. I have been sweatin' that stuff all summer. Next time I order my Hot Garlic, I am going to get it. Anyway, thanks for the info. Can't wait to try it!!:grin:
I do the same recipe, but I don't really measure ingredients and I use Coconut Cream instead of the milk. Coconut Cream has less water (30%) content than the milk (45%). I also added a bit of avocado conditioner to the mix as well. I did this last weekend and my hair was so soft afterward. I'll be doing again probably tonight or tomorrow.

Hmmm...I looked at the coconut cream when I couldn't find the milk initially. Then I spotted the milk and purchased it instead. However, I am glad you mentioned that the cream works well also because I wondered about that. I will pick some up. I'm going to stack the pantry with coconut milk and We use a lot of it anyway for recipes (husband is originally from Carib) but I'm buying a separate stash just for me and my

Also, I picked up a bottle of organic avocado oil yesterday to cook with. I like to cook and always experiment with different oils and herbs....etc. I never thought of using the oil on my hair but I may try adding a little to my coconut milk next time:yep: instead of the honey.
Energee, girl, I LOVE coconut milk too. I use it on dry hair as a prepoo with honey, evoo, and a condish. Works great on a lot of new growth. Thanks for reminding me, cause I have not done so in a few weeks.
I love using Coconut Milk as pre-poo,I dont add nothing to it.
I like Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk the best,I have used Goya in the past.
I love using Coconut Milk as pre-poo,I dont add nothing to it.
I like Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk the best,I have used Goya in the past.

This is the one I used:yep: and will continue to use. Glad to see so many ladies are using this and love it:yep:.
I used a coconut milk pre poo this weekend and it worked a miracle on my newgrowth. I am currently 10 weeks post. I mixed coconut milk, ORS replenishing pack, evoo, and castor oil...put in an applicator bottle, warmed it up for a few seconds in the microwave and applied it in four sections focusing on my jungle...the roots:blush: I left it on with a plastic cap for a few hours and headed to the salon.

I refrigerated what I had left and I will reheat it for use on Friday night...gonna try it over night.:yep:
Coconut milk is an absolute staple of mine! I use it every other week just about unless I feel my hair needs something else. I use it by itself warmed up or with amla, vatika, or jasmine oil. EVOO works well also. I put a baggie on my head and let it soak for 45 min. I shampoo and then deep condition. My strands feel thicker and the roots fell straighter afterwards. I have also found that goats milk is pretty good as well (for hair and for the body.)
Coconut milk is an absolute staple of mine! I use it every other week just about unless I feel my hair needs something else. I use it by itself warmed up or with amla, vatika, or jasmine oil. EVOO works well also. I put a baggie on my head and let it soak for 45 min. I shampoo and then deep condition. My strands feel thicker and the roots fell straighter afterwards. I have also found that goats milk is pretty good as well (for hair and for the body.)

I'm trying this the very next time my hair says it needs protein. :yep:
Coconut milk is an absolute staple of mine! I use it every other week just about unless I feel my hair needs something else. I use it by itself warmed up or with amla, vatika, or jasmine oil. EVOO works well also. I put a baggie on my head and let it soak for 45 min. I shampoo and then deep condition. My strands feel thicker and the roots fell straighter afterwards. I have also found that goats milk is pretty good as well (for hair and for the body.)

My hair HATES EVOO... I must be the only one. It just leaves my hair a greasy, oily, dry mess. I've tried it many times but it doesn't like me...LOL.

I'm going to have to try the Goats Milk also. I saw some of that in the store and wondered about it too. I actually spotted it when I was looking for the coconut milk. I'm going to definitely try the coconut cream and the goats milk. I'm going to pick these up tomorrow:yep:. My mother is coming to visit in a week and a half and I'm going to use it on her when she is here too.
the coconut milk is also nice to add to a moisturizing bath in the winter time. Goats milk soap is great because it helps hold moisture in and it's non-drying and void of harsh chemicals.
As a side note, if you're interested in good goats milk soap or lotions try here: I've been using their Zum line for quite a while and with fantastic results.
My hair HATES EVOO... I must be the only one. It just leaves my hair a greasy, oily, dry mess. I've tried it many times but it doesn't like me...LOL.

I'm going to have to try the Goats Milk also. I saw some of that in the store and wondered about it too. I actually spotted it when I was looking for the coconut milk. I'm going to definitely try the coconut cream and the goats milk. I'm going to pick these up tomorrow:yep:. My mother is coming to visit in a week and a half and I'm going to use it on her when she is here too.

Try coconut oil or a few of the indian oils (Amla or Vatika). I've had good results with these. Also Apricot Kernel Oil or Primrose Oil makes the hair very soft.
I just bought a can of coconut milk...what kind do you use? I got a brand called Goya from Wally World. It has preservatives so I'm wondering if that's ok.
I'm trying it today. I have a premixed castor/alma oil. I'm gonna mix some with the coconut milk, apply it to dry hair, and sit under the Pibbs for 20-30.
Wish me luck! :crossfingers:
I used to use it as a pre-poo, but now I use it after shampooing mixed with conditioner. It is a staple of mine now and the best detangler and hair softener in the world. I either add coconut milk powder to the conditioner or coconut milk depending on how thick or thin the mixture/conditioner is after I add my powdered herbs. I've recently started adding yogurt which has upped the softness, detangling, smoothness, moisture retention quotient and loosed my curl pattern considerably (I am assuming because of the lactic acid in yogurt). There is still the "s" shape, but the "s" is elongated/stretched. My fingers just glide through my hair effortless and it is a marvel to me. What's more, my hair does not dry out by 3:00 in the afternoon any longer, after I have worked-out and sweated horribly in my head. I no longer have to re-moisturize daily and I can actually see some length without running a flat iron through it because the shrinkage has decreased by half if not more.
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