Anyone here using Ghee?


New Member
From the research I've done online, ghee is clarified butter. Is anyone still using it in their hair? If so, tell me what it does for you. Is it strengthening or moisturizing? Is it similar to coconut oil? What's the 411?
I just bought some yesterday. I'm getting my hair pressed this week, and before I get it washed, I want to pre-poo with it.

I read both of DLewis's posts about ghee yesterday--good info.
I could not stomach the smell of it, I went to work and I was so conscious of myself because if I could smell it, and Lord only knew what my co-workers were thinking. Even my boyfriend thought I smelled a tad "ripe" with the ghee in, a phrase he usually reserves for funky farts, poop and the like.
Yeah, I heard DLewis was using it. I think she posted about it back in 08'. Wonder if she's still using it? I should pm her. I've read that ghee/butter are used in Africa a lot. I think I read a thread about a woman visiting Africa (I think it was Ethiopia) and they used ghee where she visited, and she said their hair looked healthy. Not really sure if I want to use it or not. I'm pretty content with my coconut oil, but I was curious to learn more about it because my online searches weren't yielding much information on ghee and hair-care.