Anyone have pics of their hair straightened at around 16 months natural?

Congrats! I couldn't hold out that long. Lol. The front of my hair at the hairline grows uuuuuber-slow, so it only hits my cheekbone right now, but randomly, that hair seems to be growing faster because I got .5" last month like the rest of my hair, when that section usually grows slow. I don't even know how much I usually get because I've never even documented that growth, but I def don't get .5" so that's promising. We'll see. My goal for 16 months is for that hair to hit the bottom of my nose.

Oh girl dont worry it will be there in no time, :yep: How long is the back of your hair when you stretch it?
Oh girl dont worry it will be there in no time, :yep: How long is the back of your hair when you stretch it?

Who knows? Lol... My hair is twisted and I haven't straightened since the chop. When I pull a twist from my nape it goes a little past my collarbone, and the twist above my ear is about a half inch from napelength.
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Here are mine at 16 months

I don't plan on straightening my hair any time soon, but thanks for posting this thread davisbr88 :yep: I'm 16 months natural (relaxer free) and my nape touches my shoulder so I'm assuming once I do straighten, I'll be a little over SL.
Thanks ladies! This is really looking promising. Everyone has nice length, so I guess my fear of being bald has no basis... lol.
mrsjohnson75 - please do remember to post! Thanks so much.