Anyone have pics of their hair straightened at around 16 months natural?


Well-Known Member
I am planning to straighten in December at 16 months post-relaxer (4 months completely natural) and I am fishing for hair porn and inspiration.
Please appease me.
16 months is preferable, but give or take a month (15 - 17 months). And don't try posting your 22 months-post pics (or if you were pregnant because we all know what those prenatals can do), and giving me false hope! :lachen:
My photo requests are never really acknowledged (probably because I'm so specific), but pretty plllllllleeeeeeease post if this applies to you!
a really bad pic. last relaxer was 6/07, here is 10/08.


here is one of my hair idols, Brockstar (

KCcurly: THANKS! Yay! I won't be bald when I straighten! Woo hooo!
Anyway, your hair looks fabulous. Had you cut it at all before this, like for shaping purposes?
lilsparkle825: Thanks! I'm so happy that I will have a good amount of hair! And I already know you haven't cut yours so that question is answered.
Thanks for posting Brockstar's! Hers is gorgeous too!
Thanks, I get about .5 inch a month, sometimes a little more

Yessss! Same with me! So now I really know what my hair could look like (except your hair is MUCH thicker than mine! *sigh*)

Thanks! No, never had it cut except for the BC. I have natural layers.

I am refusing to cut mine, so that's why I was asking. My hair is VERY heavily layered... I wonder if that will help make it look thicker... *thumbs up*
^^ Fabulous! Thank you!
So I definitely am even more confident that I will be claiming SL in December. Yay!
Oh, I thought you had hyperlinked to a pic since you couldn't post it. Weird... when I clicked on it, it lead me to a nonfunctioning Yahoo page. Oh, internet, you're so weird. Thanks for trying though!
WOW Mad Scientist! You must be a super-grower! You must get way more than .5" per month, because you're already APL at 14 months! Your hair is goooooorgeous, though, but I'm pretty sure mine won't be that long!
^^Wait, I stalked your album @Mad Scientist because I was so blown away, and saw that you transitioned for 6 months, so this 14 months picture is really 20 months post-relaxer, right? Even then, APL is still pretty impressive.

ETA: Nvm. I checked it out and it is at 14 months! You must get like an inch a month or something. That is CRAAAAZY! You HAVE to share your reggie! I will hop on that with the quickness if I can get those results!
No, thats at 11 months after my big chop so 17 months natural I think. I was only APL 'cause I have a short neck LOL. Your hair looks longer than mine was at that time in your siggy.
^^ That is crazy! I didn't know having a short neck played that much of a role! I have a pretty short neck too but I doubt very seriously that I would make APL. If I thought I could make APL in December, I would cry like a baby. Lol. Your hair is gorgeous nonetheless. Looks healthy in all of your pics. I wish I had your thickness!
No, thats at 11 months after my big chop so 17 months natural I think. I was only APL 'cause I have a short neck LOL. Your hair looks longer than mine was at that time in your siggy.

Wait... now, I'm confused. Please correct me if I'm wrong (I've been stalking your album since you posted... lol) You said your last relaxer was August 2008, and the picture of your 18-month hair is in August 2010, so it's really 24 months post-relaxer, but 18 months post-chop. I was wondering about 16 months post-relaxer, including the transition. So in your 14 months post-relaxer pic that you posted, that is really 20 months right? I'm really confused, August 2008 - August 2010 is 24 months, so in your April pic, you're really 20 months post-relaxer, right? Please clarify if I'm getting it wrong. The pic I need to look at is a pic 10 months-post relaxer in your album, right? I see you don't have a straightened one, but I see you have a flat-ironed pic in the 11 month, so I am assuming that is the true 17-month mark, right? The one you originally posted was from your 14th month. Maybe that was a mistake? Not trying to discount you - you still have a whole lot more hair than I think I will at 17 months, but I was ultra confused at how long the 18-month pic was, but it made more sense that it was really 24 months post-relaxer.
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lol sorry I confused you. But before I posted that picture (which is 11 months post big chop), I posted 3 pics that were like 14 and 18 months post big chop. I realized you wanted pics that were 16 months post RELAXER and deleted them lol.

ETA: Wait a minute, I'm confused now too. LOL But I think the pic I posted is the closest thing I have to 16 months. It was taken in January 2010 so 17 months after my last relaxer. All my pictures in my fotki are numbered by what month post big chop they are.

Thanks for the compliments btw!

ETA again, the original 18 month pic I posted is the same one that's in my signature which is 24 months post relaxer so you're right. I think I'll just delete that sentence from my original post where I said that about the first pics. lol
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lol sorry I confused you. But before I posted that picture (which is 11 months post big chop), I posted 3 pics that were like 14 and 18 months post big chop. I realized you wanted pics that were 16 months post relaxer and deleted them lol.

Thanks! I must have clicked on them BEFORE you deleted them. I was sooooo confused! Like I said, you still have more hair than I think I'll have but I was just like huh? Because 6 months would make a HUGE difference on the length of my hair - about 3", so that's why I was completely confused! Thanks for clearing that up! You have a new hair admirer!!! :)
ETA again, the original 18 month pic I posted is the same one that's in my signature which is 24 months post relaxer so you're right. I think I'll just delete that sentence from my original post where I said that about the first pics. lol

You don't need to do that - you're fine. We figured it out! I don't think I'll be APL at 17 months, but would I be praising Jesus if I was? YES, LAAAAAWD!
I would post but I'm STILL transitioning lol, 15 months strong:grin:

I think my hair grows super slowwww but anyways, in the front my "natural" hair touches my lips when stretched, on the sides it comes well below my chin for sure, and in the back its past my collar bone...uggh these relaxed ends are KILLING me...:giggle:

But by the looks of your siggy you have ALOT of hair to work with already, so dont fret!
Congrats! I couldn't hold out that long. Lol. The front of my hair at the hairline grows uuuuuber-slow, so it only hits my cheekbone right now, but randomly, that hair seems to be growing faster because I got .5" last month like the rest of my hair, when that section usually grows slow. I don't even know how much I usually get because I've never even documented that growth, but I def don't get .5" so that's promising. We'll see. My goal for 16 months is for that hair to hit the bottom of my nose.