Anyone ever tried a real Mayonnaise or Avocado treatment for dry hair?

Definitely found the Avocado w/ EVOO and honey moisturized my hair better than mayo, I will probably use both on occasion.
I have used mayo in my hair. I have mixed it with eggs and oil. I like it but not as much as I like yogurt.

If you want to try bananas in your hair than consider baby food bananas. They are very easy to rinse out. My favorite dc is yogurt, honey, and bananas.
Definitely found the Avocado w/ EVOO and honey moisturized my hair better than mayo, I will probably use both on occasion.

Good because I just bought a half a gallon of honey today. Avocados should be in season for the summer here in the Bahamas and we have a tree growing in our back yard, so I will be down with this mix:yep:.
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I have used mayo in my hair. I have mixed it with eggs and oil. I like it but not as much as I like yogurt.

If you want to try bananas in your hair than consider baby food bananas. They are very easy to rinse out. My favorite dc is yogurt, honey, and bananas.

I'm thinking long and hard about the maybe I'll just use a little bit at first to see how my hair reacts to it. I don't know if I can handle the smell though.
I have used mayo in my hair. I have mixed it with eggs and oil. I like it but not as much as I like yogurt.

If you want to try bananas in your hair than consider baby food bananas. They are very easy to rinse out. My favorite dc is yogurt, honey, and bananas.
Thanks for the yogurt tip vkb247 :yep: Definitely hearing a lot about honey and avocados :lick: and the yogurt, honey and bananas sounds good too....I may need a spoon for that one, I can get my snack on and moisturize my hair at the same time . Thanks
Hey Aggie...have you ever tried coconut concentrate, coconut cream or milk in your hair? I have some concentrate I haven't tried yet. I've been on you tube looking at recipes for hair care also, I found one called coconut cream natural also has yogurt. It's all natural and says it help to straighten hair some, which would help during stretches. It's worth looking into :) Anna
i've done it several times, with eggs at some times and with mayo at other times. I mixed it with conditioner, usually NTM hair mask. Also sometimes I add coconut oil. Thumbs up from me.
I'm a weekly mayo user. Its the perfect protein for my hair. Anky is also a mayo user. I put it on dry hair and then use a heating cap for a half-hour. Rinse. Then a deep moisturizer under a heating cap for another half-hour minimum. Top it with olive or safflower oil under heat for another half-hour. Then just rinse. Love it. Strong, soft moisturized hair!

Now... I've had bad experiences with other foods like banana and avocado - very, very ripe but I cannot rinse that mess out! I was late for church once trying to get it all out. I even tried banana twice. The second time I ran it through the blender first. Also, I didn't even like the consistency of my hair afterwards. Nothing beneficial in that one for me.

I couldnt agree more! I did a conditioner with homemade mayo, ripe avocado, and ripe banana - and it made my hair feel AMAZING, but it STUNK and it was He!! to rinse out! I was still picking it out almost 3 weeks and 5 washes later!!! Here are a few pics (more in my Winter 2008/2009 album, link in siggy):


(BET you the problem was that I didn't get my avocado/banana mash as smooth as I should have in step 2)


(seemed to stretch my hair a little bit)


I circled just a few places were there was CRAP stuck in my hair, but there were MANY MANY more where these came from, :lachen::lachen::lachen: How embarrassing?!?!?

Good luck to those who try it! I would use the baby food mashed bananas next time.... Or maybe try cheesecloth or some other strainer method... It did make my hair feel silky smooth afterwards...
Hey Aggie...have you ever tried coconut concentrate, coconut cream or milk in your hair? I have some concentrate I haven't tried yet. I've been on you tube looking at recipes for hair care also, I found one called coconut cream natural also has yogurt. It's all natural and says it help to straighten hair some, which would help during stretches. It's worth looking into :) Anna

Thank you so much for this useful post Anna. I will look into that one. I just bought some regular organic coconut milk and haven't used it as yet. I do need some full fat plain yogurt though. I already bought a half a gallon of honey, 1 liter of organic blackstrap molasses, and will be purchasing some more coconut oil as well to use in some other recipes I want to try. I will also be trying a beer rinse soon:yep::drunk:.
I couldnt agree more! I did a conditioner with homemade mayo, ripe avocado, and ripe banana - and it made my hair feel AMAZING, but it STUNK and it was He!! to rinse out! I was still picking it out almost 3 weeks and 5 washes later!!! Here are a few pics (more in my Winter 2008/2009 album, link in siggy):


(BET you the problem was that I didn't get my avocado/banana mash as smooth as I should have in step 2)


(seemed to stretch my hair a little bit)


I circled just a few places were there was CRAP stuck in my hair, but there were MANY MANY more where these came from, :lachen::lachen::lachen: How embarrassing?!?!?

Good luck to those who try it! I would use the baby food mashed bananas next time.... Or maybe try cheesecloth or some other strainer method... It did make my hair feel silky smooth afterwards...

Whoa serenity, your hair is beautiful. I love your curly hair girl and I think Ima be stalkin' your fotki in a minute.

ETA: Okay done! I just finished stalking your fotki and as I thought - it was great. Love your products too and your curls are gorgeous.
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I couldnt agree more! I did a conditioner with homemade mayo, ripe avocado, and ripe banana - and it made my hair feel AMAZING, but it STUNK and it was He!! to rinse out! I was still picking it out almost 3 weeks and 5 washes later!!! Here are a few pics (more in my Winter 2008/2009 album, link in siggy):


(BET you the problem was that I didn't get my avocado/banana mash as smooth as I should have in step 2)


(seemed to stretch my hair a little bit)


I circled just a few places were there was CRAP stuck in my hair, but there were MANY MANY more where these came from, :lachen::lachen::lachen: How embarrassing?!?!?

Good luck to those who try it! I would use the baby food mashed bananas next time.... Or maybe try cheesecloth or some other strainer method... It did make my hair feel silky smooth afterwards...
I used my small food processor with the avocado, honey and EVOO. On you tube they too use there food processor it makes the consistency smooth and creamy, NO LUMPS. I also saw one girl use shea butter and other hair products in her processor, I think I will buy a second one for my food and use the one I have now for my hair ingredients cause they shea butter recipe was sooo smooth made me want to get a spoon :lick:.
There's a home made mayonnaise/egg conditioner recipe from this board that made my hair so hard, my stylist didn't want to use it after the first try. So I add a few tablespoons to one of my deep conditioners, and it works very well now.
There's a home made mayonnaise/egg conditioner recipe from this board that made my hair so hard, my stylist didn't want to use it after the first try. So I add a few tablespoons to one of my deep conditioners, and it works very well now.
I use only Hellman's real mayonnaise the ingredients already have egg, honey and vinegar. Try it :yep:
Aggie, Tonight i'm doing natural yogurt with my Ayurvedic powders (Amla & Brahmi) and oils (Amla, EVOO, coconut) with a little glycerin and honey which are both humectants for moisture, which i've had a shortage off lately, It's in my hair now :) It's a pre-poo recipe from You Tube for New Growth or Transitioning which I am not, but i'm in need a touch-up. At the end of the video the narrator herself (seems to be a knowlegedable foreign woman of Ayurvedic powders and oils) says don't be afraid to experiment a little with the ingredients that u can't really go wrong with the naturals and to find what u'r hair likes.
Aggie, Tonight i'm doing natural yogurt with my Ayurvedic powders (Amla & Brahmi) and oils (Amla, EVOO, coconut) with a little glycerin and honey which are both humectants for moisture, which i've had a shortage off lately, It's in my hair now :) It's a pre-poo recipe from You Tube for New Growth or Transitioning which I am not, but i'm in need a touch-up. At the end of the video the narrator herself (seems to be a knowlegedable foreign woman of Ayurvedic powders and oils) says don't be afraid to experiment a little with the ingredients that u can't really go wrong with the naturals and to find what u'r hair likes.

How did it turn out Anna?
It came out ok I guess I really need a touch-up. Just glad I was able to use my ayurvedic powders with it so it's goood and conditioned & moisturized.
It's friday my shampoo night :yep: before co-washing i'm doing 1 whole ripe Avocado, 3 Tbls of Mayo and 2 Tbls honey for moisture treatment. I left out the EVOO cause mayo has oil and the avocado is very hydrating. It's in my hair now :drunk: I think I will most likely combine the avocado along with the mayo, definitely used less mayo and the avocado is more moisturizing to me. Last week's yogurt was ok but didn't seem to hydrate my hair enough truely less moisture. I will finish the container and probably wouldn't use it again, maybe I would replace it with conditioner instead when using ayurvedic powders during a stretch. I'm really enjoying experimenting with edible naturals on my hair. The avocado is a keeper :grin:
you may have already said this but make sure the avacado is super ripe and use a motar and pestel if you have one because the avacado can leave little bits in the's super annoying
I used to use some of these ingredients as a pre poo faithfully every week and it made my hair so much softer and stronger...i don't know why i stopped using it. I'm going to do it tomorrow after i take my braids out.
It consists of:
1 ripe banana
1 small ripe avocado
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup of warm milk
i was going to change the milk to yogurt and add some honey but it was so good as it was so i may just leave it...?
I used to use some of these ingredients as a pre poo faithfully every week and it made my hair so much softer and stronger...i don't know why i stopped using it. I'm going to do it tomorrow after i take my braids out.
It consists of:
1 ripe banana
1 small ripe avocado
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup of warm milk
i was going to change the milk to yogurt and add some honey but it was so good as it was so i may just leave it...?

Is this regular whole milk AA or evaporated milk:look:?
i tried an avocado/evoo/honey mix once-and never again! i had avocado bits stuck in my hair & it didn't feel any softer.
i tried an avocado/evoo/honey mix once-and never again! i had avocado bits stuck in my hair & it didn't feel any softer.

Sorry about this catastrophe happening to you. I think avocados are protein and that's probably why you didn't get the softening affect from them. I would DC after an avocado treatment though. Did you blend it very very smooth?
i tried to. the avo was really soft, but i whipped by hand, so maybe that was the prob. and you're right about it being a protein. i knew that, but i heard so much about how it was softening and helped with shine, and i thought i needed protein at the time.