Anyone ever cut the perm out of their hair?


New Member
I am considering making a switch to natural and wondered if I should cut the perm out of my hair and wear it short or should I get micros until my hair grows out?
I think that is a great idea. If you got the guts girl go for it. I never had the guts to do a major big chop. I did "the big chop" after 10 months of transitioning.

A TWA is a great hairstyle. It will grow out before you know it. Who knows, you may decide to keep it short.

I had micros earlier this year. They looked beautiful, but it took me one full day to remove all of the tiny braids from my napps. I heard some people say that they were able to remove micros by sliding them out with conditioner, but that has never happened to me.
Hi Dylaniswack...(love your screen name.
) I didn't have the guts to do the great chop and so wore braids still holding on to relaxed hair that had seen better days. Then every time I would redo my braids, I'd trim about 1/4 - 1/2 inch. (I do my own braids and redo them as they get untidy so I'd trim each braid as I undid it.) Now all I have left is 100% natural hair (my growth) and it's all the same texture so I think I got rid of scab hair too in the process - if at all I had it. It's been the least painful way of getting rid of hair for me. (I'm one of those people who'd just about wrestle with the stylist any time s/he mentioned the word "trim" or reached for the dreaded scissors.
Quelle horreur!!!)
It's up to you & how patient you are. I'm not patient enough for transitioning, which is why I did the BC 3 years ago. I cut relaxed shoulder-length hair down to 1 inch. I loved my TWA but wanted the different styling options more length provides, so I let it grow back. I got trims every 8-10 weeks. I went thru an awkward stage from about 4-7 inches & wore barrettes (the grown-up ones, they make a lot of those now) or scarves or hats or headbands; just whatever worked to get thru that stage. I liked not dealing with 2 textures & it really helped me get to know my natural hair FAST. I went thru product junkieism but it was all worth it. Now my hair is about 10-12 inches (I've had several cuts or it'd probably be longer) & I'm just interested in seeing how long it gets before I go back to a TWA.
I had shoulder length hair and just recently cut almost all of my permed hair. There's about 10% permed hair left and the reason why I won't cut it right now is because it is close to my crown and of varying lengths. If I cut it, I don't think it would jive with the rest of my hair. I started with my big chop last week (6 inches), yesteray (1-3 inches) and I chopped some more today (1-3 inches). I thought I could deal with the two textures, but then tangling became a major issue. I also didn't want the damaged condition of my permed hair to ruin my healthy hair. If u can do it then go for it. I am soo happy that I did. I am loving my curls right now. I am completely comfortable with short hair as I've had it before and I'm not really good with braids and maintaining them. And as for TWA, they can look so sporty and feminine and sexy! There are many options out there. U just have to find what's best for u and how much time u are willing to put into mainenance.

Good luck!!
I gradually cut mine out. I didn't have the heart to chop it all off at one time.

I've seen beautiful pics of women who did decide to go ahead with the big chop. It's whatever you're comfortable with. There's plenty of information to guide you on which ever path you choose.

Good Luck!
I couldn't just cut all the perm off, so I just kept braids in my hair for a year (I re did them ever 3 months). That worked the best for me.
I did and so did my sister. I cut my hair off after 2 months; my sister got a bad perm and 2 days later cut her hair until there was barely fuzz. I have no patience to detangle 4b wiry hair and then try not to break off the relaxed stuff. This was the right thing for me.
Yeah I cut my hair down to 1/4 or 1/2 inch when I first went natural and would probably do it again.
In high school, my beautician would press the new growth and then when it got long enough, she would cut the perm off. I never had to go with short hair.
I am gradually transitioning. My head is way too big to sport a TWA. Right now, I've got about an inch to an inch and a half of new growth, but it looks much shorter due to shrinkage. More power to ya'll who did one big chop!
I didn't do the big chop. I wore braids and weaves for a year and gradually cut my permed hair... I hated washing both textures because my permed hair would get tangled and end up in knots so I kinda didn't have much choice..

But Im 100% perm free..still wearing braids and my hair is easier to manage this way..
I am gradually transitioning. My head is way too big to sport a TWA. Right now, I've got about an inch to an inch and a half of new growth, but it looks much shorter due to shrinkage. More power to ya'll who did one big chop!

[/ QUOTE ]

That about sums me up!
I did the big chop. My hair grew back before I knew it. One thing though you have to be bold and confident to rock a TWA. It takes ALOT of guts to watch your long hair fall to the floor. I was like Demi Moore in G.I. Jane with those clippers.
I did a big chop in January. I went from midback hair to 1 inch twa. I was so ready, and i have loved every minute of it. It's amazing to see how much my hair has grown since then.