Anyone esle have Bald Spots


Well-Known Member
I have two small bald spots on the each temple area of my hairline that was due to too tight braids back in August/September of 2006. That area is just now starting to grow back but the hair is still too small to twist or braid.

I also have a huge bald spot on the hair behind my ears that is the size of a half dollar or two quarters and a nickel. I noticed that area getting thinner and thinner a few weeks ago and now it's completely bald :eek: I believe this is due to either my month of hair experimentation or maybe "post partum hair falling out" :perplexed I don't know!

I was making some really good progress with my a hair and now this, it's so disheartening :( Right now I feel like I am the only person in the world with bald spots
I can now say, "HAD bald spot". I had a big one in the top of my head. Since surfing the boards, its gone. I will post new pics in Feb. I only do pics once a month so that I dont get discouraged.

In the meantime, dont let it get you down. I think that with a lot of patience and hard work, you will grow it back. Just keep up with your research here and your eye on the prize. I used lots of MTG, MN, castor oil, vitamins, and TLC. I am pretty sure the other ladies will be in the room to help me out.

Keep your head up!
I have two bold sponts at each temple. I contribute it to jumpping on every bandwagon I read up on in LHCF:ohwell: . My head was like :eek: and just fell out. I need to chill for a while and just wash & DC as I did before and hopfully it will grow back.
I was just about to post a topic about this. I am discouraged about my bald spots too. My temple area has been bald since childhood. About three years ago, I started experiencing balding at the nape of my neck. On the left side, my nape will grow about 1/2 an inch. In about three months time, that area will slowly "eat" away all the way up to the middle of my ear!

I have been wanting to wear a bun for the longest but this balding thing is so embarrassing that I won't even try it. I decided last night after my relaxer, that I will spray the area with S-curl morning and night and seal it with castor oil. Hopefully by the summer, I'll have some results.

BTW, I've tried the MTG, MN, Surge, etc. Neither of those has worked for me so far.
bee said:
I was just about to post a topic about this. I am discouraged about my bald spots too. My temple area has been bald since childhood. About three years ago, I started experiencing balding at the nape of my neck. On the left side, my nape will grow about 1/2 an inch. In about three months time, that area will slowly "eat" away all the way up to the middle of my ear!

I have been wanting to wear a bun for the longest but this balding thing is so embarrassing that I won't even try it. I decided last night after my relaxer, that I will spray the area with S-curl morning and night and seal it with castor oil. Hopefully by the summer, I'll have some results.

BTW, I've tried the MTG, MN, Surge, etc. Neither of those has worked for me so far.
Bee, what is your hair type and what strength relaxer do you use?

Right in the back of my head down to my nape, at times my hair was less than 1/4" and then would grow and break, etc.

I was using Super strength relaxer because this hair wouldn't stay relaxed, or so I thought. In reality, it was new growth coming in after the relaxed hair had broken off.

I switched to Mild about a year ago and have not had even one grow/break cycle. Also, I relax this area last.

Now the back has caught up with the rest and the nape is getting there, too. (I also do loads of other stuff for growth like vits, MTG and castor oil, but the strength of the relaxer was the cause of the breakage)