Anyone else surprised that the "scarf method" had a name?


Well-Known Member
I've always used a scarf to lay my edges, my whole life. I remember being surprised that this "method" had a name...and that so many people didn't know how to do it :look:.

Are there any other "tricks" or "methods" that you're surprised are such a big deal in the hair care world?

I can think of a few more:

1. Sock buns - been doing that since middle school.
2. Protective styling - hadn't we all always worn braids to give our hair a break?
3. Roller wraps/Saran wrap "method" - my stylist rolled my hair and then did a saran wrap like 10 years ago...I had no idea that was a hair "trick." She even did the "Dominican method" and used a roundbrush sometimes (I grew up in Texas).
4. Scalp massages - granted, I used to use grease, but I always rubbed my scalp. The only difference is I use natural oils now.
5. Braidouts - I always liked the way my hair looked after I took out braids...I didn't realize this was an actual hairstyle.
6. Phony Ponies - this goes under protective styling, but yeah...basically any kind of hair weave/extensions are nothing new.

There are even some products like heat protectant, leave-in conditioner, ceramic irons, and Phyto that I used before the hair boards and I thought everyone knew about them or used them....! Please share yours!
I've done pretty much everything up there and never thought of it as necessary to hair growth/maintenance back then...I was just doing it to do something different.:grin: I'm glad to be reminded of its importance in getting to my goal of APL...I don't know where I'll aim after that...y'all might have to yank me back down to earth after I claim APL :spinning:
Years before I found the hair boards, I deep conditioned twice a week, every week. I was surprised to learn that some folks didn't do this at all or even know how to do this at home.

When I was tired of my hair, I would wear a french roll (aka protective styling) daily for weeks.

However, there were so many things I was doing wrong that that kept me stuck at SL and shorter for years!
Years before I found the hair boards, I deep conditioned twice a week, every week. I was surprised to learn that some folks didn't do this at all or even know how to do this at home.

When I was tired of my hair, I would wear a french roll (aka protective styling) daily for weeks.

However, there were so many things I was doing wrong that that kept me stuck at SL and shorter for years!

I know, that's the crazy part! I was doing mostly the right things, but there were little things that were holding me back from attaining long hair. As soon as my hair would start retaining length, I would do something silly like get highlights. I also thought deep conditioning was a special treat for the salon :nono:, but I hardly ever did it at home!
I'd never heard of braid-outs and twist-outs before coming to this forum. I did an accidental twist-out and put it in a puff and dismissed it as laziness cuz I didn't want to comb the texture out. I always thought "braid-out"s back in the day were half-done hair.
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A lot of the stuff we discuss here is old school for sure (i.e., hot oil treatments, rollersets and silk scarves). But stuff like prepooing, baggying, henna, and co-washing I learned on the boards. The boards taught me how to "comb" properly and that dependency on direct heat was killing my hair. Mostly, the boards taught me how to be a DIYer and get salon results.
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