Anyone else hate shea butter

I've only tried using Shea butter on my hair a few times, and agree with the post about it feeling like having a crayon mixed into my hair. I've tried mixing it with olive oil and other products, but find that butters work best on my body while my hair likes oils. With Shea, I felt like my hair was coated with Teflon.
Hair doesn't like it, skin does though! Come to think of it, every "hair" butter (all the Afroveda butters, mango and shealoe) I ever purchased ended up being used as a lotion.
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I've tried it on my hair and it was okay. I just prefer oils on my hair instead of butters, except in the winter time. I prefer shea butter for my skin, it makes it so soft.
I did until I melted it but it never made my scalp burn and itch if anything it made it stop BUT eventually it left build up which is when I began melting it