Anyone crush their vitamins?


New Member
Does anyone crush their vitamins and put the powder into water/juice/tea, etc.?

Are there any benefits to crushing vitamins vs. swallowing whole?
I absolutely HATE swallowing vits! I used to crush them & put the powder into water or juice, but that was even WORSE than swallowing them :lol: ((( The "taste" was AWWWWWFUL :barf: )))

Now I only buy "gel caps", chewables, & itsy bitsy vits :lol:
I crush up my vitamin C tablet...that pill is round and hard for me to swallow. I crush it up and put it in my yogurt.
I used to crush my vitamins but now I take a chewable vitamin from Centrum. A liquid multivitamin would probably be another good option if you have trouble swallowing pills.