Anyone Baptized in the Holy Spirit?


New Member
I know this has probably been talked about many times. The fact that some people say you aren't saved unless you are baptized in the holy spirit and the evidence in speaking in tongues. While I believe that there are many true followers of Christ, not everyone has been baptized in the holy spirit. I know of some people who it seems like God talks to them all the time, while other Christians like myself, only once in a while where it is a profound revelation.

So, if you are baptized in the holy spirit, how and where did it happen? What happened months or days after and how was your walk distinctly different?
I know this has probably been talked about many times. The fact that some people say you aren't saved unless you are baptized in the holy spirit and the evidence in speaking in tongues. While I believe that there are many true followers of Christ, not everyone has been baptized in the holy spirit. I know of some people who it seems like God talks to them all the time, while other Christians like myself, only once in a while where it is a profound revelation.

So, if you are baptized in the holy spirit, how and where did it happen? What happened months or days after and how was your walk distinctly different?

I have been/am baptized in the Holy Spirit. I speak with other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. Just as the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit dwells within, I can pray in the spirit and/or with understanding at will.

I was water baptized on July 16, 1989. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit approximately one month later on a Sunday afternoon while sitting in the car with my friends in our church's parking lot. We had just come back from visiting another church and we were waiting for our church to open for evening service. So everybody else in the car started praying in the spirit and at first I was so sad because I did not/could not speak in my heavenly language so I just started worshiping the Lord and the next thing I realized that the other tongues began to flow. They had to walk me into the church because I felt like I was flying and zipping in between the pews!

Because of my experience and my years in church thinking that only "certain people" were chosen to speak in tongues, I make it my business to share with folk what the BIBLE says about being baptized in the Holy is for EVERYONE....and just like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets....

There was a thread I participated in that talked about this....
So, how do you get answers from him? I know some people will say, "I was about to go here when the holy spirit said, 'Don't go, turn around." Anything like that ever happen to you?
So, how do you get answers from him? I know some people will say, "I was about to go here when the holy spirit said, 'Don't go, turn around." Anything like that ever happen to you?

that happened to me once. i was driving some place and the feeling (not voices or anything) to not go was soooooooooooo strong that i had to turn around and go home. it was the first time (and last) that ever happened to me.

nothing happened that day on the news but it doesn't take a major event for you to lose your life so i took heed.
So, how do you get answers from him? I know some people will say, "I was about to go here when the holy spirit said, 'Don't go, turn around." Anything like that ever happen to you?

Yes.... for me, more often, it is an IMPRESSION upon my heart, a strong sense.... It is up to me to listen to and obey that impression.... How do I know that that impression is not myself or the devil? It's through spending time with the Lord to get familiar and aware and conscious of His voice/leading so that I know it is Him who is guiding me to turn here, don't go there, watch that person, so on and so forth.

The Bible says in St. John 10:4-5 "4And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."

Just like in a healthy marriage relationship: that couple spends time together, get to know their voice, quirks, habits, etc. And when that relationship is really good, you know the sound of his feet walking across the floor, you know the sound of his breathing when he's sleeping.... your heartbeats match....

It's the same thing with the Lord/Holy Spirit
that happened to me once. i was driving some place and the feeling (not voices or anything) to not go was soooooooooooo strong that i had to turn around and go home. it was the first time (and last) that ever happened to me.

nothing happened that day on the news but it doesn't take a major event for you to lose your life so i took heed.

I think it comes from obedience. Maybe the holy spirit was trainning you in obedience and it will come in handy one day because it may be a situation where your life depends on how obedient you are to the holy spirit.
Yes.... for me, more often, it is an IMPRESSION upon my heart, a strong sense.... It is up to me to listen to and obey that impression.... How do I know that that impression is not myself or the devil? It's through spending time with the Lord to get familiar and aware and conscious of His voice/leading so that I know it is Him who is guiding me to turn here, don't go there, watch that person, so on and so forth.

The Bible says in St. John 10:4-5 "4And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."

Just like in a healthy marriage relationship: that couple spends time together, get to know their voice, quirks, habits, etc. And when that relationship is really good, you know the sound of his feet walking across the floor, you know the sound of his breathing when he's sleeping.... your heartbeats match....

It's the same thing with the Lord/Holy Spirit

Yeah, I heard this guy once say that the holy spirit was telling him to go to buy some milk. He says he was giving him directions on how to get to the house and he found the lady and man's house and he gave them milk. It was for their baby and the lady was hispanic and she said, "Gracias. I was just praying to God for some milk and you came."
How do I receive the holy spirit?

I just have been asking God everytime I can. During worship I thank Him sometimes for it and then I ask during prayer. I don't know why it is taken so long but I going to keep on asking. He said that is even sinful fathers can give good gifts then how much more would he give us the holy spirit if we ask.

I just keep on believing cause' I know His word can return void and He can't lie.:yep: This reassures me that if I keep on growing and loving Him, He is going to baptise me in The Holy Spirit.
that happened to me once. i was driving some place and the feeling (not voices or anything) to not go was soooooooooooo strong that i had to turn around and go home. it was the first time (and last) that ever happened to me.

nothing happened that day on the news but it doesn't take a major event for you to lose your life so i took heed.

A couple of weeks ago after church while I was walking
to my car I stated out loud... "Here I go Lord, my life and
this car is in your hands."

And so I am driving home now about 7-8 minutes later I felt
this feeling to slow down and just look around while I am
driving... and to just be cautious. So I turned down my radio
and did just that.

Sure enough while I was about to go under a green traffic light,
out of the corner of my eye on the passenger side I saw a vehicle
coming... and instead of stopping - This big ole blue city bus flew on by
and I just watched in amazement. It looked as if it happened in slow
motion and then the driver of the bus glanced over at me in shock
when he saw me hitting my breaks .... I noticed that he was not even paying attention to the road but rather reaching for something on the dashboard or something.

I couldn't do anything else other than say "Thank you God!" and then
I turned my radio back up and drove on home.

>>> God is good. There are some things in my personal life that I feel
that God is telling me to release, breaking old habits, trusting completely
in Him, etc. ---- I heard someone say once that obedience brings blessings
and disobedience brings destruction.

Just thinking back on that Sunday of how the situation could have turned
out had I not taken heed to the small still and yet strong feeling...
So, how do you get answers from him? I know some people will say, "I was about to go here when the holy spirit said, 'Don't go, turn around." Anything like that ever happen to you?

These types of experiences are not limited to those who have been "baptized with the Holy Spirit," as there are many believers who can testify of the Lord's leading and manifestation in their lives without it. I myself have experienced truly miraculous things by the hand of the Lord and have never once spoken in tongues.

The one thing I do know is that the Holy Spirit is like the wind and goes where and when He pleases. We can earnestly desire His presence and seek after it, but when and how He manifests Himself is only in the mind of the Lord.

If you walk with him in faith in His word and obedience to it, the fruits and gifts of His Spirit will be manifested in your life.
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When I received the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, HE made an entrance.
I felt fire come in side of me and up over me like a blanket! Also it was bright all over my room and I believe it was 2 am in the morning.

When HE comes you will know it!

Just ask HIM to come in, believe in faith, and let HIM manifest that you have received HIM.

HE will! We all have different experiences but yet they are still the same SPIRIT. HE IS LOVE!!!:yep:
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I'm sorry. What's infilling?
Ok from what I think I know and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong (I welcome correction): Infilling is what happens when you first get saved. You turn from all your wicked ways. You no longer have a desire for anything wicked or immoral. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is when you get a power and anointing from God to do things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it. Please don't ask me to find this in scripture:lachen: I'm still learning.
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So, how do you get answers from him? I know some people will say, "I was about to go here when the holy spirit said, 'Don't go, turn around." Anything like that ever happen to you?

My mother always said- The Holy Spirit will never tell you to do something if you hear "steal that pair of shoes" thats not him....but for me its never that loud thundering voice caying "come hither my child" its more like that hesitation before a decision...for instance when I be wanna say somethin rude to my husband that may not necessarily be rude in others eyes but I know that it will offend him, some folks may not even know I offended him thats how subtle sin can be....but I always get that lil twinge where I think "I know this gonna hurt him but oh well"- I have ignored it and sometimes I say somethin and he don't hear it and I realize "Oh my gosh if he did- that was definitely an argument starter!"...its like that conscience....even when you you laugh under your breath at somebody and you know if they heard you you'd be like "oops?"...that's not good. I'm not in any shape or form telling folks how to be right just giving some insight and the opportunity to start analyzing your will be astounded at how much you do or don't do without thinking first...but when you got the Holy Spirit you can alleviate that "oops" factor and be more of a "ahhh" feeling in your life and anyone else's.

I was baptized in the spirit when I was 16(pentecostal church) and I was officially water baptized like a week ago at my current church which is the gospel service at my base chapel (I'm 23). I felt the spirit after trying to "fight" it for years. Like I was really that strong,lol...he got me when they prayed for all the young teens ladies in a group and we huddled and the next thing I knew I was crying uncontrollably and I felt the urge to just fall to my knees and cry out to him. I was down there for the rest of the service... I felt renewed but it wasn't long after I was back at square one b/c I hadn't decided to give my all to him, didn't quite understand how....such a shame...I could've saved a lot of undue heartache,but it all worked out for a greater good. I hope this helps someone....
Ok from what I think I know and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong (I welcome correction): Infilling is what happens when you first get saved. You turn from all your wicked ways. You no longer have a desire for anything wicked or immoral. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is when you get a power and anointing from God to do things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it. Please don't ask me to find this in scripture:lachen: I'm still learning.

Yes. God has now baptised me in His Holy spirit. I remember we were both praying for it. It finally happened.:yep:
Yes. God has now baptised me in His Holy spirit. I remember we were both praying for it. It finally happened.:yep:
:amen:Halleluja! :bouncy::dance7:HALLELUJA! :band2:Praise God. I'm SO HAPPY and SO EXCITED for you and with you. Would you care to give details of just how His glory fell on you? I'll understand if you don't.
Ok from what I think I know and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong (I welcome correction): Infilling is what happens when you first get saved. You turn from all your wicked ways. You no longer have a desire for anything wicked or immoral. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is when you get a power and anointing from God to do things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it. Please don't ask me to find this in scripture:lachen: I'm still learning.

Thanks for responding.

I just looked up some information about it. I had never heard it put that way "infilling"

So from what I read indwelling is what I mentioned earlier and infilling is what you just expressed above. The site I just looked at mentioned the manifestation of spiritual gifts, boldness in witnesses, the ability to overcome sins. These are things I just read.

These terms are new to me. My understanding was that they both occurred at the same time. That once Jesus comes into your heart upon being saved that "indwelling" and "infilling" happen together.

I have to read about this more.
I got water baptized yesterday and it was an unbelievable experience. I just kept crying and thanking Jesus the whole time.