Anyone accidently transitioned??


Ayurvedic Life
Hey Ladies, I thought I was one of those people who would be relaxing for the next 15 yrs... I'm currently 29 weeks post relaxer. Between 24-26 weeks I struggled with my demarcation line.

Now with some TLC and patience my hair is a synch. I've never envisioned myself transitioning right now (still have relaxed hair goals to meet) but all off a sudden I'm thinking I might be able to transition w/o a BC.

Any ladies who were merely stretching wound up transitioning? What was the factor(s) that stopped you from retouching your new growth?

Any ladies still transitioning? Anyone stop their transition?
Yup! Stretched for 8 weeks and then decided to chop it off. I had no intention of BC'ing, I was going to learn how to care for my relaxed hair first...then I just kept going longer and longer without a relaxer and just decided to do it one night.

Now.....10 months post relaxer I am 7 months natural.
Hey Ladies, I thought I was one of those people who would be relaxing for the next 15 yrs... I'm currently 29 weeks post relaxer. Between 24-26 weeks I struggled with my demarcation line.

Now with some TLC and patience my hair is a synch. I've never envisioned myself transitioning right now (still have relaxed hair goals to meet) but all off a sudden I'm thinking I might be able to transition w/o a BC.

Any ladies who were merely stretching wound up transitioning? What was the factor(s) that stopped you from retouching your new growth?

Any ladies still transitioning? Anyone stop their transition?

Me all day...eeeerrrr'yday :yep:. Let me start by saying that I LOVE my texturized hair, but something about this last stretch was different. I had no real issues, no excessive tangling, no matting, no excess shedding, no nothing. I fell for my natural hair fast and next thing I know my texturizer was being hauled off in the garbage truck :perplexed.

I'm happy about my decision though, I can't wait to be fully natural again.
I was about 30 weeks into my stretch and decided to just keep going. I transitioned for about a year and a half before cutting off the relaxed ends.

And honestly, I fell in love with the texture, fullness and thickness of my natural hair. Then once I straightened my transitioning hair and seen the body and swang that I really couldn't achieve with texlaxed hair it was a done deal. I think I was slowly moving towards becoming natural all along: went from relaxing bone straight > stretching a bit longer > texlaxing > even deeper stretches > natural. Even when I was relaxed I rarely wore my hair bone straight, I would always throw some flexirods in or do a braidout with satin strips.
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I was an accidental transitioner back 10 years ago when I moved back home to NJ from college. I left my beloved hairdresser down in NC and got stuck needing to find someone new to relax my hair. I went to my mom's hair stylist for 2 touch ups, and on the second one, she happened to be having a bad day and I guess took it out on my hair, she was very wreckless with the relaxer application...she didn't even condition after rinsing out the relaxer, just followed up with a leave in :/ :/ :/ I rushed home and deep conditioned the mess out of my hair. Luckily, I didn't suffer and damage, but I vowed to hold off on my next retouch until I came across someone I thought I could trust. That never happened....a year later I was telling a friend that I needed to find a stylist because I hadn't had a relaxer in a year. She simply said, well do you really "need" one? You've gone this long without one. That's when it clicked and made the decision to stop relaxing for good.

Now, I was using heat to straighten my hair that whole time andwas not being cautious as to not cause damage to my natural texture because my intention was not to transition or wear my hair in its natural state. Because of this, I did experience heat damage at the top front part of my hair where my texture is naturally a little looser. It took quite some time (and patience) to grow out the damaged parts and manage in between (talk about styling frustration), but I stuck it out, learned the importance of a good hair cut, and have my hair straighten maybe 1 or 2 times a year by a professional who specializes in textured hair and it's smooth sailing today :)
Me now. I'm 30 weeks post tomorrow, which was supposed to be retouch day but I've decided to keep going and see if I can make it to one year post then I will truly say I'm transitioning.

I was always going to go natural eventually but figure the sooner I start, the quicker I'll get my dream of MBL hair, natural. If I was to retouch now, I would definitely reach MBL but then eventually it would have to go. I'm fighting temptations and carrying on.

This stretch is not so hard, after all.
I was about 30 weeks into my stretch and decided to just keep going. I transitioned for about a year and a half before cutting off the relaxed ends. And honestly, I fell in love with the texture, fullness and thickness of my natural hair. Then once I straightened my transitioning hair and seen the body and swang that I really couldn't achieve with texlaxed hair it was a done deal. I think I was slowly moving towards becoming natural all along: went from relaxing bone straight > stretching a bit longer > texlaxing > even deeper stretches > natural. Even when I was relaxed I rarely wore my hair bone straight, I would always throw some flexirods in or do a braidout with satin strips.

This is my plan right here!!!
Me! I didn't even notice I had let ky relaxed lapse as far as it did. Then I thought "what's the point?" That was a few years ago now.
Any ladies who were merely stretching wound up transitioning? What was the factor(s) that stopped you from retouching your new growth?
I don't think my transition was planned. I got so busy that I didn't have time to get a touch up. Eventually, I got past the itchy scalp phase I typically get when it's relaxer time, and I just figured I'd keep going.
I did an accidental stretch as I didn't know anyone to do my touchups at school so I just kept wearing braids and buns. Before I realized it a year or so had passed and I had more natural hair than relaxed. A scissor happy stylist made the decision for me though but it worked out in the end.
Wow!!! Everyone's experience is exactly how I'm feeling right now. Why touch up when I don't need to. I will continue and push through any hair blocks. Will 2014 be the year I'll be 100% natural - IDK. If I did... That would be so amazing.

If I don't...I learned new techniques, products, etc that should better my stretch/transition next time.
I was 3 months into a 6 month relaxer stretch when I decided to just transition. At that point, I had always intended to go natural but only after I had achieved waist length with a relaxer. I was only APL/BSL. I don't know why I made the conscious decision to transition at that moment. It just happened. I could have easily continued with a relaxer since my hair did very well under it.
I am a long time natural that accidentally transtioned. I had a 1 year old and a newborn and was stretching because I coudn't find the time to make it to the salon more often.

I finally made an appointment and when I got there, the stylist was double booked and far behind. I left, went home and cut off my relaxed hair with a pair of Fiskar Craft Scissors. My hair was WL and bone straight with 3C roots growing in.

I had about 4-5 months of new growth and that was just enough to put my hair into a stubby ponytail.

The impromtu chop was the best thing that I ever did and I've really loved being natural!!
I transitioned for a year without realizing it LOL!! I was going through a lot of drama and my hair was the last thing on my mind. I wore weaves and ponytails for a year and one day it hit me that I was almost fully natural. I cut off my relaxed ends on 2/12. I should be BSL in 2014 :)

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My transition started off as a stretch, thanks to sylver2 and her 1 year stretches :lol:
I found my hair was more manageable than I thought and the difference in thickness is what kept me from relaxing
My first 7 months were accidental, I don't even remember what I did with my head at that time :lol:

I'm still currently transitioning, I'm 18 months in. Month 8 and 9 were my hardest as I was completely clueless and made some mistakes, but it's been really smooth sailing since. I find transitioning to be super easy, the textures aren't bothersome, I can cut wash day to under an hour if I need (but that's no fun. :lol:) and I think that's so important. Once one starts feeling like one must strictly do A-Z with no shortcuts, it's when things start feeling overwhelming and tiresome IMO.
I was never really good about touch ups when I had a relaxer. Hated the entire process so by the time I went back I would have nearly a foot of new growth.
Yup, my goal was just to stretch out my relaxers but a sew in mishap (me lol) I ended big chopping. Also didn't plan on staying natural but I discovered this site plus yt...I just remained natural.
I did. I didn't know what stretching or transitioning was until i had been completely natural for about 3 years. I never actually chose to relax my hair. So in high school when my mother gave me the freedom to do what I wanted to it it was braids an presses until I didnt have perm anymore(got a blunt cut for graduation that took away any remnants of relaxed ends). I technically transitioned for 2 years although it didn't know it at the time I never had issues with breakage or hair falling out that I noticed. I didn't put any effort whatsoever into the transition it literally just happened over time.