Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Straight?


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Is anyone (or has anyone) out there wearing their hair straight down? I am going on 12 weeks post-relaxer this Saturday
and I had to face facts and put my rollers away. I have such a thick halo of new growth that no amount of rollersetting seems to work. I can only wear my hair in an updo with lots of S-curl to stretch the new growth or in a fave braidout style
. I am hoping to go 16 weeks post relaxer and think that I can make it since I am not having any shedding yet...

Is everyone finding that if you go this far past you relaxer that you are limited with styles like I am or are you successfully wearing straight styles? If you are wearing your hair straight, how do you do it (without flatironing LOL)?

I used to feel that way. Now, I've noticed that adding vegetable oil and smoothing it down with a curling iron works. Now, I don't use the curling iron at all and just wrap my hair under the dryer with some castor/jojoba/rosemary oil. Seems to flatten the kinks and allows me to continue switching styles.
I am relaxing this Saturday. It will be exactly 12 weeks post relaxer. This week I've been wearing my hair down with a headband. I have still been doing a roller set every week (except for the 3 weeks I was in braids). I have just been to lazy to style in my usual style.
hi chi chi,
I am 14 weeks post relaxer, for my first time...I get my wash and sets @ a dominican salon every week faithfully. but do feel the need to blow my roots @ this point,
especially in the middle crown area. Creme of Nature has helped me out a whole lot, the conditioning shampoo really softens my new growth for easier roller setting.
Thanks for the help ladies

If anyone else has more tips, I would love to hear them...

I'm going on 8 months post relaxer. I blow dry and flat iron my hair. The key: condition, condition, condition. Leave-in, thermal protectant, and regular trims. I just did my hair and tried DryFast Get It Straight Blow Dry spray to see if it helps with the humidity with all the rain this week.
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai


How long is your hair? I've considered going to the dominican salon for a rollersets and roots blown out after 10weeks too.
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

Where do you get this DryFast product?
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

Hi Chichi

I'm at 13 or so wks post touch up (I lost count). I use no heating tool & i can't wrap worth a crap

I'm still able to get a straight look through my tweak of the "ponytail method" called the "bun out method".

Basically I'll gather wet & oily hair up to my crown & *snuggly* coil the length around itself to make a bun. Then let it air dry. I'll end up with loosely wavy new growth & 2-3 big waves in the length (June 2003 pics). I'll add more oil to the length... by the next day, the length is pretty straight

To get the new growth completely straight, I'll smooth down the new growth with a baby soft brush or even a soft bristle toothbrush or a baby's toothbrush, which is extremely soft. I'll section the hair in quadrants & take my time to *lightly* smooth down the growth. When complete, then I'd gather the hair either on my crown or low neck to make a bun.

BTW, I don't "twist" the bun, i just coil it around itself, trying to keep the length as straight as possible. This way when dry I don't have to add as much oil to loosen the waves

I did this the other day & It still works
. Then of course I "drenched" my hair with distilled water & glycerin, so that style didn't last very long, but I was totally fine with that
Is everyone finding that if you go this far past you relaxer that you are limited with styles like I am or are you successfully wearing straight styles?

I'm almost 9 weeks post relaxer and I've been wearing my hair in a ponytail for the past 2 weeks. My hair is very wavy at the roots, so my relaxed hair just sticks out when I wear it out. The easiest thing for me to do is to just throw it back in a ponytail.
Hi Silkyandsmooth

Limited? Yes & no. Let me explain....

Yes. Only cuz I'm not using heat (my hooded dryer). Also because I don't wanna put too much stress on my "line", thus risking breakage.

No. I say this only cuz prior to air drying, no matter how far along I was post relaxer, i could still get any style i wanted.... I had to use my hooded dryer though. I would set my hair on my huge magnetics if i wanted a "straight" look, or smaller mags if i wanted sum cute lil bouncy curls.
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

the front touches the tip of my nose,,, the sides are about an inch and a half past my earlobes,,, the back is a little past my shoulders. my hair is cut in layers all over. but having my roots blown out really helps me extend the relaxer application. I do however take the time @ home to do my own deep conditioning to my hair before i go to the salon because wether it's the roots or not that hot blow dryer is still not good hair care, so it needs extra TLC.
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

Hi Peachtree
Hey Ladies

Peachtree, I remember you from the braidout thread and it is good to hear that you are doing other styles too...

Thanks for all of the creative styling... I have my work cut out for me this weekend

I think one issue that I have is that the vitamins caused lots of hair that I didn't know that had sprout up from nowhere.
In particular is this fresh crop of growth right at the nape area so it lifts my "straight" hair off my neck
. Boy I can't wait to relax those guys!

Happy growing ladies!

Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

Try using pure unrefined cocnut oil on the new growth prior to rolling your hair. This helps to straighten the new growth.
Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

Thanks lunalight
! I've tried this but my new growth is wavy but so wiry that the rollers just sit on the growth. Do you do anything special to the coconut oil like melt it. I use Garden of Life btw.

Re: Anyone 10 Wks. Post-Relaxer Wearing Hair Strai

..."pure unrefined coconut oil" to straighten out new growth.... hmm
.... ok, gotta get sum of dat!!!!