Anybody Use/Do So Much Stuff You Don't Know What's Making Your Hair Grow?!

Alpha Female

New Member
My sister lives 2 1/2 hours away, and I saw her this weekend when I drove home for my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. She said 'What's going on with your hair? It seems to have grown just since you were here a month ago!' This was, of course, great news to hear!! And I told her about the site, and then I tried to explain my regimen and products. Of course, like most people, she wanted to bypass all the rhetoric and get straight to the 'miracle cure' - the 'quick fix.' But quite frankly, with all the supplements (Biotin, EPO, MSM, etc.), the daily/weekly wash & care routines, the various hair products I've tried over the last few months as I've tweaked my regimen to find something that works for me, I couldn't pinpoint exactly what's making my hair grow if my life depended on it!!! lol Maybe it's a combination of everything done as a whole...(shrug).
My case is similar to yours; I have started taking vitamins for the past two weeks. I have a nice length of hair but I'm hoping to thicken up the right side of my head (not in such a short amount of time of course; rather, over the course of the next 3-6 months).

If this occurs, I will not know what to attribute the thickness to as I am taking a multivitamin, primrose oil, fish oil, MSM, Vitamin C, biotin, B Vitamin complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and zinc (it's not as much as it sounds). Plus I have begun working out, consuming protein shakes and eating more fruits and vegetables.

My next touch up is scheduled for the end of October. I'm hoping to regain the thickness on my right side by this time next year!
I understand where you're coming from. Between washing 2x/wk, the vits, and the growth aids, I seriously don't know what's making my hair grow. Since I don't know, I just continue to do it all until I find adverse reactions, like I did with MTG. It turned my neck black and gave me the itchies. I got nice growth from it, but I had to let it go.
yup, that's me. i started everything at once, biotin, flaxseed, water, protein, exercise, plus new products and dc 2x/wk. and of course i don't want to stop anything cuz i don't know what's contributing the most! :spinning::drunk: