Anybody separate from, but not divorce....

Serenity K

New Member
and everything work out. I'm about to separate from dh, but I don't want a divorce. I just wanted to hear of any stories of something similar, and how they played out.
and everything work out. I'm about to separate from dh, but I don't want a divorce. I just wanted to hear of any stories of something similar, and how they played out.

I have families members who have done this, got to the point of divorce and decided to work it out just before signing the final papers. They has children and they really loved each other. They were seperated for about a year.

Sometimes I think it helps. But you might have to agree on some "seperation rules" about dating, sex with others or each other, etc.
I did it for almost a year. We were tired of one another, we got back together and stayed together for 3 more years then I grew to loathe him. if at all possible stay together revive the love/marriage take some time and GO ON A VACATION. You have to get some alone time away from everything everysituation everybody so your entire focus will be one another.