anybody just start all over?


Well-Known Member
My hair is not doing well at all. I'm really at a point where I may just cut at neck length cut some bangs and just start over. I will be completely devestated and sad, but it may be what's best. My husband was like hell no! what do I do?

Those who start over, what are your initial feelings and how did you feel afterwards?
I had to start all over last March. My initial feelings were honestly, relief. Relief because I was holding on to straggly ends, and I was so depressed because I could not stop my hair from breaking (it was overprocessed). After that cut I felt so happy because my hair looked healthy.
I did 4 years ago. I just got tired of my hair. I was frustrated of looking like everybody eles

I was happy when I did it. I went through periods of cutters remorse but I would simply buy some hair for a few weeks and i would be fine.

My hair has grown back but it's natural and much thicker and healthy looking.

Good luck.
I started all over before 1999 and decided to do it again in Feb 09'. The first time I just went natural to get rid of all the old overlapped perms and fried hair. I went from SL to a short fro':blush:. When I got out that chair :sad: I just cried. A drastic cut can make you feel good or feel stunned. Becareful! But my hair started growing healthy again with the help of braids and weaves. Then I got cheap and lazy...:nono: So now I gotta start again in 09'. This time I am well prepared.
My hair is not doing well at all. I'm really at a point where I may just cut at neck length cut some bangs and just start over. I will be completely devestated and sad, but it may be what's best. My husband was like hell no! what do I do?

Those who start over, what are your initial feelings and how did you feel afterwards?

Starting over sounds kind of drastic:nono: How bad is the damage..can you get a trim like an inch or 2 and start from there?
What lenght is your hair now? Maybe your DH would like a sexy short style?

I would protein moisturize and than put it in a protective style like braids or a weave before I made any drastic decisions.
Starting over sounds kind of drastic:nono: How bad is the damage..can you get a trim like an inch or 2 and start from there?

it's bad- I'm broken off in all these different places and I'm trying to hang on by stretching but it seems like by holding on, it's getting worse. My hair is 7 weeks post and it is dry and terrible. I am armpit length in the longest parts. The middle where the longest part of the "v" is suposed to be is broken off possibly from the ponytail holders- I don't know. Cutting it to neck length will get the hair even off to where the brekage is. I did dust and cut off 1 inch a month ago after drawing all my hair in a ponytail ya know the lil end piece of the tail? But it's still a mess. :perplexed
What lenght is your hair now? Maybe your DH would like a sexy short style?

I would protein moisturize and than put it in a protective style like braids or a weave before I made any drastic decisions.

DH don't like nothing about short and hardly think it's sexy, although he met me blond and short.
Had to start over after just below shoulder lenghth. Had a pretty good reggie then I started jumping on every bandwagon and started getting lazy with roller setting and started flat-ironing. Tore me up:nono:!!! Got it cut to just under ear length in October and realized too much protein for my hair was the devil. Adopted the KISS:yep: method and my hair is doing much better.

Starting over was a great thing for my hair. Holding on to the inevitable was causing more damage.
I'm starting over, but it wasn't major. Last week I went from BSL to SL. I'm excited I want to start again. This time I'll tough out my challenges & won't give in.
I had breakage in my nape, crown and edges. I cut the bangs to take care of the edges and the rest of my hair layered SL. At first, I was like why did I cut to SL:nono:. Then I noticed my hair was much fuller and I received more compliments.

I've been trimmming my ends consistently every 6-8 weeks to even my hair as much as possible. Beginning January, I will not trim as much and I finally should see some length progress.

I'm glad that I cut my hair, especially after I look back at old pics. In the end you will have to do what you think is best for your hair:yep:.
I started over in oct of this year with a bc. I had to, my hair was falling out by the patches. I mean, the wind would blow and you would just see hair flying everywhere lol. I was really depressed and tried everything to save it but I knew it was best if I started over. I loved my cut and still do. I don't regret it for one minute
u guys r great! Thank you for responses. I'm leaning towards a cut at my next touch up or maybe I should cu before the touch up. When I see the length at touch up time it makes me not want to cut although I need to. May just do a good blow dry and flat iron and cut. *sigh* I feel defeated and discouraged.
I started over in November with a BC. My hair was over processed and would not hold a curl.:nono: I was relieved to start over to hopefully learn how to style and nurture my natural hair. It was my goal to be able to do this after failing so many times past.:rolleyes: I hope it all works out for you. Sometimes, starting over leads to greater and better things. Hair will always grow back. You deserve to be able to enjoy your hair and not stressing over it. We will be here to support you, no matter what.:grouphug:
I had to start over in September 2008 and I went from full APL back to SL. At first I was hurt and then I got over it took better care of my hair and picked what is best for me and since then my hair is growing back healthier to APL =)
I know exactly how you feel I was just about BSL and then my hair begin shedding tremendously :nono:. I don't know what happened but it kept shedding and then the texture of my hair was changing also :wallbash:. After my touch up in September I put myself of a no heat challenge and kept my hair in a bun seven days a week. That didn't stop the shedding and then my hair started breaking :wallbash:. I Did a Aphogee 2 Step Treatment and kept trimming my ends which became thin and see thru :wallbash:. Overrall I cut about 3.5 - 4 inches of hair which put me back at APL of which I don't mnid. Currently I am 13 weeks post right now and will be relaxing within a few days after that I will see how much more that I have to cut. :ohwell:
I had to start all over again in 10/08. My hair was mid back and I cut if to about 2-3 inches hair cut. I was not treating my hair right and I felt I needed a fresh start. It was shocking then liberating. My husband didnt like it but I told him I am growing it back so he understands. Already it has grown at least 3-4 inches. I now feel more committed to having health hair and being more serious about. I say if you feel its damaged cut some off and re-commit to taking better care of it. we can do it!
I have not "completely" started over but I've gotten a "new start" I think, by cutting my hair.

I had alot of breakage and couldn't find the culprit. But it got to the point where I was seeing so many splits and broken hairs that I felt my hair needed it. (Plus I wanted a different look anyway.) If your goal is longer hair and you don't really wanna cut it, I'd try pressing forward with trying to figure out what's causing the breakage. Maybe start by just dusting only the splits that you can see.

You may want to do a search on the forum for threads that reference "protein vs moisture balance" and read up on that, to see if your hair needs more protein...or moisture....or both. You could also try doing some protective styling, or "hiding your hair", so you are not messing with it too much, and to also get your mind off it for a short while.
I had breakage in my nape, crown and edges. I cut the bangs to take care of the edges and the rest of my hair layered SL. At first, I was like why did I cut to SL:nono:. Then I noticed my hair was much fuller and I received more compliments.

I've been trimmming my ends consistently every 6-8 weeks to even my hair as much as possible. Beginning January, I will not trim as much and I finally should see some length progress.

I'm glad that I cut my hair, especially after I look back at old pics. In the end you will have to do what you think is best for your hair:yep:.

I may start over by January 2010, if my hair does not look like yours by December 2009. I will BC then.
i started over earlier this year. i am more mad at the setback then cutting my hair off. if i would have just stuck to my first mind, then i wouldn't have even had to be that drastic. oh well it is growing again.