Anybody have this problem or suggestions???


Active Member
The last 3 or 4 inches of my hair feels rough and it tangles very easily. I'm fine as long as I don't wear my hair straight and put lots of oils on the ends, but I don't like all the oil on my hair. It gets on my clothing.

Most of the time I wear my hair up. Does anyone else have this problem or any suggestions? I tried trimming the ends but it didn't help.
I have that problem with the ends because I was using a no-lye relaxer. To prevent tangles I've found that spraying surge on the ends works to prevent tangles. I wear my hair up most of the time.
Thanks a lot for the reply. I have Surge and I will try this. I have used no-lye relaxer in the past so I guess I cut the ends complete off, that should end the problem. What do you think?
I've had this problem in the past where the hair at the ends feels rough and damaged and looks thinner. The only thing that you can do is keep getting regular trims and taking good care of your hair so that eventually the rough hair will all be trimmed off and you'll end up with a head full of healthy hair.

Also, if you give your hair a lot of moisture and TLC, you can get the ends to still look decent even if they're not quite as nice looking as the hair at your roots... that way you can prevent having to cut all the hair off at once.
diamondlady, I just had a similar question with the same problem, except my rough patches are in the middle of the, Im so the heck did that happen? I can understand the ends, but the middle???
A few days ago my ends were like yours and I ended up getting a trim. Before when I would straighten my hair, the ends would be frizzy, uneven, and rough. Now that my ends are trimmed (1/2 in) they are smooth and the comb doesn't snag my ends. I agree with Lindy that you should get regular trims.
Thanks to everyone for your replies and suggestions. I tried using a lot of moisture on the ends to avoid trimming the ends. I used the phony tail and baggie method with vaseline, s-curl spray, and world of curls.

I guess the trim can not be avoided. I didn't want to trim my hair because the last trim I got was an authorized cut. She cut the "V" out of the back (that I loved) and 2" inches everywhere else. I was devastrated.