Anybody fail a challenge yet????


Well-Known Member
LOL... I failed the hide your hair until April Challenge already.

I missed wearing my hair down also I guess most of the people are hiding their hair to see how long it will grow in that time. I'm not caring for length so much as I am healthy hair. I :love: my bob. I will maintain my rollersets and minimal flat iron usage.
yep, I totally failed the No trim until December 2006 challenge. I trimmed (4 inches) in November. I'm not sure why I couldn't wait the extra 30 days. :ohwell:
I failed the raw food challenge

..............and all of my personal challeges that involved food and exercise:look:

:lachen: :lachen:
My first year on the board I failed a no heat challenge. I did not know how to air dry properly. I had not yet learned, it's all about the conditioner.
tetbelle said:
OT- Qetesh your hair is beautiful! I want to see it in it's natural state. Very nice

ITA, I would lurve to see it natural. I'm sure that I'd be salivating all over it!!!
I'm failing the exercise challenge. :( On a good note I haven't gained any weight....12 one way a half dozen the other. :perplexed
I've failed the weave challenge. My last weave did a number on my hair, so I just decided I wouldn't do anything else like that until my hair recuperates.
I failed the newby challenge:look: . I just took it out of my siggy yesterday, but I had failed back in December. Just couldn't exercise like the rules said...or not use heat for so long:ohwell: . I'm going to do a personal challenge, that way if I fail, nobody will know but me:D .
reunitej21 said:
I failed the newby challenge:look: . I just took it out of my siggy yesterday, but I had failed back in December. Just couldn't exercise like the rules said...or not use heat for so long:ohwell: . I'm going to do a personal challenge, that way if I fail, nobody will know but me:D .

I hear that. I need to take the challenge I failed out of my siggy :look:
I sooooo failed the head to toe challenge as far as excersize goes but Im not dropping it just yet Im going to give it another try

Don't think of the challenges in terms of pass or fail. They are designed to keep your focused and motivated for a goal. Hiding your hair in a bun, for example, can get boring, especially when you see other ladies flaunting their tresses, even if theirs is not in the best condition. When you join a challenge with the other ladies, it lets you work together with other, encourge each other, even gripe when things do go well or you feel like jumping off the band wagon etc. They should be fun, they arent supposed to give you something else to stress over and feel bad about if you dont complete. If you don't hit it 100% of the time, if you are protecting your hair 80-90% of the time, or not using heat 80-90% of the time, vs everyday, thats still an improvement and better for the health of your hair. I'm not saying not to take the challenges seriously, just dont beat yourself up over them. Focus on the positives and the progress you have made!! :)