Anybody ever been without a pastor?

Dear Sisters,

Our church is without a pastor.

Most of the congregation became so dissatified with the pastor that we had. I posted previosly about some of the inappropriate behavior and statements that he had made.

It got really, really ugly.:ohwell:

So, now we are without an under-shepherd and have started to receive "a whole slew of resumes."

It's a historic church with a rich history of great singing and preaching.

Please pray for us that The LORD will give to us the pastor of His choice.
I pray that your congregation will find a Pastor that will share in rejoicing in the Lord's divine love and grace with you all :rosebud:

My church is also Pastor-less at the moment, but our Pastor died from a heart attack last summer. And while we miss him dearly, it hasn't affected the daily running of the church too much though as we had several members step up and take on a lot of responsibility in the interim. The church board decided that it has to be a unanimous decision when they pick a replacement, but it's been almost a year now :ohwell:

I wonder how long it typically takes for churches to replace a Pastor?
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Thank you so much for responding to me.

It helps to know that we're not the only ones going through this most difficult, trying time.

May our LORD also bless your House of Worship with an anointed under-shephert too!
I can relate pastor who was like a father to me, recently passed in may and although we do have a new pastor-his daughter-the transition was literally overnight. We buried him saturday-the new pastor was announced sunday. I already knew who was chosen but I wasnt expecting it to be announced so soon. I am still recovering...its hard for me to even go bc soooo many things have changed in so little time. But I am staying where I have been planted until or unless God has somewhere else for me to go. Be encouraged..God is working something out and if we stay in His Face thru prayer and in HIS Word he will guide us and keep us.