Any1 see Fox 5 News re. black hair care?

It was on this morning before I rushed to work (late AGAIN). It was actually about beauty products for AA women.

It started focusing on skincare products (recs of stuff I've never heard of) and went on to say that black skin must use a sunscreen just as white skin must. To me this news is old, tell us stuff we don't know. This 'new' piece of information has been told so often now

'So what do you have for hair products?' says the newsreader. 'Well' says black professional product specialist and this is where I take a seat even though I'm late. For shampoo she reccomended Breathru Shampoo saying how 'its fortifying and moisturizing, and then we have the conditioner which is moisturizing'.... (camera pans across Aveda product next to shampoo). She didn't say which Aveda it was. It was in a slim tube that sits on its lid.

I was going to rewind that bit (Tivo) and pause to see which one it was but couldn't find the bloody remote

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I know there are some fans of Breakthru here but not sure re.Aveda.

Lets hope we see more AA beauty segments on the news and magazines...
BRH, there are still many black people I know that don't think we need snscreen. They think the purpose of using it is to keep from getting blacker.
That's true actually, there are those who don't realize that but it would be nice to see another factor re. black skin care talked about as well you know?

It's like so many of the news segments in this regard are like so "old", "passe", "out of it." The same is true with many cosmetics. Just one step behind what is out there.

Regarding the sunscreen, yes, I agree that that needs to be stressed so much more to blacks and other peoples of color. I don't know whether I ever mentioned this to you, but anyone who is non-Caucasian should pay particular attention to their lips and fingers, especially the area around the nail. I read that about a year ago and apparently many skin cancers for peoples of color arise in those areas especially high. So, definitely keep watch all over, but those areas, too.

Don't get me started on Aveda...not a fan.


This is a side issue: have you been following the whole issue about the relative importance of the SPF and the real issue of UVB rays? I have got to find that article for you. Made me want to send an order to an online Canadian pharmacy or have my cousin mail-order me some. Apparently, the US is missing the boat with the UVB's.

Wow, thanks for that info.

I only recently started making sure I have sunscreen on the backs of my hands but never considered the lips. I try and avoid the sun alot esp. the 10 mins walk to the train station FACING direct sunlight. Heck I walk with my umbrella open too

I'm not tempted to try any Aveda conditioners when Aubrey is out there doing such a stellar job
Good luck with the Sap Moss. I had terrible results with it. It completely dried out my hair AND scalp. But as with most products, different things work for different people.
I tried Aveda Sap Moss a few years back. My hair didn't care for it (nor any of the other Aveda hair care poducts).
Definitely do not love Aveda. Very expensive, lots of hype, but nothing happens with my hair. I was sort of sucked into the 'natural' thing, but it's ineffective.
I am NOT an Aveda products fan. My stylist uses them on my hair when I get a touchup but I only see her every 3 - 4 months so hopefully they won't have an adverse effect on my hair. I find their products terribly drying, including the ones that are supposed to be geared towards "textured" (Aveda's euphemism for type 3/4 hair) like the Brilliant line and the almond/cherry bark conditioner. I think Aubrey Organics is qualitatively head and shoulders above anything I've experienced from Aveda. Since this is a hardcore Aveda town, Aubrey Organics is more difficult to find but I go out of my way because it's worth it.

As for sunscreen,I read an article in Vogue from last month (June) regarding how ineffective American sunscreens are because the FDA has not yet approved Mexoryl SX, an advanced UVA-absorbing ingredient that offers broader protection across the UVA spectrum than Parsol 1789, an ingredient commonly used in American sunscreens. Mexoryl SX is particularly effective on harmful short-range nanometers. Titanium dioxide and zinc, which also block UVB rays, cover some UVA but don't have much long-term absorbency.

American sunscreens have traditionally and successfully blocked UVB rays (which cause sunburn) but according to the article it's the weaker-in-strength but more deeply penetrating UVA radiation that we should be worrying about. These rays are present year-round, pass though glass windows easily, and have been shown to damage collagen and elastin (causing prematurely wringkled, sagging skin), and lead to DNA mutations in cells, a precursor to cancer. I believe, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, lol, Bob Marley died from melanoma that began in his toenail.

Europeans and Canadians have had access to sunscreen products containing Mexoryl SX for years. I believe L'Oreal introduced the first one in France 10 years ago (according to the article). Two products available stateside have Mexoryl SX in them: Anthelios XL SPF 60+ and Photoderm MAX SPF 100. You can find them, if you live in New York, at Cambridge Chemist, Clyde's on Madison, Boyd's, and Zitomer. For the rest of us, you can at least find Photoderm online at . Warning: these products are *exceedingly* expensive!

Because of the acne treatments I use, my skin has become photosensitive and I have taken a more active interest in finding effective sunscreens.
I actually love the aveda sap moss, it moisturizes my hair BUT i only shampoo with it once, after using the aubreys calaguala(which is sooooo drying). how many times do u guys use it when u shampoo?

i also used to use and love the Black malva, the serum in the pretty blue pump thingy is great also.

incidentally i used the sap moss and the curressence yestaday - with great results.
Nyambura thanks for that very detailed information.

NYChild I heard the curresense (sp?) was pretty good. However I agree with the others here. Aubrey Organics is da bomb as far as a wholey natural based product range is concerned and alot cheaper too.
NYChild I heard the curresense (sp?) was pretty good. However I agree with the others here. Aubrey Organics is da bomb as far as a wholey natural based product range is concerned and alot cheaper too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do agree about the aubrey - i love em. the aveda stuff - i only bought when i would see the $10discount at - each time i would buy 1 aveda product - they are way too expensive for me to buy otherwise. that is the ONLY way i buy aveda