Any winter growers/spurters out there?


Well-Known Member
My growth spurt doesn't happen during the summer, it happens during the winter.

Anyone else like this? If so, what are your winter plans to make the most of the growth? I am currently on a break between braids. In preparation for the next set, I co-wash every other day and then put my hair into four huge plaits. When I need to go somewhere, I put a satin bonnet, a cute hat and some big earrings. I have been doing this for weeks and my hair is so moisturized. This will be my routine until I put in the next set of braids. What's everyone else doing to encourage/maintain their winter spurts?
I'm not sure if my hair grows faster or slower in the winter/summer. I've never measured so I'm not sure.

Last winter I did more rollersetting and protective styling during the winter. My hair looked and felt great. THIS year I'm buying a hair steamer and doing weekly treatments to keep my hair moisturized. I am buying it this weekend, I can hardly wait!
My hair loves fall. For some reason it feels a lot more moisturized and just behaves during that time of the year. I think my cuticles like it.
I'm newly(ish) natural....this is my first winter natural I mean. I have no clue what I'm gonna do yet