Any Transitioners Working on LENGTH Goals First?


Well-Known Member

So, I'm no longer an unsure transitioner, I've decided that I am completely through with relaxers!

I know there are a lot of women who are transitioning without the Big Chop, but I was wondering if anyone is also trying to reach their length goals with transitioning hair... not just maintaining the length they have on their way to natural?

My hair is currently about an inch or two past my shoulders (with layers and bangs that I am growing out as well). I had originally planned on BC'ing after about 12-18 months, but I really don't find transitioning overly difficult, and don't mind having two-textured hair.

My original goal, when I found this site, was to grow my hair to BSL, and now I plan to do that while transitioning. Once I reach that goal I'll work on my second goal of being 100% natural by maintaining my hair at BSL until all the relaxer is cut off.... I know it may take a long time, but I'm young:lol: !

Who else is transitioning, but working on length first?
Its kinda a 2 in one in my case. I did a mini chop but my ultimate goal is bra strap natural unstretched hair. Its kinda weird but I understand what youre saying. I figured I would mini chop then grow out and mini chop and grow out until its all back at bra strap... I think my mini chop turned into a almost BC though.... So no more chopping for a while until I gain some more length :) I hope that you can understand my nonsense :lol:
I plan on reaching all my hair goals while transitioning. My transition will be long, because I'm not gonna BC, instead I will just gradually trim whenever I feel the need to. I'm excited about being 100% natural, but not in a rush either, in the meantime I'm enjoying my length during the process. :)
beyondcute said:
Its kinda a 2 in one in my case. I did a mini chop but my ultimate goal is bra strap natural unstretched hair. Its kinda weird but I understand what youre saying. I figured I would mini chop then grow out and mini chop and grow out until its all back at bra strap... I think my mini chop turned into a almost BC though.... So no more chopping for a while until I gain some more length :) I hope that you can understand my nonsense :lol:

Hahah.... I get ya! I kinda did the same thing during my last transition, but it was mainly due to damage that I did mini-chop too... This time, since my hair is healthy I really don't wanna let go of the length!
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
I plan on reaching all my hair goals while transitioning. My transition will be long, because I'm not gonna BC, instead I will just gradually trim whenever I feel the need to. I'm excited about being 100% natural, but not in a rush either, in the meantime I'm enjoying my length during the process. :)

I hear that! This is exactly what I'm trying to do, and I'm definitely not in a rush, I also find my hair becomes less work as I get more and more natural hair.
Well, I did eventually do a big chop, but I know what you mean. When I first got here my hair was about apl but I did a mini chop to just past shoulders for thicker and more even ends. My goal was to then grow to bsl, but I ended up deciding to transition a few months later. Rather than start trimming to maintain at that length during the transition, I let my hair grow out until I got to my original goal of bsl. In my case, I had planned to chop and it was reaching bsl that made me start gettting antsy, but if I had wanted to transition without the bc, I probably would have maintained at bsl until it was done.