Any thoughts on Maximum Hydration Method


How have you been getting the excess water out to help with drying time... that is my problem :spinning:

Oh and please let us know how the Hello Curly works compared to Kinky Curly Custard ... I'm also interested to hear what it smells like ... KCCC smells very nice to me

I just wring out my hair like I would a towel. Then I shake a couple of times and then wring it out again.

I don't really notice the smell of KCCC. I've diluted it the last couple of times so I guess the smell isn't as noticeable. I can get Hello Curly on the ground so the price seems to be comparable to KCCC.
Im sorry, but this sounds so exhausting. If it works and you have the time/energy to keep up with the routine, then go for it.

Ma'am your hair in your siggy is gorgeous!
Right!!! :lachen: I'm fortunate enough if I can find time to even co-wash my hair once a week, let alone this whole drawn out method lol.... :lol:

I like the idea of using the clay to cleanse the hair (I've always wanted to try clay anyway), but everything else?? No thank you.... I'm just way too busy for all of that.... :nono:
@almond eyes

Sounds like your hair is benefiting from the Water Only Washing Method!

I tried it for 2 months before finding out about the Maximum Hydration Method. I loved it at first, but I found that it would not work out for me in the long term. For this method to work, you need to massage, scritch (lightly scratch) and/or brush (boar bristle) your scalp daily to get rid of the excess dirt & skin cells BEFORE rinsing with warm water & use the preening motion to move the sebum down your strands during/after rinsing.

My hair is very dense and this method worked ok as long as my hair was bound in twists ALL THE TIME, but I could not get to my scalp thoroughly when wearing my hair out - so it was very limiting for me. My hair became softer from being coated in my sebum but it didn't feel as soft when wearing my hair out as opposed to in twists. And even with all of the massaging, scritching & brushing my scalp started itching all the time. My natural sebum started making me break out as well :nono: I did occasional Apple Cider Vinegar rinses and Banana Baby Food Treatments to get rid of excess sebum without stripping all of it but found that didn't help much at all. The softness that I experienced at first did not last by the end of the 2 month experiment.

I am starting to think that the Water Only/Sebum Coating experience may not be good for Low Porosity hair but people with High Porosity hair may benefit from it more. I am fascinated by the sebum factor and the promises of easier detangling, softer hair & less shedding and I may revisit it at a later time but for now I will stick with the MHM because I think it's the best way to increase moisture without suffering buildup.

You, however might have found the best method for your scalp/hair! You should start a thread about your WO experiences :yep: And if you have not seen it already, I suggest visiting this Youtube channel. This lady has gorgeous long natural hair and has done the Water Only Washing Method for the past year with great success and documented it along the way:

Your experience of the water only wash is also interesting. I am taking it as it comes. Sometimes I panic thinking I need to use my conditioner but I am working on doing a half and half method sometimes water rinse and other times co wash and when build up then shampoo and condition. I am fascinated about the issue of sebum as well. Trying to crack the code. I am medium porosity in some parts and high porosity in the front part of my hair. Thanks so much for pointing me out to the youtuber who does water only washing. Can someone crack the sebum code for low porosity women.

A hair dresser told me that colouring hair lightly can also soften up the cuticles in women with low porosity hair.

I think I need to see in another month what really is working or not working.

Almond Eyes
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I was watching Osa Osula (a youtuber) over the weekend she is not too gung ho (to say the least) about the max hydration method. There are aspects of it that Im a little wary of ... specifically the long term effect of using the baking so regularly. But with my LoPo hair, how do I get my cuticles raised to let in the moisture :ohwell:

I cant add the link now because I cant access YouTube at work but the totle of the video is "Porosity Level/Bentonite Clay"

Here are the things that caught my attention

1. her premise is that using the baking soda to open the cuticle so regularly will lead to eventual disintegration of the cuticle (because of the constant open close motion which causes wear and tear)

Mechanical damage is a real possibility :perplexed but with LoPo hair any method used to raise the cuticle will have this effect :ohwell:

2. Someone commented on her video saying that they believe that what is happening is hygral fatigue which can eventually lead to damage of the cortex and breakage. I looked it up and there are a couple articles on it
what it is

what it is and how to combat it

The concept of polar oils to prevent hygral fatigue in the article is also interesting

section of the science of black hair which deals with polar oils

Even after all that .... At the same time I know that my hair felt so much better after I did the cherry lola treatment back in mid july and it was able to retain moisture so much longer

and I know that when I did just 2 days of the max hydration method last month my hair felt even better and even my blown out hair was soft and fluffy :yep:

So I think that I'll be cautious and watch how my hair reacts when doing the MHM. I need some method to allow my hair to accept moisture and retain it.

pinkecube does suggest using an oil under the gel if needed so I will use one of the polar oils suggested (just in case)

I watched this video over the weekend and I was good until she said that baking soda was removing shingles and creating holes in our hair, and she totally lost me when she called it a modern day jherri curl. People have to do their research and ultimately do what works for their hair.
I watched this video over the weekend and I was good until she said that baking soda was removing shingles and creating holes in our hair, and she totally lost me when she called it a modern day jherri curl. People have to do their research and ultimately do what works for their hair.

yes me too I was uhuh uhuh .... huh? huh? :spinning:

1. her premise is that using the baking soda to open the cuticle so regularly will lead to eventual disintegration of the cuticle (because of the constant open close motion which causes wear and tear)
But you don't have to use baking soda if that's a concern. One could use ACV instead.
I was watching Osa Osula (a youtuber) over the weekend she is not too gung ho (to say the least) about the max hydration method. There are aspects of it that Im a little wary of ... specifically the long term effect of using the baking so regularly. But with my LoPo hair, how do I get my cuticles raised to let in the moisture :ohwell:

I cant add the link now because I cant access YouTube at work but the totle of the video is "Porosity Level/Bentonite Clay"

Here are the things that caught my attention

1. her premise is that using the baking soda to open the cuticle so regularly will lead to eventual disintegration of the cuticle (because of the constant open close motion which causes wear and tear)

Mechanical damage is a real possibility :perplexed but with LoPo hair any method used to raise the cuticle will have this effect :ohwell:

2. Someone commented on her video saying that they believe that what is happening is hygral fatigue which can eventually lead to damage of the cortex and breakage. I looked it up and there are a couple articles on it
what it is

what it is and how to combat it

The concept of polar oils to prevent hygral fatigue in the article is also interesting

section of the science of black hair which deals with polar oils

Even after all that .... At the same time I know that my hair felt so much better after I did the cherry lola treatment back in mid july and it was able to retain moisture so much longer

and I know that when I did just 2 days of the max hydration method last month my hair felt even better and even my blown out hair was soft and fluffy :yep:

So I think that I'll be cautious and watch how my hair reacts when doing the MHM. I need some method to allow my hair to accept moisture and retain it.

pinkecube does suggest using an oil under the gel if needed so I will use one of the polar oils suggested (just in case)

I watched this video over the weekend and I was good until she said that baking soda was removing shingles and creating holes in our hair, and she totally lost me when she called it a modern day jherri curl. People have to do their research and ultimately do what works for their hair.
But you don't have to use baking soda if that's a concern. One could use ACV instead.

Yup and even when you use baking soda, it is diluted with water and some conditioner to buffer it :yep:

If all we needed was baking soda to relax our hair, why were relaxers created? She said the baking soda permanently changes the texture of hair. You know how cheap baking soda is? Chile, the relaxer industry would be out of business LOL

Same applies to Jherri Curls? :rolleyes:

Pinkecube and others in the BHM thread explained so eloquently what is wrong with this lady's accusations. Basically this lady is ignorant about what the MHM is all about, both the intent of the method and the results.

I can tell that she really wants to help people and had a bad personal experience with using baking soda in the past but she is being very presumptuous based on inaccurate "science" and a misunderstanding of what the MHM entails.

It would be one thing if she actually tried the method or really read up on it and applied scientific facts to refute the actual steps ... but she heard the terms: baking soda, 4C natural hair, coils poppin', wash n go and went crazy with the assumptions! :spinning:

She assumes 4C naturals are trying to attain "Spanish girl curls" (her words LOL) and I think this assumption is the real problem here :yep:

It's funny how she has no problem blow drying her 4C hair often to make it more "manageable" and has to use protein to fill in the "holes" in her hair that she causes from the use of heat ... other forms of stretching including using heat that is damaging her hair is ok... but those doing the MHM are self-hating and do not appreciate the hair God gave us? :drunk:

There is nothing wrong with being cautious ... we should all be cautious of what we put on our hair ... but this is going too far .... I was initially very cautious of the MHM - I had my reservations, even had thoughts similar to hers but I sat and took the time to read up on it with an open mind

I read that super duper long thread on BHM ... I didn't want to jump in on it for several reasons and wanted to see how it played out for other people (the guinea pigs) ... and don't you know every negative presumption I had was squashed over time from the discussion over there and I recently decided to try it for myself ... I still don't know if it will work out for me in the end but I'm glad I took the time to really investigate it instead of writing it off immediately :yep:
Yup and even when you use baking soda, it is diluted with water and some conditioner to buffer it :yep:

If all we needed was baking soda to relax our hair, why were relaxers created? She said the baking soda permanently changes the texture of hair. You know how cheap baking soda is? Chile, the relaxer industry would be out of business LOL

Same applies to Jherri Curls? :rolleyes:

Pinkecube and others in the BHM thread explained so eloquently what is wrong with this lady's accusations. Basically this lady is ignorant about what the MHM is all about, both the intent of the method and the results.

I can tell that she really wants to help people and had a bad personal experience with using baking soda in the past but she is being very presumptuous based on inaccurate "science" and a misunderstanding of what the MHM entails.

It would be one thing if she actually tried the method or really read up on it and applied scientific facts to refute the actual steps ... but she heard the terms: baking soda, 4C natural hair, coils poppin', wash n go and went crazy with the assumptions! :spinning:

She assumes 4C naturals are trying to attain "Spanish girl curls" (her words LOL) and I think this assumption is the real problem here :yep:

It's funny how she has no problem blow drying her 4C hair often to make it more "manageable" and has to use protein to fill in the "holes" in her hair that she causes from the use of heat ... other forms of stretching including using heat that is damaging her hair is ok... but those doing the MHM are self-hating and do not appreciate the hair God gave us? :drunk:

There is nothing wrong with being cautious ... we should all be cautious of what we put on our hair ... but this is going too far .... I was initially very cautious of the MHM - I had my reservations, even had thoughts similar to hers but I sat and took the time to read up on it with an open mind

I read that super duper long thread on BHM ... I didn't want to jump in on it for several reasons and wanted to see how it played out for other people (the guinea pigs) ... and don't you know every negative presumption I had was squashed over time from the discussion over there and I recently decided to try it for myself ... I still don't know if it will work out for me in the end but I'm glad I took the time to really investigate it instead of writing it off immediately :yep:

I couldn't have said it better myself, very nice CocoGlow!
Would any of you ladies be interested in starting a challenge thread or should we continue to post in here. I dont think I know enough about the MHM to start it, but if any one of you are up to the challenge I would be more than happy to join:)

Maybe we can start it for 2015?
Would any of you ladies be interested in starting a challenge thread or should we continue to post in here. I dont think I know enough about the MHM to start it, but if any one of you are up to the challenge I would be more than happy to join:)

Maybe we can start it for 2015?


I agree I think we should start a MHM Challlenge Thread ... but I think we should wait for the creator Pinkecube to complete her FAQ and/or ebook... she has been working on it for a little while now ... people will have so many questions and it would be nice to have all the answers compiled in a list ... as of right now we can direct people to that really long thread on BHM (over 200 pages!) or the MaxHydrationMethod website or MsDeeKay's blog or the few people on Youtube doing it

2015 sounds about right, since this year is almost over... and for now we can keep posting in here :yep:
I just wring out my hair like I would a towel. Then I shake a couple of times and then wring it out again.

I don't really notice the smell of KCCC. I've diluted it the last couple of times so I guess the smell isn't as noticeable. I can get Hello Curly on the ground so the price seems to be comparable to KCCC.


Hmm I noticed that ProtectivePrincess on Youtube does the same thing ... it's good to know that it does not cause frizziness when you wring out the water ... my hair is too short to do that yet :sad:

So you do this after applying the Gel right?
I decided to do back to ACV for step 1 even though my hair is low porosity. I think I am going to stick with it for a while. With the change I had a good wash day.

I spritzed dry hair with the ACV for step 1. I heated Curls Ecstacy for step 2 and used my heat therapy cap for 20 minutes. I massaged in the mud and let it sit while I showered. I applied the kknt full strength. I saw much more hydrated curls this time around. It was late so I didn't try the gel. I put in flat twisth with CR Almond Jai.

I'm still having issues with the mud. I'm going to play around with the ph of it for the month of September. If I can't get the right consistency and ph for it, I will buy the terressentials until my hair is more hydrated. As soon as the clay touches my hair, no matter the consistency, it tangles which means my cuticles are opening way too much. So it's impossible for me to define my curls at that mud stage.

I'm going to try tashboogs recipe and hopefully that will help. But I'm glad to see progress. I will take some update pictures before the end of September.

I agree I think we should start a MHM Challlenge Thread ... but I think we should wait for the creator Pinkecube to complete her FAQ and/or ebook... she has been working on it for a little while now ... people will have so many questions and it would be nice to have all the answers compiled in a list ... as of right now we can direct people to that really long thread on BHM (over 200 pages!) or the MaxHydrationMethod website or MsDeeKay's blog or the few people on Youtube doing it

2015 sounds about right, since this year is almost over... and for now we can keep posting in here :yep:
I think those are sufficient resources.
I think those are sufficient resources.

Honey Bee

On second thought I think so too .. the info is just all over the place ... but it should not stop us from making a MHM Challenge thread ... I'm down if you think we should start one now :yep:

I should be getting more supplies/products soon so that I can officially start .. been making due so far
@Honey Bee

On second thought I think so too .. the info is just all over the place ... but it should not stop us from making a MHM Challenge thread ... I'm down if you think we should start one now :yep:

I should be getting more supplies/products soon so that I can officially start .. been making due so far
Yeah, I'm in a weird limbo right now, too. I still have sooo many 'bad' products to use up and I'm not natural. My (still relaxed) ends are highly porous. I wouldn't want to get them over-moisturized and start breaking cuz I need them to make a bun. :perplexed So I'm torn. What I've been doing is, doing the whole process about 2x/wk using bad conditioners. I know it won't be as effective, but hey, it might be a good test to see if one could get results utilizing 'off-method' products.
Yeah, I'm in a weird limbo right now, too. I still have sooo many 'bad' products to use up and I'm not natural. My (still relaxed) ends are highly porous. I wouldn't want to get them over-moisturized and start breaking cuz I need them to make a bun. :perplexed So I'm torn. What I've been doing is, doing the whole process about 2x/wk using bad conditioners. I know it won't be as effective, but hey, it might be a good test to see if one could get results utilizing 'off-method' products.

I think if you aren't a low porosity, type 4, natural the ingredients in products aren't so crucial. There are plenty of people who have hydrated hair using all types of products. The no no list is primarily directed at low porosity type 4s because it is so difficult getting moisture in the hair.

If your hair feels hydrated using what you are using then you can stick with it and change it when you are ready.
I think if you aren't a low porosity, type 4, natural the ingredients in products aren't so crucial. There are plenty of people who have hydrated hair using all types of products. The no no list is primarily directed at low porosity type 4s because it is so difficult getting moisture in the hair.

If your hair feels hydrated using what you are using then you can stick with it and change it when you are ready.
But that's the problem: I'm about 14 months post now, so I have a lot of both. My natural hair is lo po from what I can tell, it's just the ends that are holding me back from fully embracing this reggie.
But that's the problem: I'm about 14 months post now, so I have a lot of both. My natural hair is lo po from what I can tell, it's just the ends that are holding me back from fully embracing this reggie.

It sounds like you have a plan. And you can always do a protein treatment on your ends to keep them strong. Perhaps you can put them on a different protein schedule.
I tried the method on the left side of my head... it works! Even on scab hair. The curly pattern really show at the clay step. I have coils... it's weird!... in natural community it's well known that : 4B/4C hair don't curl and you should not looking for curl because this mean you are in denial and you want "good hair"... lol

I don't have the feeling this method would be too much to handle for extra coarse low porosity 4C hair like mine. This method only show how much our hair are versatile.

I wonder if the hair typing chart should be changed...please someone call Andre Walker lol
Started over my 7 day regimen last night after having my kinky twists for only 2 weeks.

feels like I just picked up from what I started 2 weeks ago. What Ive noticed

:yep: Even when wet my hair is bigger (as in it does not shrink down to my scalp when wet)
:yep: I noticed that even when just wet with water my curl pattern was more visible (I usually only see curl pattern when using conditioner
:yep: Even with diluted KCCC I got the same result as I used get by plastering half the tub on my hair
:yep: I can feel the difference with the moisture in my hair
:yep: squeezing out the excess water with a tshirt doesn't cause frizz (shocked)

:nono: the hair closest to my scalp is still wet and I feel like my scalp is freezing in the cold assk office
:nono: I preferred the size of my curls from 2 weeks ago (pen sized) now they're looking pen spring sized
HEY LADIES….I sent the following message to pinkcube:

I have been doing the MHM for the last two weeks…so far so good. I was wondering if you would be interested in having a hair analysis done. I know does them. I would be the first to put up $5 dollars towards it…I wouldn't be surprise if the other ladies would chip in. I notice haven seems to have a strong microscope but I'm not sure if she would be willing to do the analysis.

I noticed that some have questioned if the hair shaft would still be healthy after numerous treatments. This would put a nail in that coffin since you have done the treatment the longest. It would be awesome if we had your original strands for analysis as well.

Do you think that after a while the hair actually changes to a high porosity since it starts coming out of the roots curly? Or do you think the hair is just hydrated and still will need to go through the MHM after a while?

I'll let everyone know if she responds. ….
I wonder if the hair typing chart should be changed...please someone call Andre Walker lol

I think his typing is still correct. Just that some people who thought they were 4C may actually be 4B

Just like how many ladies thought their hair couldn't grow long (which was incorrect) just that they were not caring it properly ... I think especially with ladies in the 3C - 4B hair were not seeing "curls pop" or had some curl definition but lots of frizz because their hair wasn't sufficiently hydrated

I know for myself I still consider myself 4B/C just that now more of my hair behaves like 4B hair ... I still have 4C hair scattered throughout my head
I think that the current hair typing system might HAVE to change or better yet a newer more accurate system needs to come about after people get hip to the MHM because the pictures and descriptions they use to represent 4B/4C hair types are incorrect.

They show pics of Type 4B/4C that has not reached max hydration (afro style only) and they describe the hair as not having a defined curl/coil pattern at all or having a coils that do not clump which is not true afterall. It's only true if you treat 4B/4C hair the same as other hair types that show curl/coil definition using the products and regimens of the mainstream Natural Hair Movement.

The only thing the hair typing system got right is showcasing the SIZE or DIAMETER or the curl/coil gets smaller and smaller from 3A-4C :yep:

MHM is completely changing the game and making people rethink everything!
actually my hair looks ENTIRELY different from last week
This week my hair actually is a mass of defined (but tangled) tiny pen spring sized curls. like it looks almost like a big afro but if you look closely or stretch out a chunk, you see that most of it is small defined clumps, you can see the whats hiding in the clumps where a rogue clump sticks out from the pack. My hair is also very shiney something I lacked before.

This week - with flash

This Week - without flash

last week The clumps were bigger but actually less defined. I used undiluted KCCC then so maybe that made a difference
I think that the current hair typing system might HAVE to change or better yet a newer more accurate system needs to come about after people get hip to the MHM because the pictures and descriptions they use to represent 4B/4C hair types are incorrect.

They show pics of Type 4B/4C that has not reached max hydration (afro style only) and they describe the hair as not having a defined curl/coil pattern at all or having a coils that do not clump which is not true afterall. It's only true if you treat 4B/4C hair the same as other hair types that show curl/coil definition using the products and regimens of the mainstream Natural Hair Movement.

The only thing the hair typing system got right is showcasing the SIZE or DIAMETER or the curl/coil gets smaller and smaller from 3A-4C :yep:

MHM is completely changing the game and making people rethink everything!

Exactly what I would have say if I was fluent in english. lol
I bet it's the first time for a good amount of us to see how 4B/4C hair look like when fully hydrated.