Capillary Schedule what it is, how to start.

I completed all 4 phases of the capillary schedule on last night. This went by faster than I thought it would. I liked using the app and getting the little alarms to remind me of my task and what treatment I would be using for that day. I finished with reconstruction (protein) and noticed that I had more shedding/knots than usual while detangling/handling my hair so I think it's the protein treatment (Botánika Beauty The Mender). This was the first time the excess shedding/knotting happened after using. I left it on for a few minutes longer so maybe that's why. I had used it a few times before doing this schedule but was still deciding if it was better than ApHogee. After testing it a few times and noticing a couple of broke hairs and now shedding/knotting, it doesn't seem to be better than ApHogee. I had tried another protein treatment prior to this one and got the same shed hair that turned into knots. My hair just might prefer ApHogee after all but before I switch back to it, I will be trying creamy protein treatments to see how my hair fares with them.

Anyway, other than last evening my hair didn't shed as much and detangling was pretty much a breeze with less shed hair while doing this capillary schedule. I had to switch my shampoos/rinse out conditioners/leave-ins a couple of times due to ingredients that I decided to avoid and my new shampoo is bit drying than what I'm used to--so that wasn't good.

Overall, I liked this schedule and while the app generated a new schedule, I won't be following it at this time. I plan to switch back to my once weekly routine of washing/conditioning and will be incorporating a bit of ayurvedic stuff into my hair regimen again. I will still rotate my conditioning treatments as needed for hydration, nutrition, and reconstruction. Going forward, I won't always be doing a "hardcore" protein treatment for the reconstruction part but using a protein based conditioner instead.

I will probably do the strict capillary schedule again in the fall or next winter by following the app's guidelines but that's far off.

Please do update on how you use it with ayurveda. Currently, I select the herbs in relation to which week of the schedule that I'm on, but I'd love to see how others use the two systems together.
Please do update on how you use it with ayurveda. Currently, I select the herbs in relation to which week of the schedule that I'm on, but I'd love to see how others use the two systems together.
Right now, I'm only using the ayurvedic masks as they are--meaning I pick out which powders to use and just make a mask of them with hot distilled water, letting it sit covered overnight, then adding some leftover DIY ayurvedic oil to mix before applying it damp hair after regular shampooing. I usually go for amla and fenugreek as my two main powders then add one of the others from my stash (cassia, bhringraj, or brahmi). To be honest, regardless of what mask I use, they all feel the same to me. It's strengthening but not too much. I like that you've figured out which ones to use for hydration, nutrition, and reconstruction but for me, I just don't feel the differences so maybe I should read up on the properties of each. I actually prefer to mix them with a bit of deep conditioner and use it with heat. I get much better results with the way my hair feels when I use them in that way. So I may just mix the masks with whatever treatment I'm using that day: oil based deep conditioner for nutrition or hydration/moisture based treatment mixed with the ayurvedic mask so on and so forth. Right now I was just trying to use the masks straight up so to speak one week out of the month then another week focusing on what my hair needs in line with the capillary schedule.

Since I'm no longer doing the strict capillary schedule but still following the principles on my own terms, I'm kind of doing things on "as needed basis." I am getting more shed hairs since I've quit the twice of week capillary schedule but I guess that's to be expected. When I did my weekly wash/condition recently, I noticed a few short/broke hairs so I know that I need to focus on protein this upcoming week.
You're right. A lot of the traditional herbs do basically the same thing. Basically, I use my Indian/Western herbs for the weeks where I do the hydration step and then I used my sea based herbs (kelp, spirulina, etc.) for the nutrition step. It was only partway through last year that I caught on to the idea that the nutrition step was supposed to replenish oils in your hair. I know that nutrition only lists oils so it's "obvious" but I figure that I oil my hair every wash day and throughout the week, so I mostly by-pass doing an oil rich mask.