any suggestions for this?


New Member
for awhile i have been dealing with issues and sometimes i go to my friends and mom for help. I dont necessarily need them to give me answers.. i know that sometimes its not possible but sometimes i just want someone to listen to me and let me vent thats all but for some reason people get annoyed... (its funny how people do the same thing to me i have no problem with it.. i just listen and be there for them but thats another story). its seem like all of them are saying.. they give me advice and i dont listen to it. and i tell them well somtimes the advice u give doesnt suit my situation but i dont understand why they get mad at me.. advice is just something i use to help me make a decision about something. Im not obligated to take it if i dont feel the need to... Anyway, im been praying to god to help me so i dont have to run to people.. i hate feeling embarassed like this... and i want god to really help me but im really getting impatient.. cause i feel like imma burst sometimes.. and ifi dont talk about it ill either cry all day long and be extra emotional . when i talk the pain goes away. its like a relief.. i try talking to god but it doesnt help sometimes.. maybe its me... im doing stuff wrong but its hard to talk to someone who doesnt immediately talk back.. i know thats not how god works.. he answers when hes ready not when i am... im trying to get close to him reading my bible more praying but i havent really seen any improvement in this area... im going to keep trying but i would like any suggestions to help me through this... a way possibly that i dont have to always tell someone my issue to feel relief. thanks in advance
I don’t know that I have any advice for you, but I have been where you are. There was a time in my life when I had to run to a good friend of mine whenever I had a problem or was going through something. She was the first person I would call for prayer or to “give me a Word”. What God showed me over time is that He wants to be first in my life. When I am going through He wants to be the first person I run to. Me running to my friend before even thinking about praying to God about it was like I was worshipping my friend and not God. Continue to pray, read your Bible and seek God. He will give you a Word in time. Just be patient.