
Hello Henna lovers! I've finally decided to take the henna plunge (possibly today) but I could use a little help. I found Jamila henna yesterday (for a mere $1.49!!) at my local Indian market but they didn't have any indigo (clerk was confused until I asked for "black henna", which he said will be in today) I did pick up Hesh Shikakai powder & Vatika oil (also incredibly priced!) I was wondering if there are any "name brands" for 100% nautral indigo that any of you ladies are using. I mixed up my henna today (added coffee AND tea in hopes of avoiding anything close to a CRAYOLA ORANGE!!! I'd sure feel a little more confident if I had some indigo to back me up. I'll definitely do a pre-test with harvested hair to check the color before I start...My natural color is a dark brown but I have a lot of old faded ash brown on my ends that needs to go! Any suggestions for brands?? (don't want to wait for mail order products, much too anxious to get this party started!!) TIA!!
Most indian stores don't carry Indigo, I find. I always have to order it. I order from Henna Sooq mostly.
Usually use, but as soon as my stash is gone I'm planning to try out henna sooq's.
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thanks, ladies! i see I now have dye release (henna's has been "marinating" now for about 6 hrs) so after a few "before" shots I plan on slappin' it on soon! hope all goes well. I don't think I'll risk buying indigo locally, I'll order online. If the color ends up too wild i can always "wig it" for a few days til it gets here!