Any Opinions on IC Fantasia Leave In Hair & Scalp Treatment


Well-Known Member
It says that it is 100% effective, contains protein, cystine, panthenol, aloe, allantoin, collagen, biotin, calcium, phosphorous and botanicals.

Anyone know if this is a good leave in?
I LOVE it!!! I've been using it for many years. Many won't use it because it doesn't list the ingredients in detail and some think it makes their hair feel hard. Infusium leaves my hair hard. :ohwell:

IC serves so many purposes for me; heat protectant, sunscreen, mends split ends and frizzies, seals cuticle, etc. It's a keeper for me. :yep:
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I don't like the way my hair feels after using it. It's always stiff and crunchy, but I know a lot of users who love it.
I've used it with success. :) It was one of the first products that I purchased when I became serious about taking care of my hair.
I have been using the one w/ Aloe for a minute now. I just ran out of the big bottle. I just started on the regular one. So far, they seem the same to me. I like both of them. I was looking for a good leave in and saw Kitchen's page and ran to Sally's to pick some up. I plan on sticking with this one for a while.
I've been using this for years! It's brought my hair back from the brink of death many a day. It strengthens my hair. I LOVE THIS CRAP!!!

I love liquid leave-ins...PERIOD. I use to use Infuisium, but I never liked that white residue it lefted on my dark hair.

I love the fact the Fantasia IC liquid leave-in is clear. Oh...and of course I love the shine!
mscounselor said:
where do you buy it? Walmart, Walgreens, etc.?

I've never seen it a Walmart. If I did I would have bought it from there...of course it would be a bit cheaper at Walmart.:lol: Walgreens...hmm...I don't know. I get mines from Sally's and a local BBS.

I've never used the stuff before but my friend who's hair is nice and healthy swears by this stuff! Says it makes her hair nice soft and conditioned.
When I was relaxed, this was my number one liquid leave in. Went through bottles of the stuff. I thought it helped keep my hair in great condition.
I love this stuff! I've been using it forever and it always delivers for me. I defintely notice the difference when I don't use it. I've tried other leave-ins but always come back to this. It worked great when I was relaxed and delivers now that I'm natural as well. It really makes my hair strong, smooth and tangle free. I use the original formula, the aloe formula makes my hair mushy and dry.
Wow!! Thanks for the reviews ladies:). I saw it in the BSS and I was tempted to purchase it but wasn't sure how well it performed because I hate their regular moisturizer. I wonder if it's better than my beloved African Royale leave-in conditioner? :love:
Wow!! Thanks for the reviews ladies:). I saw it in the BSS and I was tempted to purchase it but wasn't sure how well it performed because I hate their regular moisturizer. I wonder if it's better than my beloved African Royale leave-in conditioner? :love:

I've used both the IC and Royale and both are good,but the IC makes my hair feel much stronger. That is why it is one of my staples.
joyous said:
I've used both the IC and Royale and both are good,but the IC makes my hair feel much stronger. That is why it is one of my staples.

Thanks again for responding:) . I really like the Royale because it's so moisturizing but sometimes it makes my hair too soft and mushy especially when I use it for wash and gos. I am going to try the IC next to get the best of both worlds, moisture and strength.:grin:
I love this stuff for my hair.


it caused a rash on my neck on two occasions.

The first time was about 5 years ago when I first started college. I used to use it as a setting lotion for wraps and/or rollersets. While it kept my hair moisturized and elastic, my neck started getting darker with dry skin. I stopped using it and it went away.

The second occasion was a few months ago when I forgot why I stopped using it. Once the rash came again, I remembered. I stopped using it and treated my neck w/ vitamin E for it to heal/slough off.

Now, I use a leave-in concoction of 20% WGO, braid spray, Infusium 23, and 80% water after my CWashes. I think the catch w/ Infusium and many other leave-ins is to dilute it.
Just bumping this thread 2 years later to say that I bought this stuff yesterday and it is already a staple. It was the only thing I put in my hair to airdry it with overnight (besides some Fantasia IC and Lets JAM gel on my edges) and not only did it define my coils the best any leave-in has, it made my hair feel very soft. I think folks give this product a bad rep because of the protein, but it has so many moisturizing ingredients in it that it balances itself out. My hair feels a lot better since I have used it and I have not experienced any breakage. I plan to use it after washing before I airdry my hair from now on.

I got it at Sally's for $6.48 (with the card) and its in a big bottle so it should last me a while. I may plan to mix it with some water in a spray bottle to use during the day though so I don't waste it.
:lachen:Funny, for real how so many call it 'crap' and 'this stuff'. I bought it today because I like the contents. I have no opinion as yet because it is a new thing for me to use. Full of chemical sounding things but in between I'm reading some herbal good stuff; in general IC company has not given me bad results yet.
I've used it for about a week now. I like it. Hard to use straight from the shake out bottle or poured in my hand but as a spritz or spray it is doing well. My goal is to have fluffy twists with minimal shrinkage. Leaves my hair glossy and moisturized.
Hey Brooklyn. Yep, IC leave in (brown bottle) is the truth. I've used it for 3 months and I lose less and less hair each time I wash. Hair barely sheds when I comb. IC is definitely a factor. The slip it gives is crazy. IC leave in has my back. Strong, glossy, moisturized. I'll never be without it.
I have used both and at first I had good results with the regular but one day it just stop working the same leaving my hair feeling rough after I applied it so I switched to the one with aloe and I love it