Any Non Pooers here?


New Member
I'm thinking about eliminating shampoo from my routine. Not sure how to pull it off though.
I've noticed that my hair looks it best 3 or 4 days after shampooing and when I do conditioning wash/or misting with distilled water and conditioner.

I did try several times to stretch out the shampooing but usually by the time the second week rolls around, I have a serious case of the itchies. I also find that when I keep my products just down to leave in and jojoba oil/glycerine mix, my curls are well defined and I have almost 0 frizz.

I would like to hear from more non-pooers about their routines. Ladies, please share your tips!
Is it possible you can use one of the raved about moisturizing shampoos that have been mentioned on this board?

Just a suggestion. I'm not feeling this complete "no poo" theory.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
Is it possible you can use one of the raved about moisturizing shampoos that have been mentioned on this board?

Just a suggestion. I'm not feeling this complete "no poo" theory.

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I hear ya. I have an oily scalp and in the summer I sweat and lots not even talk about product build up. I shampoo once a week as it is. I could look up some of the moisturizing shampoos and see how that works.

I was a non pooer for a while, but I started to get build up due to the daily conditioner washes that I'm doing. What I decided to do is condition wash every day...and shampoo once a week (or when I notice a lot of build up).
Shampoo tends to be drying...and using it every week instead of every day has helped my hair.
erica78 said:
I was a non pooer for a while, but I started to get build up due to the daily conditioner washes that I'm doing. What I decided to do is condition wash every day...and shampoo once a week (or when I notice a lot of build up).
Shampoo tends to be drying...and using it every week instead of every day has helped my hair.

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This is what i do too! I use kenra moisturizing or jason sea kelp conditoners, and sebastian laminates or kenra moisturizing shampoos.
I agree with trying to shampoo maybe once a week with a very gentle shampoo like Kenra Moisturizing or Nature's Gate.
I see you are a natural
I was reading in my Hair Rules book by A. Dickey, which is a great read by the way, and he says that women with natural kinky hair should not shampoo too much and try rinsing the hair clean with water. He says "shampoo is for the scalp, conditioner is for the hair". Do you use any wax based or petroleum based products? If not, I don't see why a good rinsing wouldn't do the trick.
I do the no poo routine, the only exception being if I have my hair done at a shop. I don't have a problem with itchies - I "wash" my hair 2-3x a week now (cold weather), and I make sure to REALLY clean my scalp, scrubbing vigorously using plenty of conditioner (I use Sauve Aloe Vera). Also, I do an ACV rinse every 2 weeks or so to get rid of buildup.

The main problem I see with what you all are doing is using the wrong conditioner to CO wash with. You should use a cheap, light conditioner, otherwise, you are putting too many moisturizing ingredients on your scalp, causing buildup. Save the thick stuff for the length of your hair (I would never do my CO wash with Kenra or anything like that, not even Pantene).
After a third try in 12 months, I'm finally getting the hang of this no-poo thang
. I wash my hair with VO5 Conditioner 2-3 times a week, and then... well... I haven't shampoo'd for two weeks now! I'm trying to see how far this will go!

But just like Neen pointed out, this is only working for me after I cut out products with heavy build-up. I finally figured out that it was mostly my CD Healthy Hair Butter & Mimosa Hair Honey and also my Kemi oil that made my hair stink and left my scalp unclean after attempting a conditioner wash--they were thick and collecting dust in my hair, and no conditioner could wash them out (I think because of the beeswax component). So I cut them out of my daily routine.

I found light products to use in my hair (like CD Hair Milk, Protectiv Healthy Ends, spritzes, etc.)and I haven't had a negative experience yet
erica78 said:
I was a non pooer for a while, but I started to get build up due to the daily conditioner washes that I'm doing. What I decided to do is condition wash every day...and shampoo once a week (or when I notice a lot of build up).
Shampoo tends to be drying...and using it every week instead of every day has helped my hair.

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Hey Erica :waving back at ya girl:

My current routine consists of shampooing once a week. I really would like to stretch it out. Which shampoo are u using and what other products are u using??

Neen said:
I see you are a natural
I was reading in my Hair Rules book by A. Dickey, which is a great read by the way, and he says that women with natural kinky hair should not shampoo too much and try rinsing the hair clean with water. He says "shampoo is for the scalp, conditioner is for the hair". Do you use any wax based or petroleum based products? If not, I don't see why a good rinsing wouldn't do the trick.

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Hello Neen. I don't use any wax or petroleum based products and so I think that would make me a good candidate for the no poo. Thanks for rinsing tip. I’m gonna try that!

tracyannette said:
erica78 said:
I was a non pooer for a while, but I started to get build up due to the daily conditioner washes that I'm doing. What I decided to do is condition wash every day...and shampoo once a week (or when I notice a lot of build up).
Shampoo tends to be drying...and using it every week instead of every day has helped my hair.

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This is what i do too! I use kenra moisturizing or jason sea kelp conditoners, and sebastian laminates or kenra moisturizing shampoos.

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I will give those 2 shampoos a try incase the no poo thing doesn't work out. I am currently using Nexxus Therppe and their clarifying shampoo, can't think of the name right now. Initially I thought they worked great, but now I find it leaves my hair too stripped that it takes days for me to regain the moisture level I attained prior to shampooing!! Thanks for the tips Ladies!

Koreanblaq said:
I do the no poo routine, the only exception being if I have my hair done at a shop. I don't have a problem with itchies - I "wash" my hair 2-3x a week now (cold weather), and I make sure to REALLY clean my scalp, scrubbing vigorously using plenty of conditioner (I use Sauve Aloe Vera). Also, I do an ACV rinse every 2 weeks or so to get rid of buildup.

The main problem I see with what you all are doing is using the wrong conditioner to CO wash with. You should use a cheap, light conditioner, otherwise, you are putting too many moisturizing ingredients on your scalp, causing buildup. Save the thick stuff for the length of your hair (I would never do my CO wash with Kenra or anything like that, not even Pantene).

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Koreanblaq, I never though about using light conditioners. I always use the richest, thickest conditioners I can find. Never thought that might contribute to the itchies as I was more concerned with moisturizing my hair. Also, are u mixing your ACV rinse with distilled water? How are u doing that exactly? And then what products do u use after u wash??

Sweetyb said:
After a third try in 12 months, I'm finally getting the hang of this no-poo thang
. I wash my hair with VO5 Conditioner 2-3 times a week, and then... well... I haven't shampoo'd for two weeks now! I'm trying to see how far this will go!

But just like Neen pointed out, this is only working for me after I cut out products with heavy build-up. I finally figured out that it was mostly my CD Healthy Hair Butter & Mimosa Hair Honey and also my Kemi oil that made my hair stink and left my scalp unclean after attempting a conditioner wash--they were thick and collecting dust in my hair, and no conditioner could wash them out (I think because of the beeswax component). So I cut them out of my daily routine.

I found light products to use in my hair (like CD Hair Milk, Protectiv Healthy Ends, spritzes, etc.)and I haven't had a negative experience yet

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Hey girl, it’s good that u haven’t given up!! I mean, my hair is at it’s worst after a shampoo unless it’s flat ironed, but naturally speaking it looks great after a few days! I’m going to give it another shot on Friday. I’m going to shampoo my hair one last time and then see how far I can go using lighter conditioners this time around. You mentioned build up from the Kemi oil, what about other oils like jojoba. Do u think I may get build p from that?? Well we shall see how it all goes.

Thanks everybody!!
CaramelKiss, have you tried the scalp scrub from the Curly Girl book? Also, she mentions that an itchy scalp could be the result of it healing from eliminating shampoo. She compares it to how a scab itches when it heals. I do not use shampoo, except when I relax my hair (neutralizing shampoo). The rest of the time, I use conditioner to "wash" and ACV to clarify. I also mix oil with my conditioner for a little extra 'oomph'. I spritz with water/glycerin and sometimes a little conditioner in my spray bottle. That's about it. Very simple and litte frizz or dryness.
CaramelKiss said:
erica78 said:
I am currently using Nexxus Therppe and their clarifying shampoo, can't think of the name right now.

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The book also said not to use clarifying shampoo unless you use heavy products. If you don't then it will just strip the hair. I would eliminate that shampoo and see what happens.
Neen said:
CaramelKiss said:
<font color="blue"> The book also said not to use clarifying shampoo unless you use heavy products. </font> If you don't then it will just strip the hair. I would eliminate that shampoo and see what happens.

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The Curly Girl book? Where does it say that?
CurlyCrly said:
CaramelKiss, have you tried the scalp scrub from the Curly Girl book? Also, she mentions that an itchy scalp could be the result of it healing from eliminating shampoo. She compares it to how a scab itches when it heals. I do not use shampoo, except when I relax my hair (neutralizing shampoo). The rest of the time, I use conditioner to "wash" and ACV to clarify. I also mix oil with my conditioner for a little extra 'oomph'. I spritz with water/glycerin and sometimes a little conditioner in my spray bottle. That's about it. Very simple and litte frizz or dryness.

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CurlyCrly, I did use the brown sugar scalp scrub, but at the time I was also using styling products that were overloaded with cones that it was ineffective and I had to clarify with a good shampoo. But I believe u are right about the itchies being the “healing phase”. I hear this phase is where many folks either make it or break it. I’m gonna give it another shot and see what happens. Your routine is how I would like my routine to be, Simple!!!

Thanx for the tips!!!
Neen said:
CaramelKiss said:
erica78 said:
I am currently using Nexxus Therppe and their clarifying shampoo, can't think of the name right now.

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The book also said not to use clarifying shampoo unless you use heavy products. If you don't then it will just strip the hair. I would eliminate that shampoo and see what happens.

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Those clarifying shampoos are harsh and everytime I clarify, it takes extra deep conditioning treatments to get my hair soft again and those deep conditioners are not cheap!!!
hey Ck - do you have J/A/S/O/N's products in germany? I use the body wash (no sls) to wash my hair and it gets it clean without any harshness. I also like LUSH's big shampoo which is basically salt! It cleans without the harshness. Also, probably you should saturate your hair with water and add half the shampoo you normally use, since really, its just the friction of your fingers against the scalp (and beating warm water) doing the cleaning anyway.

I tend to condition first, then wash, then condition. I find that when i do that, my hair is less 'stripped' that way.

Well, good luck in your search.


ananas said:
hey Ck - do you have J/A/S/O/N's products in germany? I use the body wash (no sls) to wash my hair and it gets it clean without any harshness. I also like LUSH's big shampoo which is basically salt! It cleans without the harshness. Also, probably you should saturate your hair with water and add half the shampoo you normally use, since really, its just the friction of your fingers against the scalp (and beating warm water) doing the cleaning anyway.

I tend to condition first, then wash, then condition. I find that when i do that, my hair is less 'stripped' that way.

Well, good luck in your search.



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Hello Jazz! As soon as I saw LUSH I knew it was u!!! I'll send u an e-mail. Better yet, let'S just have a gab session on the phone!! M.
Koreanblaq, I never though about using light conditioners. I always use the richest, thickest conditioners I can find. Never thought that might contribute to the itchies as I was more concerned with moisturizing my hair. Also, are u mixing your ACV rinse with distilled water? How are u doing that exactly? And then what products do u use after u wash??

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Yes, the conditioner you use to "wash" with makes a big difference. Like I said, continue to use the heavy conditioners, but save them for the length of your hair, do not use them on your scalp. Use your wash conditioner just like shampoo - apply to your scalp, scrub vigorously, rinse, apply regular conditioner. It also helps to apply your regular conditioner starting about an inch or so from your scalp, down the length of your hair. I never put regular conditioner on my scalp. The hair that has just come out of my head (the new growth so to speak) is in good shape because it is new and is conditioned enough by the CO washes. I concentrate the conditioner nearer the ends, and trust me when I say I have VERY dry hair and this works for me.

For the ACV rinses, I don't use distilled water (who has time for all that?) I just put a little ACV in a bowl, add some water from the shower, and rinse. I usually do it after the CO wash but before my regular conditioner. Good luck!
Oh, and as far as products used after I wash - if I'm wearing my hair in a bun, I might apply some Infusium leave in, then slather shea butter down the length, especially on the ends. If I'm wearing it curly, I'll apply some castor oil to it, then some gel. I use clear/transparent gels, not the brown stuff, and not ethnic brands. I like Suave right now, but I'll grab whatever is on sale/smells good. If I'm straightening my hair, I put in some Silk Therapy and that's it.