Any news on our sisters who were affected by Hurricane Sandy?


Well-Known Member
Hello Sisters,

The hurricane victims have been on my mind. I know there were several ladies on the CF forum that were in the path of the hurricane. Are there any updates on how these ladies are doing? If anyone knows how these ladies are doing, please share.

I am praying for everyone who has been touched by this storm. I'm sorry if my question was already addressed in another thread.

Kila82 is ok. No power, but she and her family are doing well.

PatTodd doesn't visit the CF often, but she is a believer and she is doing ok. I heard that January_Noir is doing power or cell phone power, but she is ok.

As I hear, I will share here.

Thanks so much for starting this thread here in the CF!

Love :love3:
Thank you for the response. I don't know all of the people who were in the areas affected. The storm victims have been on my heart, and the news coverage makes me so sad for everyone. But, I also know God can take all negative things and work them for good for His glory. Amen!
Many lost electricity,heat and telephone service. I'm at my parents' home but thankfully suffered no major damage.