Any Naturals Redo Braidouts Every Single Night?


New Member
I'm trying to make a new reggie and so far I changed it to:

At Night:

Spray with Vegetable Glycerin/Water mix
Add more conditioner
Seal with oil

In The Morning:

Take out braids
Spray with more Vegetable Glycerin/Water mix
Seal with oil
Slick back edges

Deep condition with:
Shea Butter

Does this look like too much manipulation? The only time I fully detangle is in the shower (with my fingers). I've been seeing all types of splits in my hair that make me shudder. I've seen the split in the middle, the tree split, and the old fashioned regular split. I've been snipping all of them but I don't want to have this problem again in the future. I used to live off only washngos so I'm hoping keeping my hair stretched might help?
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I redo twist-outs and braid-outs daily but I am not rewashing.

Daily Moisturizing for twist-outs or braid-outs
As soon as I come home from work, re-braid/re-twist hair in large-ish sections while spraying each section lightly/moderately with the spray bottle mixture
  1. Re-braid/re-twist with fingers only; no comb and I don't disturb the clumps that are already made
  2. Re-wet hair with mixture just enough so that they will be dry by the morning
  3. If I wet them too much accidentally or on purpose, I will sit under the hooded dryer with the setting on cool to speed the overnight drying process
  4. Cover my hair with satin bonnet
  5. In the morning, I undo braids/twists and fluff
Thanks for the reply.Even if I don't comb out the hair when I'm braiding? I'm just grabbing and braiding since its already detangled in the shower.

I love your hair btw.


Oh, I didn't realize you weren't combing. That definitely changes the game--that wouldn't be all that bad, since there seems to be some who do well by co-washing daily. I'm assuming by "fully detangle" you mean finger detangling?
I redo twist-outs and braid-outs daily but I am not rewashing.

Daily Moisturizing for twist-outs or braid-outs

As soon as I come home from work, re-braid/re-twist hair in large-ish sections while spraying each section lightly/moderately with the spray bottle mixture
  1. Re-braid/re-twist with fingers only; no comb and I don't disturb the clumps that are already made
  2. Re-wet hair with mixture just enough so that they will be dry by the morning
  3. If I wet them too much accidentally or on purpose, I will sit under the hooded dryer with the setting on cool to speed the overnight drying process
  4. Cover my hair with satin bonnet
  5. In the morning, I undo braids/twists and fluff

This looks like it's been working for you judging by your pictures.

So maybe I shouldn't cowash everyday, just make sure to moisturize everyday.
When I was natural my first go round, I rebraided every night. I like my hair stretched. But I only co washed every couple days instead of every night. Every night is too much IMO.

Oh, I didn't realize you weren't combing. That definitely changes the game--that wouldn't be all that bad, since there seems to be some who do well by co-washing daily. I'm assuming by "fully detangle" you mean finger detangling?

Yes, my bad. I have to remember you can't read my mind. I meant I detangle as best I can with my fingers from root to tip.
Oh, and I retwist my braidouts and twistouts daily as well, just in larger twists (like 6-8) like lovegymnasts posted. I don't use a spray bottle--I just use coconut oil. This causes my braidouts/twistouts to last 5+ days if I want them to.
When I was natural my first go round, I rebraided every night. I like my hair stretched. But I only co washed every couple days instead of every night. Every night is too much IMO.

Your siggy is hilarious! Messed up but funny.

Oh, and I retwist my braidouts and twistouts daily as well, just in larger twists (like 6-8) like lovegymnasts posted. I don't use a spray bottle--I just use coconut oil. This causes my braidouts/twistouts to last 5+ days if I want them to.

I really want my braidouts to last all week and I'm working on it. I guess I have to find the best technique that would work for me.
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I haven't worn braid-outs in my own hair, but if I did, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't stop me from braiding my hair at night, even if I will undo in the AM to wear it out. There's no way I can justify going to bed without braiding or twisting 4B hair. And since I already do that anyway, and usually comb it out in the AM into an afro when wearing it out, I don't see how finger undoing and fluffing after rebraiding at night can be considered too much manipulation.

Now I have never felt a need to wet my hair daily so I'd pass on that. But rebraiding everying night to wear a braid-out in the AM, I'd do that without a second thought. It is less manipulation than combing your hair every day after having it in braids, or sleeping in curlers, or after having brushed it into a wrap. IMO, it's the gentlest thing you can do to your hair and STILL prevent tangles. (I think detangling because you let your hair tangle in the first place, causes it more trauma than simply finger undoing braids and then finger braiding again at night.)

OP I cannot address the rest of your post w/r/t products and washing daily coz I am clueless on products and don't wet my hair that much.
I usally rebraid or retwist at night. I just spritz it with water then braid or twist, put on a satin bonnet and go to sleep.
I usually only rebraid once a week.

Sometimes I can stretch for the whole week.

What I do to preserve it is either clip all the hair upwards loosely (for longer hair a very loose bun)

It prevents the hair from getting matted or flat.
i agree with everyone else, that's a lot of manipulation. i only wash 1x a week, and then rebraid or re-twists in larger sections than i had originally. :yep:
I've been tweaking my braidout/twistout regimen as far as making them last. These days after my initial wash and detangle session I do my braidout or whatever the first night. The next night I lightly spritz with water and coconut oil then set it on like 5-8 flexi rods depending on how tight or loose I want it to look. That way I still have a loose braidout effect but then I have a little curl to it too. I can do this for a week if I wanted but I usually co-wash in the middle of the week.
What kind are yall using to assist in rebraiding? lovegymnasts You said you put a mositure mix on...what does that consist of?
It would be too much maniupulation for me. I guess it depends on your hair. If your not seeing hair coming out or shedding then you should be fine. I would just be uber frustrated if I had to do nightly rituals with my hair. I don't have that kind of patience which is why I don't wear braidouts that much (they don't last long enough for me). I've gotten up to like 5 days but they usually only last 2 to 3 days for me. I'm totally into wearing my hair like my siggy - this can last up to two weeks but I usually wash after a week because my hair gets tangled.
I braid my hair nightly too - i moisturize with Abba leave in and TW Mist Bodifier and every other night shea butter, baggy and head scarf. In the a.m., my hair is damp so all I do is undo the braids and finger-fix it into shape and hit the road. I'm replicating how my mom used maintain my hair as a child, except I wash/condish it more often, use better products and utilize the baggy technique.
I rebraid my hair every night. I am 4B and I love the stretched look. On the very few occasions when I didnt my hair was a matted mess when I woke up in the morning. My hair is still kind of short so for now I will be keeping this up. I dont wash nightly though, only once a week.
Keepin my eye on this thread :yep: I'm wearing braid-out fros right now, and re-braiding it every night is allowing me to stretch the style out further and further. I just lightly mist my hair or hands with a conditioner/water mixture and rebraid in 10 plaits. In the morning, I oil my hands and fingers, take the braids loose and fluff with my fingers. Love it! It looks fresh every day and is the easiest style ever. :up:
Thanks for this thread. I love flat twist-outs but they don't last more than 2-3 days with the 1st day being the best. I have fine 4a/3c (some 4b) textured hair and I always see some shedding (maybe that's normal or because I use certain products). If this is acceptable I'd love to retwist or braid in larger chunks every couple of days. Will check out the recommend fotki when I get home.
I'm transitioning but I braid every night either in 2 or 4 braids. But I dont co-wash or apply more product. I only wash twice a week and apply product then.