Any "natural" blondes out there?


Active Member
I have seen people on television and out and about that had natural hair with blonde streaks and they are so cute. I love that look. But is it worth it? Is it just going to fall out later anyway?

I bleached my hair for my wedding which was relaxed and it was beautiful but eventually it did break off.

I wonder with my hair being natural and stronger would it be strong enough. I would love to know what naturals out there are doing for lighter color.

Especially to blend in the greys that keep popping in.:eek:
I'm not completely natural--but I've been transitioning for quite awhile now. I went to the salon to get my highlights done in October. I make sure to deep condition at least twice a month. So far no dryness and no damage.
LOL!! I thought you meant natural blondes as in, their hair color is naturally blonde, lol!! I was gonna point you to PittGirl06!!
So, I am natural and was blonde for mannny years-

and yes, being natural and not using a lot of heat does make it easier for you to do more as far as color, but lordy lord is it a high maintenence decision!!!
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Color is damaging all in its own. Especially the lighter colors. My friend is natural and blond and her hair is doing well. While I was relaxed and blond, my hair did well but not as well as hers. You have to go above and beyond to take care of relaxed and dyed hair. Its been double processed. And being that our hair is naturally dry anyway, you may wanna think twice about putting soemthign in it that will dry it out even more. It was a fight to keep my hair moisturized. And it was very fragile but I got pretty close to bra strap with it. (pics in my fotki)
What going on. You know who I am. I actually colored my hair last May.

The stylist bleached parts of my hair (I was getting highlights) and then added the hair color deposits to the bleached sections of my hair. Although I was not too happy with the color I selected; and eventually added a rinse to it to tone it down; I have not had any problems with hair breakage. :thumbsup:

I do keep my hair moist at all times and have only used heat twice since then.

I went to an Aveda hair salon to get the color. I selected them because of the natural hair color products they use on the hair.

If you get permanent color, I would suggest you get it professionaly done.
Thanks for all the info.

Especially for the link Sunnygirl! I loved your color but knowing me I would have gone more drastic with it.

Okay so if I do decide to get the color which knowing me I will, then it needs to be super moisturized. What is the safest color to use even if it is professionally done? What is Aveda?

What products give the ultimate in moisture?
I am natural and have blonde streaks. I just got them on December 31st after a more copper tone of streaks. I love the BLONDE. I rollerset almost every week. My hair is washed every week and then rollerset. Every once in a while I do a flat iron to straighten it completely. I will try and take pics this Friday after I go get my rollerset from the hair dresser. The only thing I don't like about rollersets is that it truly "shrinks" your length, but every once in a while when I get the flat iron/press look - it is sooooo worth the shrinkage. No direct heat from rollersets = retained length!

I'd definitely go for it!
Good luck!
I'm texturized with color. In the summer it's blond. I usually let it grow out or take breaks in the winter so it's like a honey/strawberry blond or light auburn. Color is great because it gives natural hair more dimension. Definitely worth a try but only if you're committed to deep conditioning and vitamins. High lites are a perfect way to start because you're only doing a few strands and it's much less noticeable growing out. Please let a professional do it. It looks so easy, but you can miss a spot or not get the right results if you don't do it often.