Any "end times" experts here

I really wish we could just walk up to God and ask Him what's gonna happen cuz if you ask me, its been looking really end-timesish (lol) for a LONG time...
i dont think 2012 is really a date we can really take that seriously... although the evidence is compelling... A lot of people are gonna die, but a lot of people already die, and used to already die for a long time... I bet the slaves, victims of the holocaust, and even the hippies (lol) thought it was the end of the world...
I don't think God would drop us that big of a hint anyways...
I mean if you were plannin a surprise party for someone's birthday, would you tell that person when it was? lol
then it wouldn't be a surprise...
I hate end times talk because all the old ppl be like "get ready, God's comin back I can't wait"
And yes it will be awesome but dang you already had your kids and grandkids and made all your mistakes LOL I just got outta college, I'm freshly into my mistake making LOL.
but for real, we should all be happy that The One is coming back... at least we got something to look forward to:grin::grin::grin::grin: